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Everything posted by gortex2

  1. Ive wondered the same over the years. Hopefully Rich can clarify.
  2. If its unlisted then send him a message. I asked if you were logged in as many dont and if not logged in tones are not visable.
  3. Well in the LMR world we find the needs of the client, then run propagation studies to meet the expectations of the customer and meet the license requirements. In the past I did many warehouses that had a 10 watt UHF repeater in them with hundreds of 4 watt portables. I have also put in multiple GMRS/SAR/Public Safety systems that covered many miles and counties. All designed and engineered before install. In the hobby world I try to do what I can and learn from mistakes of others. Spending a bit more money on a decent antenna normally is worth its weight in gold. Wind, Snow, Ice change the antenna some will use. Since moving south I dont worry so much about ice load on my antenna, but wind is still there. Also what can the structure handle for weight and loads. Wind loading is a thing. The Laird antenna is a great starter antenna. I use them for control stations, low power repeaters and temporary installs. The DB404 is a bullet proof antenna but weighs twice the Laird. But I have DB antennas on towers for 20+ years with no issues. Can't say that about my Lairds.
  4. Are the tones listed on the main page under the repeater ? IF not then reply to the message and ask for the tones. Remember you must be logged inot the main page to see tones.
  5. LMR240 for 25' would be suitable. At 100' you need LMR400. I have a VHF Search and Rescue Repeater. I swept the cables. We use LMR400 for 30' jumper and when we use the 60' its 1/2" LDF. Yup its bulky but it works well. Remember at 100' thats just about 3 db (2.7) of loss. Thats half the power you put in and 3db receive less. 240 is 5db of loss at 100. I wouldn't even consider it.
  6. There a ton listed on the map. Go and see whats in your area. Personally I've never had success in any of them. https://mygmrs.com/map
  7. I've alwasy been a garmin fan. Have a ton of their stuff also. I think the MURS is actually good for riders. Your going to get further than FRS and its used less than FRS right now. I added one to my wish list for the Jeeps.
  8. Good start here. https://wiki.w9cr.net/index.php/R56_-_Standards_and_Guidelines_for_Communication_Sites
  9. RT97, 6' LDF and a DB404 is an ideal setup for a silo. Just run 110' (which is normally already up there) and plug it in.
  10. Why is this the case. Repeaters have been permitted since its inception. Ham radio has repeaters and many at that that never get used. The more I think about it maybe I'll just throw a 70cm repeater on the air and use P25 to keep it quiet
  11. Ya most of them did not come with this PS. The standard one in the GR500 case is to be honest the better one. This is what the revert kit looks like. It would of been added after and you would not use the screw terminals on the outside for it. http://www.repeater-builder.com/motorola/r1225/pix/hln9455a-battery-revert-kit.jpg Also it will take forever to charge a dead battery. If you do run on battery for any length of time I would pull the battery and put it on a good charger to verify. Short power outages are fine but if it goes until the battery is dead and repeater shuts down use a good charger. Also always fuse the battery cable as close to the battery as you can.
  12. The slick part about it is it does use a external antenna connection. It talks about installing the external antenna. The rubber duck would probably work in one mile but I think a standard VHF quarter wave on a NMO mount would double its performance. It appears to be an SMA connection but they don't specify. I'm trying to decide if I'll order one or not. I just replaced my overlander in the Jeep but adding MURS in the same unit and not worry about another radio seems slick.
  13. How about just order it from Motorola. Shows in stock online. Not sure who you called but its not discontinued. https://shop.motorolasolutions.com/dual-tone-multi-frequency-microphone/product/AAG22X501?gclid=Cj0KCQiAtvSdBhD0ARIsAPf8oNnoEOx1A42kkF7yOiEoC_Bx3JhegPOmuDGI22zXsNj0-gbzzAR5bAYaAk1YEALw_wcB
  14. I agree, but that was one of the comments in the thread about 70cm not being used....repeaters that sit with no one on them. Maybe it would at least encourage them to use what they have.
  15. Not sure what you mean. There are only 5 MURS channels. Why spell them out ?
  16. Does it have the battery revert board in it ? Most did not ship with it. The standard power supply in the GR500 does not have the output needed to give the Active low to the repeater. If you have the proper battery revert PS below has the info on soldering to the board to get the 3 wires you will need. Page 7 of the manual below. http://batlabs.com/gr400.html http://www.repeater-builder.com/motorola/r1225/pix/hln9455a-battery-revert-kit.jpg http://www.repeater-builder.com/motorola/r1225/r1225-overview.html http://www.repeater-builder.com/motorola/pdfs/hln9455-battery-revert-accessory.pdf
  17. I highly doubt the FCC will open up more GMRS frequencies for repeaters. Today its all about money to the FCC. They make millions on frequencies. But with all the griping about hams maybe we can petition the UHF Ham band to get moved to GMRS. It sounds to me many don't use it anyway.
  18. Garmin released the new Tread Off Road GPS with Ride Talk. It operates on MURS. https://www.garmin.com/en-US/p/702373/pn/010-02406-00 https://www8.garmin.com/manuals/webhelp/GUID-16B1D74D-857B-4FFB-8DE2-A0960FE0D090/EN-US/GUID-1C57D760-1BD2-46F6-B0CE-BC46503AEDBC.html Water resistance IEC 60529 IPX71 Operating temperature range From -20° to 55°C (from -4° to 131°F) Wireless frequencies (United States) From 151.82 to 154.6 MHz @ 31.7 dBm
  19. As reference Radio Reference is $30 a year. Others I belong to are $50 a year for download or limited access. Some sites use points systems to allow you to view or download certain items based on how many points. I think that's complicated. I think 2 levels would make things better with a basic package with no adds and maybe limited downloads to a premium package that lets you download other data (maybe base codeplugs, firmware, etc). I hate to say this as I run multiple sites also but it costs to do this stuff and most want everything for free.
  20. This is part of my issue. There are many 70cm channels to put a repeater on the air and chat or hold nets or what not. I agree ham is not for everyone and I get that. But I have yet to hear chatter on some repeaters between wife and kid or family member. Its normally 2 hams chatting about lunch or doctors etc. I have no issues with using repeaters but with only a few repeater pairs available it wont take long to clog up the airwaves. On top of the linking that every feels we need in GMRS its not going to be good for those that still want a base repeater to use with family. Landscapes change but its frustrating for those who have used the service for 2+ decades.
  21. a DB404 will work fine. I run a 404 on 3 of my repeaters. 2 are on tower sites 1000' higher than the surrounding area. 1 is on a 60' tower. I also run a DB408 as a receive antenna at one tower site with a DB404 for the transmit thru a combiner. The 408 and 420 are higher gain so if your way up may over shadow the area you are trying to cover. In the end all three are commercial made antennas used by Public Safety and LMR all over the US and are built to last.
  22. Front fender or rear tailgate is fine. If you search around I would say 90% use the front fender or hood with a lip mount. A few use the rear tailgate. Both of mine are on the front cowl mounts with my off road lights.
  23. Not commercially made. Are you looking for simplex or repeater use ? A RT97 repeater would be perfect for that situation however it would be used with you and your users only. If your looking to talk to other repeaters I'm not sure of a simple solution. Even once you can run coax 165' is going to require good cable and not LMR if you want any useable signal. In commercial applications a TRA on a radio is done so you run a 4WT cable to the base and hook it to the radio. Inside a Tone Remote would be used to transmit and receive from. They do have ethernet based remotes now but that isn't a hobby device pricewise.
  24. Thanks @marcspaz. I travel thru the metro DC area weekly (multiple days) yet never hear much chatter on GMRS. I scan the RPT channels in CSQ but never hear alot. Normally when I get over near Annapolis I'll pick up some guys but they are never clear so normally turn down the radio. I'll have to look into the repeaters and get them loaded in my APX with tones.
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