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    Central HellinoiS

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  1. I just got a F250 that I am turning into a camper and hitting the road for a year or two. I plan on seeing alot of NA and most of the places will be remote. I understand GMRS is a sort of hit or miss type comms in every local area, however with that being said I would like to put a system together that allows me to take full advantage of the people out there in active areas. I need mobile and antenna advice. I would like to keep cost around $400-500. This can be flexible if the bump in performance is great enough to justify the additional money. As of now I have a Nagoya UT-72G antenna that I pulled off my Jeep and can use in the short term. All suggestions are welcome. Thanks!
  2. Thanks for the feedback all. Had a boo boo off road and put a dent in my oil pan right where the drain plug was so when I went to change the oil I found I needed a new pan. Ended up using my radio funds for that little mistake. I will be aquiring one, but probably early next year. Thanks again and happy holidays!
  3. Plan on getting a new vehicle next year and don't want to hassle with wiring and I know I will want to get rid of my Mag mount if I have to wire something up.More time investment than I want to put in. Any rec's on what's out there?
  4. Not digging it atm. I think if their product blows up and most of the cool features are usable I might change from a 3 star to a 5. As of now, I am very meh about it. I should mention it did xmit at 5w as advertised and iirc my swr was around 1.2 with their antennea. Lastly they do not have a CS line. Sending them an email is the only option. This might have a lot to do with my displeasure now that I think about it.
  5. I wasn't aware of the plane not being as significant; that was the reasoning behind the location I used. I can move it and get a better route easiy enough. When you mentioned white electrical tape my immediate though was Unicorns and Bigfoot, does it really exist?! ? Thanks for the tips. Heading to Stl today. I am pretty excited to see the difference the roof antenna makes. I live by a farily decent sized lake in the sticks and there isn't much traffic within 30-40 miles of me.
  6. Thanks for the suggestions! I should have made it clearer, I am wanting to do something about the loose look of the cable. White Jeep with black cable, something I decided I can live with. ? I was hoping to pass the cable through the rack and use it as a tie down to get a cleaner look. Right now the antenna is in the vehicle centerline and about in the middle of the rear door. The cable then has to be run around the front of the rack and routed backwards a few inches to get inside the door frame. I can't get it to lay flat due to tension and the roof is grooved as well, resulting in a not so nice look. I did look at going through the hatch but decided against it due to the routing length that would have made me change from the antenna I wanted. All good though, it doesn't look horrible, just wanting a cleaner look if possible. Thanks again!!
  7. Thank you!
  8. Put a mag antenna on and absolutely hate the cable sloppiness. It's a mag mounted Nagoya with the cable attached to the base. It's on my Jeep Patriot and without popping my roof rack off I can't feed the cable under it to make it cleaner. It is also fed through my rear door as well. I'd like to secure it better and definitely look better. Any suggestions? Walter WRNN509
  9. In the process of messing with mounts for a Nagoya UT-72G I lost the tension nut for the cable adapter. The SMA (F) appears brass and the nut did as well. I am not sure if they are actual brass/gold or plated and does a replacement nuts material matter? I am thinking it does, but am not sure. I called BTWR and their tech guy is out for a few days. I'm sure someone here knows, last thing I want to do is fry my antenna or HT. Thanks in advance. Walter WRNN509
  10. I am using a speaker mic and have a bracket for the radio and mic to install when I get the antenna tomorrow. I have 2 805s so this one will not be moved out of the Jeep often. I also have the battery adapter that will be powering it making it semi-static. Ofc, if needed I will take it out. For the right angle connector is there a specific wire I should look for or are they universal? Thanks for the tip.
  11. Thanks for the quick replies. I was hoping this would be a nice short term solution. Just bought a Nagoya UT-72G. I'll post swr and real world results once I get it up and running. Thanks again!
  12. I am looking for the same thing for a 805, did you have any success?
  13. I am using a KG-805g with a Nagoya 771G inside a Jeep Patriot. I mainly communicate with a relative with us using a 150' 50w repeater. I can receive him clearly from close to 45 miles away, but lose the ability to hit it from ~12 miles. I am wanting to know if mounting an external antenna and still using my HT would improve my ability to hit the repeater (this is all pretty open farm terrain with only slight elevation variances outside earth curvature.) and is this even possible? Even a small improvement would be acceptable. I will be getting a KG-1000g at some point, but that point is probably 9-12 months off. All advice is welcome! Thanks.
  14. Hi everyone, last night I was on my way home and came across a conversation in the Dalton City area and I was not able to ascertain whom the owner was. He did however state it's a new repeater and were looking for more ppl to use it. I was in that area again today and was unsuccessful in getting a response. If the owner or anyone who does know please contact me as I am in that area 3-4x a week and would love to have some contacts there. I did review the area's list and did not recognize anything new so if it is listed my apologies. Thanks!
  15. Thanks for the tips everyone! Been super busy in that disctraction called RL. ? I'll look into the Smiley.
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