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Posts posted by MichaelLAX

  1. If you are going to compare a HT with fixed rubber Duckie antenna to a mobile higher powered rig with an external antenna; there is just no comparison, whether or not either or both are on VHF or UHF.

    The mobile is always better in that situation. Irrespective of the difference between 2 to 50 watts, the fixed HT antenna to mobile external antenna, is going to be a big differential. 

    I am not aware of Amateurs who use 1,500 watts for VHF/UHF unless perhaps some sort of experimental transmissions to a NASA interstellar vehicle.

    The major advantage of 2 watt FRS radios are that they are easily purchased on the way to a field trip by a road group and GMRS users can communicate with them.

    For the most part GMRS users cannot communicate with MURS that easily.

  2. 19 hours ago, Lscott said:

    Just like people who buy an expensive luxury vehicle and when it comes time to replace the tires buy nearly the cheapest ones they can find. Life is full of examples of this sort of things. Hams are no different.


    5 hours ago, WRKC935 said:

    NO actually he's NOT.

    I have seen more than one setup where the radio and antenna system was a combined total of over 10K and they used RG-8X coax to connect it.  That was ONE.

    Second was a big ICOM, huge money.  Reused cable that the braid was showing connected to a Yagi that was missing elements.  Thought the expensive radio would compensate for the broke ass antenna.  It didn't. 


    Sorry, but @Lscott's examples is apples and oranges: you just can't compare cheap bluetooth microphones and coaxial cable to the danger to third parties of driving on the road with vehicle with "nearly the cheapest [tires] they can find."

    Here's how to understand the different: you inquisitive 11 year old daughter uses the cheap bluetooth microphone; and

    Your inquisitive 11 year old daughter uses the expensive rig with RG-8 coaxial cable and/or broke Yagi; and now

    Your inquisitive 11 year old daughter is in the rear passenger seat of a vehicle on the highway driving just behind the vehicle with the nearly cheapest tires they can find.

    See the difference now?

  3. 8 hours ago, gortex2 said:

    Your point ? I said in the past I was a ham, and for many years. Just because I'm a ham doesn't mean anything. Its a service I use for a specific purpose. GMRS was never the place to be a "ham" until as of late. That's what this thread was started about. But some folks as your self can't understand the difference between the services. 

    And as reference the ham came to me because I maintain many public safety and business license and am in the FCC system daily doing updates. You do realize some folks actually have paying careers in RF right ? 

    Like you said: you opened this can of worms!

    It is clear to me that your chip on your shoulder about Hams on GMRS is clearly motivated by the fact that you receive remuneration from your "paying career in RF" and cannot be objective about this subject.

    I don't receive remuneration from either and hence am not subject to this conflict of interest.

    Similarly, that is why online influencers are required by law to disclose when they give a review of a product which was given to them or other compensation is received: "Affiliate link below!"

    It all depends upon whose ox is being gored! But thanks again for your admission.

  4. 3 hours ago, Lscott said:

    Just like people who buy an expensive luxury vehicle and when it comes time to replace the tires buy nearly the cheapest ones they can find. Life is full of examples of this sort of things. Hams are no different.

    I've never heard of a Ham having a blowout of an inexpensive bluetooth microphone!

    You're really stretching your analogies out of proportion such as to be unrecognizable.

  5. On 1/8/2023 at 6:54 AM, gortex2 said:

    More and more in my travels I hear ham chatter on GMRS..

    I just find it odd.

    30 minutes ago, gortex2 said:

    Been trying to fix a fellow hams license. I log in daily to do payments. 

    EXPOSED! :) 

  6. 23 minutes ago, gortex2 said:

    That's exactly the issue. I have one site that I pay for power at as well as tower space. No one mails me a check to say here ya go. Many folks dont understand the monthly cost for a good repeater location. That's why I closed mine after some time. If you want to help fund it I'm all for others using it but its my hard earned cash I use to build, maintain it. 

    So your family members won't contribute to your repeater expenses?!? :)

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