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WRHS218 last won the day on December 25 2023

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  1. That used to happen to me every time I reached for a radio. I purchased individual 3d printed stands (from a member here) for each of my HTs and now I don't have that issue. I went with individual stands so I can have a radio sitting where I happen to be without it falling over every time I bump it. The organizers are pretty cool though.
  2. No offense intended, but if you had started your first post with this information you probably would have received a different reaction to your first post on this site. I hope your group can get the funds to get you back on the air.
  3. One of my daughters is an SLP at a local elementary school where most of the teachers and all of the admin use FRS radios. I was sitting in the parking lot one day waiting on my granddaughter and scanned and then listened for a while. I told my daughter about doing that and she said she needed to get her own FRS radio. I gave her an old Motorola FRS radio I had purchased new around 2002 or so. I had given two of those to her and her sister to keep in contact with me at a music event we used to attend yearly. It still works perfectly and brought back memories as a bonus.
  4. Hearing the dispatcher say "All units, open mic" induced a kind of a sick feeling until you realized it wasn't you. When it was determined everyone was ok and accounted for, and that is was a bonehead mistake, then the fun began. When I started and for most of my career cell phones weren't a thing and cars didn't have computers mounted in them. Now days all of the handhelds are identifiable and assigned to a specific individual. Much better for officer safety. I don't think I have ever had an open mic with my amateur or GMRS radios.
  5. Very few people who start a sentence this way are truly sorry. It would seem that the only thing more pointless and time wasting than a thread on a radio forum talking about ptt pull weight on a handheld radio would be commenting on a thread on a radio forum talking about ptt pull weight on a handheld radio when you view the thread as a waste of time. You ARE the internet, sir.
  6. I have never really thought about it. I used HT's professionally for 40+ years. During those times a radio was a tool that was used while performing a task. Pushing the button just happened without thinking about it. In my use of radios, Amateur and GMRS, again, I haven't given it any thought at all as long as it works. Trigger pull is a different animal all together. That is something to which I paid great attention professionally and recreationally. And even there, once it was where it needed to be it became a function of muscle memory. If you asked me the differences in trigger pull for firearms I own I could give you descriptions of each. Ask the same questions about my radio PTT I could only tell either it works or doesn't. Of course now, at least for a while, I will pay attention, maybe.
  7. I have multiple radios with flashlights including the 935G+. I have never used one except by accident. It is a little known fact that you must blind yourself with a new flashlight and you must cut yourself with a new knife to insure future safe operation.
  8. That's really the whole issue most of the time. That's really LIFE most of the time.
  9. Yep. I have two, one for 2m and one for GMRS. They both work very well for my needs.
  10. fun: (noun) enjoyment, amusement, or lighthearted pleasure. I just reread FCC 47 C.F.R, Part 95 Subpart E. There was no mention of fun or any of the defining terms for fun. It would seem that the federal government neither endorses nor encourages "fun". So how dare you sir!
  11. Why do so many people care how others use a radio. We can't really control what other people do, we can only control how we let their actions affect our mental well being. Much like radio operators; some are hobbyists, others are tools.
  12. Welcome to the asylum. Now ask about linking repeaters...
  13. This has always worked for me.
  14. As 928 pointed out; a lot of stars would have to align perfectly for there to be a problem. And a lot of dangerous assumptions would have to be made by the dirtbag. Could it happen? Yes. If that probability is more than you are comfortable with then it is good you figured all of this out now. Whether we realize it or not, we all determine what chances in life we are willing to live with. I would not give this scenario a second thought.
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