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About Radioboy1962

  • Birthday 03/13/1962

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  • Location
    Great Neck, Long Island
  • Interests
    GMRS Radio, Broadcast Radio, Radio Production, Audio

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  1. Thanks for the insight on that @Datanerd interesting to know!
  2. You bet Michael, after the wait I endured until my order arrived, and then experiencing this issue, (which really wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been) I wanted to at least share my knowledge & insight into the matter, so others wouldn't be concerned there was any major issue trying to program their radio. It's a glitch (admitably) but nothing major! ~JT WRKZ907
  3. Pleased to report I received my two Wouxun-KG-905G's from BTWR yesterday. After inspecting the units, & charging them up, I started to utilize them. They're very nice, solid units, & although (during the interrium wait for them to ship) I purchased an 805G, to familiarize myself with the basics of the HT, I'm really satisfied with the overall out of the box quality of the KG-905G's, and reception with the updated Nagoya NA-771G's I added to the order. One noteworthy issue I wanted to share with folks here, as it created a slight bit of anxiety for me while I was trying to utilize the USB Programming Cable (PCO-001) cable to connect to the Wouxun-KG-905G-Programming-Software, it seems there is a glitch in the Wouxun software with regards to identifying the COM PORT. Initially, if you click on [Setup] -> [Com SetUp] you may experience an issue where you cannot modify (or select) an available com port on your system. In discussing the issue with BTWR, I was told this is a known issue which Wouxun is addressing, but for now - the "Work Around" is to go into windows control panel, identify which com port the: >> Silicon Labs CP210x USB to UART Bridge << is associated with, then go into properties for that com port & then select & confirm [Com Port 1] *disregard the message indicating the port is in use if you see that on your system, and just confirm modifying Com Port 1. Once you do that, the change takes effect immediately, & when you return to the Wouxun-KG-905G-Programming-Software, and then click on: [Edit] -> [Read] the "Read" dialogue box will appear, and you can click on: [Start] to go ahead and download the image from your radio. You'll also notice navigating to: [Setup] -> [Com SetUp], that a black dot next to the left of [Com1] should appear in the communication port dialogue box. *I attached a few screen shots to help anyone follow along if that helps. Should anyone experience this issue, and need some help - feel free to message me, I'm happy to offer any assistance if need be. ~JT WRKZ907
  4. Sorry, couldn't resist
  5. Wondering if there is some sort of Repeater War going on right now in the NYC area. I'm a newbie to the hobby, and just received my Wouxun 805G, was kind of hoping to be granted access to a repeater to start learning how to communicate on them, but so far no luck in hearing back from any of the "Repeater Masters/Owners" - but that aside, I did notice over this past weekend, in monitoring the channels, there seem to be some shenanigans going on with someone or some people jamming the repeaters, or just talking nonsense. The frequency in question displays as: [17] or [RPT 17] on my radio, and I've heard what appears to be someone just blabbering on at the pandemic, & some other group of folks mentioning they are coming out to "get the radio" This almost reminds me of my early CB radio days when people would try to figure out where someone was broadcasting with a lot of power causing interference, or just using the airwaves inappropriately. I can see why, with this kind of thing going on - open repeaters are such a rare commodity here in the NY area. Curious if anyone else has recently heard what I've described listening to over the past weekend (4/17 & 18) during the early afternoon between say noon & 2pm? and if this is just par for the course with repeaters in general now a days?
  6. Hi Folks, By way of introduction, my name is JT (WRKZ907) from Great Neck, Long Island, N.Y. I'm a newbie to this hobby and just recently purchased a Radioddity GM-30 GMRS Radio, while awaiting delivery of my Wouxun KG-905G's to arrive. I figured I'd get my feet wet learning how to use the GM-30, which seems to have a rich set of features, one in particular I would have liked to have seen on the KG-905G, which is the NOAA monitoring. Anyway - as I stated, I'm totally new to this, and I'm doing my best to ramp up to speed on my own, but I find interacting with others has always been a great way for me to learn things, and in particular - trying to understand how to program the tones for repeaters with the Radioddity GM-30, both manually and/or via the software for the device. Don't know if anyone out there in myGMRS last would be willing to help mentor this newbie & provide some assistance in helping me come up to speed and understand how this repeater stuff works, and would be willing to spend a little time with me, ideally someone in the Queens/Nassau area would be great, so we could possibly communicate together on air, but I'm happy to accept any assistance from you fine folks if your available & willing. Thanks in advance for any input or resources you folks can point me to or provide. I've already received some kind assistance from the friendly folks on the forums, & look forward to one day being able to return the courtesy to new members as well. Kindly, `JTL WRKZ907
  7. Hello Folks, I too recently purchased the Radioddity GM-30 (while patiently awaiting shipment of my Wouxun KG-905G's ) and figured the GM-30 would be a good starting/learning tool. I'm experiencing an issue which I'm hoping someone here may be able to shed some light on. I'm able to receive signals very well, but it seems I'm not transmitting at all, there have been some very local signals I pick up, & I've attempted to request a radio check (NON-Repeater Channels) and it seems I'm simply not putting out any signal Wondering if anyone has any suggestions on what to check?.. I've tried reviewing the menu options, and even reset the device to ensure it's restored to factory settings, but to no avail. I don't currently have another radio to test with in the same locale, so the only thing that I can do is attempt to ask for a radio check, and as often as I've tied, there is no response. I'm at the point now where I'm just ready to return this unit to Amazon, & wait for the KG-905G's to arrive from buytwowayradio. If anyone has any thoughts or suggestions, this newbie would be most appreciative to read what you suggest.
  8. Hello Michael, Thanks so much for the response & insight. I'll check into the KG-UV9G.
  9. Hello Folks, Newbie here (so please be nice ) I too recently ordered a pair of Wouxun KG-905G HT's as a fun means to keep in touch while out & about walking around the neighborhood and doing chores. Plan to relocate to the South Carolina area later this year & figured this would be a novel way to stay in touch rather than using a phone. Curious if anyone can enlighten me as to if the KG-905G HT is capable of being programmed to receive FM radio as well as the NOAA frequencies? I noted the Wouxun KG-805G specifically mentions: 76-108Mhz FM radio capability, but no NOAA capability, at least by default. So, apologies in advance for the eye-rolling defacto stupid question of the day, but I'm just curious if the programming capability of the Wouxun KG-905G would allow for programing in those frequencies ? or if the receiving capabilities of the device itself is not capable of it. The NOAA frequencies are of more importance to me than the FM broadcast station reception, although if anyone knows of a GMRS HT capable of both, I'd be interested in learning more about such a device. Thanks in advance for anyone kind enough to read & taking the time to respond.
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