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About labreja

  • Birthday 03/17/1964

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    James C LaBreck
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  1. Sorry I can't help, but that's really cool!
  2. Try Broadcastify W4HTP 145.350. I can't get the link, as I am at work. Hope this helps.
  3. In my opinion, I think the TD-H3 scans too slowly and you may miss some conversations based on how many air band frequencies you will be scanning. I purchased the Quansheng k6 and it receives air band, and I was pleasantly surprised at how quickly it scans. My go to though, is a Yaesu FT-60. I like that radio so much I bought a second. I hope this helps.
  4. This is great info! I learn so much here. Thanks!
  5. I built my own for portable use. It has 2, 20ah Lifepo4 batteries. I can charged by using a regular lifepo4 charger, or by solar. It has Powerpole connectors as well a fast charge usb ports and lastly a cigarette lighter port. I use the cigarette lighter port to run a 300 watt pure sine wave inverter. Cool project. Works really well. I also have a battery bank in the garage by the shack which are connected to a 2000 watt inverter to be able to run the shack for a while if needed. Still saving for a Generac.
  6. Merry Christmas!
  7. I am a big fan of Kenwood. I use a Kenwood TK-880-1 version2 in our truck (2015 F150) and we run the same radio in my wife's car (2015 Ford Fusion). Both radios are connected to Midland MXTA26 antennas. This setup works really well for us.
  8. Try using the "Repeaters" tab. Then, under advanced search, just to the right to the Frequency tab, hit the down arrow. Scroll down and select Ohio. This should bring up a list of all the repeaters in Ohio. One more thing to try is, selecting on the "Map" tab. This takes a minute to load, so be patient. Then zoom on any location you wish. These are the 2 things I used to find repeaters in my area, or any area I may be traveling to. I hope this helps. Good luck
  9. I believe the correct software is KPG-49D. I can verify tonight when I get home. I am unsure about the 70cm, as I have not attempted that. https://hamfiles.co.uk/index.php?page=downloads&type=entry&id=radio-programming%2Fkenwood-programming%2Fkpg-49d-v3-x Hope this helps. Good luck.
  10. Maybe a little late to the party, but I hope this helps new General license holders. I am a pretty new ham who, for now, just uses voice, and I too have the 11x17 band plan chart on my wall. I found this somewhat difficult to read at a distance, so I made a spreadsheet, voice only frequency chart, that I printed and laminated. I made a little stand for it that I keep right next to my radio to help me stay within the General license Voice portion of the bands. To the amateur operators that are more experienced than I, please let me know if I have made a mistake in my chart. I hope this is of some use. James WROD278 / K8JCL Amateur Radio Voice Privileges for General Class Hams.xlsx
  11. Hi Marc. Nice job. I watched it on YouTube. I appreciated how you would move the screens in for the viewers. Very nicely done. Thanks for sharing. James
  12. I am a Kenwood fan. We have 3 Kenwood TK-880-1 ver2 radios. One for each vehicle and one as a base. Check Ebay. Maybe an option for the HOA is an attic antenna. Good luck.
  13. WRXW945 The one on the left, I made. The one on the right is a Breedlove mount. The Breedlove mount is much better than my home made one. They are well worth the money.
  14. I run a Kenwood TK-880-1 ver2. with a Midland MXTA26. Because the truck is aluminum, I attached a magnet behind the third brake light. That is how I got the mag mount to stay. Non of the radios or the mic holders are screwed in. They are all mounted using double face tape.
  15. Being relatively new to GMRS and ham radio, the most important things that I have learned is, in my opinion is, use the best coax you can afford. Use that coax to feed the best antenna you can afford. I use LMR400 coax with good results. Here are a couple of links to some antennas I use. The Ed Fong is what I currently use for a base antenna. The n9taxlabs antenna I use when camping. https://www.kbcubed.com/DBJ-UHF-5dB-GMRS-Antenna-by-Ed-Fong-p379488596DBJ-UHF-5dB-GMRS-Antenna-by-Ed-Fong-p379488596DBJ-UHF-5dB-GMRS-Antenna-by-Ed-Fong-p379488596DBJ-UHF-5dB-GMRS-Antenna-by-Ed-Fong-p379488596DBJ-UHF-5dB-GMRS-Antenna-by-Ed-Fong-p379488596DBJ-UHF-5dB-GMRS-Antenna-by-Ed-Fong-p379488596 https://n9taxlabs.com/shop/ols/products/dual-band-murs-gmrs-slim-jim-with-10-or-16-foot-cable Lastly, I run Kenwood TK-880-1 ver2 radios. One in my wife's car, one in the truck and one as a base. They are pretty inexpensive, easy to program and built like tanks. I hope this helps.
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