Welcome to the forum! Those 1 watt radios work well for what they are and what they were intended to be used for. As long as the repeater you are trying to access isn't using the frequencies backwards (repeater input using the band plan output and repeater output using the band plan input) then they should work. Those bubble pack radios work with repeaters which are configured to the suggested frequencies, they will not work with any odd-ball configurations. The benefit to using equipment specifically part 95 or if you so choose part 90, is the ability to customize Tx and Rx frequencies, as well as CTCSS and DCS encodings (I like to leave squelch open just in case). These units also have higher Tx power options equaling those part 97 HTs you seem to be more familiar with (4 watts for UHF and 5 watts VHF, and yes a lot of part 90 HTs which are not technically for GMRS will transmit on VHF). Many of the Chinese HTs work really well (part 90). Many users here have had great success with Baofeng, I have used Wouxun with great success as well. Baofeng will typically run you anywhere from $30 to $50 depending on the seller. Wouxun will typically run you between $70 and $150, again depending on the seller. I still have a Wouxun KG-UV6D that I use as a beater radio. It works on FRS, GMRS, 70CM, 2M, Marine channels, etc. Keep in mind these radios are part 90 and the Tx is wide open (if you can dial it in on the LCD, then you can transmit), it is also technically against the rules to use these on GMRS part 95 but many, MANY people do. If you would like more information on these or my experiences with them, feel free to ask or PM me. I will help any way I can.