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djxs last won the day on July 13 2021

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  1. Has anyone been able to program an MXT275 using the Midland DBR1 cable? I don't want to know if it is possible, I want to know if someone has done it. Thanks.
  2. Clear as mud @WRNA710AZ I clearly have a lot of brushing up to do. It seems evident that the Bachelors degree I hold is not serving me well at the moment. I have so much learning to do. I'll keep at it. I appreciate your assistance.
  3. All I am trying to do is the best that I can do with the budge that works for me. I will take all of the information I receive and make the best decision. I am trying to get my neighbors involved as well. I am trying to be "A pillar of my community" as @OffRoaderX states in his videos. Any other pictures people can share of their home base antenna setups is much appreciated. Also, I need help with what is the best ID-Omatic to have my call sign via Morse Code automatically repeated. Any suggestions?
  4. Thank you @mbrunfor the great picture. That is exactly what I need to see, different ways that people have put up their antenna mast! Do you know... if lets say...I wanted to make along run of LRM400 (knowing full well that it is pricy) how long is too long before it causes signal degradation? Lets say the ideal location for my antenna is so far away from the ideal location of where I wanted to place the repeater? The two locations that I have in mind could not be further away from each other! In fact, they are exactly as far away as they can be! The ideal antenna mast that I am thinking (tilt over) at 40 ft would be in the corner of my backyard and the ideal location for the equipment is in my garage (exactly in the opposite side of my property). If I had to guess, it is more than 300 ft! Has any body done this before? Is it too long of a run? I do have an outdoor storage shed that would be the ideal location for all of the equipment and it is a whopping 3 ft away from where the ideal antenna location would be. However, the Tuff Shed is not insulated, does not have power and I live in super hot weather (Texas) that I am afraid that even if I did have power running into it, it would simply be too hot. By the way, my garage is insulated. Your thoughts and comments are much appreciated. P.S. I don't really like the antenna to be mounted to my roof in case anybody is asking. That would work perfectly and I could mount it on the side of my garage. Maybe if I could see more pictures of how people have mounted their antennas to the side of their houses, but to be quite honest, I am just not sure if it would pass the wife test and pesky neighbors. I have an HOA that simply wants front yard aesthetics, but does not really mind anything going in in the backyard, including antennas as there are not regulations against it. Albeit, if I were to put the antenna mast in the backyard, they may come knocking. But you cant impose a rule on someone if it has not be written. They may change up the rules, but they would have nothing on me. Bad thing is future people in the area would not be able to put one up also.
  5. On that note: I really need help in creating/developing an idea...Need pictures, sketches, links to pictures etc for how I can place a home base antenna so that I can then attach a Retevis RT97 repeater. I would later do something like @OffRoaderX did with his dual KG1000G setup, but I just don't have that budget yet. I figure that as long as I have the home base antenna, I can always switch repeater systems. I don't have a big budget, I just want an antenna system that I can put up on my own and is not obtrusively ugly looking (aesthetics) is a big topic for the neighbors. I will take any tips, ideas that you all can provide. Thank you!
  6. I am very interested in this new repeater. I think this would probably work for my applications. Christmas gift for myself! What antenna(s) would you recommend to pair with this unit?
  7. @WRNA236 Thank you so much for the detailed information. It really does make a lot of sense. I think this is the best bet for the particular needs that I have. I want to setup a base station at my parents house for emergencies. Do you have a link to an antenna I can purchase it from?
  8. @BoxCar Great. Thank you. I understand the description. Now, what I do not understand is that (from what I searched last night) there are some Yagi antennas or just antennas in general that accept both GMRS frequencies (462 MHz to 467 MHz) and also work for other frequencies. ***I just wished they were all to be labeled "GMRS" compatible. I have had a big learning curve on this. I would like to setup to base station (Simplex) with directional antennas in hopes of being able to communicate at least 8.32 miles apart with not mountainous blockage, just a lot of homes. Can anyone send me a link to the type of antennas that would work for me? I do not have the base station yet, but I think I would probably get 2 KG 1000G's. Your thoughts?
  9. I contacted Midland to ask if my MXT 400 was programmed from factory to wide band and they said it was set to wide band. I have no way of verifying unless I get that cable.
  10. Can someone fill me in on what Yagi Antennas are?
  11. Can you let us know how your experience was with the DBR1 and the software? Let us know if your case programmed Narrow or Wide.
  12. My understanding is that repeater channels are to be used only as a repeater and not for simplex. However, I am not positive. Is there not an option on some GMRS radios that allow (by push of a button) to enable some kind of talk around feature or something to the like?
  13. This is very interesting. Does anyone have any videos that show more on this?
  14. @maddogrecurve If you do cut out a notch, just be sure to seal it back up to prevent rust.
  15. I agree with @mbrun. Sometimes you might have to just go for it and try it out. I hope all works well for you. Keep us posted.
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