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WRHS218 last won the day on December 25 2023

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About WRHS218

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  1. Sacrilege! Bro! Do you even radio?
  2. I enjoy working solutions like 703 did. Finding something that works for your needs on your budget. Sure there are other ways to do things but he got it done. I can see a use case for a simplex repeater like he put together.
  3. In the mid 70's I bought a Radio Shack 2 channel handheld CB that was orange. It didn't TX very far but I mainly used it to listen. I think it was one of the many things that magically disappeared when I left home for boot camp.
  4. That is the way both of my 935G and Plus work. The phone looking thing lets you know which area was the last to receive a signal. I find it pretty handy once I figured it out.
  5. Yeah, an old crystal 2 channel CB. I just thought it was cool even though it wasn't the subject of the thread.
  6. Not mine, I saw it in an antique shop near me. I think they were released in 1974.
  7. Inspections are important. It would seem your inspector is a good boy.
  8. The other day a contractor was doing road work near me on a mountain road. They had the traffic down to one lane with guys holding signs at each end of the construction zone. I scanned GMRS while sitting and waiting, finding the flaggers on GMRS 16. The two men couldn't see each other or the work area and were MFing the foreman up one side and down the other. I scanned for the tone. When one flagger told the other that the last car in line was a red Honda I waited and noticed the last car was a Hyundai not a Honda. In a short break in their diatribe about the lead man I told them "The last car is a Hyundai, not Honda". Total nervous silence. As I passed the sign guy I gave him a wave with my handheld. He smiled and told the other guy what was going on.
  9. Merry Christmas! That is such a great Christmas monologue.
  10. There are a few repeaters in my area that I have requested access. One of them I requested access twice in a year and a half (private repeater). The owner states that you have to give him certain information including a valid phone number so he can conduct a phone interview. Of course, I never heard from the owner. I don't care enough to look into it more. The rules for requesting access was a red flag but I tried anyway. On the other hand I have requested access on some other repeaters, not in my area, and received permission in a day or two. If there is an open repeater listed, with tones, that requires you to request access and I don't hear from the owner I will just use the repeater. If questioned by the owner I will then ask permission on the air. That has never happened. I don't understand why there are still owners that have repeaters listed as open, with the tones listed, yet they still want you to request access. I don't tend to play well with others and my use of radio is to make quick contact with people I know for a specific purpose. If repeater owners go the route of drama I don't get mad, I just erase the info from my radio and move on. It is their machine so they can have their rules. On the HAM side, if some moron wants to critique my radio usage I just finish my transmission and ignore them. I don't use radio, Amateur or GMRS, for meeting random basement dwellers in the darkest hours of the night so I don't really run into those type of repeater people very often. Don't take it too seriously.
  11. I voted "Carrot".
  12. Can you set the code to OFF on the FRS radio? If all radios have no codes (ctcss or DCS) then they should all communicate if they are on the same channel/frequency. You need some distance between the radios when testing.
  13. Especially if you get your radio from the Mossad...
  14. I purchased a UV9G for a neighbor's birthday. We used our radios when we lose power. He is happy with it. We have used the radio in the snow and rain and it has held up well. Another friend just bought two of them to use for his family. He is happy with them. I think they are good radios for the price. I don't personally own one. I have several Wouxuns.
  15. There is probably a missing sock somewhere full of missing o-rings.
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