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  1. Went just fine, if any one else wondered. ya touch less on paper are better but they don’t get 1000 miles of snow slush grime off.
  2. Can we get away with using regular car washes? Don't see why not but I'm wanting one ya'll tell me it's ok first ?
  3. Ya I used that ground stud at first also, as a part of my eliminating things I went to the dedicated ground wire. While it didn't solve the issue I wonder if it helped any? That studs not used by the factory, I wonder why? Was thinking of going back to it just to eliminate a long wire but as I think it over I'll just leave it. It's working now stop fiddling with it! LOL The factory hot is 10 amp. The 275 pulls less that 5a on high power. My google fu found: "Midland MXT275 pulls less than 300mA on Rx, less than 1750mA on low transmit power, and less than 3500 mA on high transmit power (per Midland USA)." 3.5a max goes with what others saying under 5a. That's actually why I went with the 275 vs waiting on the 500. That said now I can't use the temp on I may swap out to the 500 later and move the 275 to my trailer. But that's the future.
  4. Quick update. In the JT there is a dedicated hot in the cabin, vs running a dedicated power line I figured I would try it. Problem solved. Note, when I went to power the radio on, it would not turn on?!! WTH?! Metered and had power and ground to the plug... then I noticed on the radio side of the midland power plug the round had come out of the plastic housing. Cut the plug off and direct connected the wires.
  5. I have factory LED’s. Antenna is a midland one. I don’t have a ground wire for it? But it’s installed via a metal plate bolted to the body? I do have led lights on the hood but not turned on.
  6. That makes since, can hear but not talk as the txm is wrong. ?
  7. This one is strange. After my Midland 275 install I tested all the channels (scan) and had no issues, drove around the block to test it. I took a road trip and after being on the freeway a few min (10 maybe) I got interference on 19. Scan would pick it up and just stay. Very annoying. Got worse to 18-20 all stuck. Tried turning up sq to max hoping it would skip it, no joy. I moved the head a foot just to see if that helped, nada. After my trip took my handheld 905 with me, retested. Driving around w a cold truck no interference on the 905 or the 275. But once the truck is warmed up 10 min or so it comes back in on the 275. I tried turning off/on AC, turning off the hvac, turning up down the hvac fan, turning off/on car play, turning off the stereo head all together. Nada. I'm taking a wild guess I have some power or ground interference that is popping up once the car is warmed up/the alternator is not charging from start up. I grounded the head on a factory ground in the cab, took power off the factory supplied ign hot lead (part of the auxiliary switch group). Rig is a 2021 Jeep Gladiator JT. I really like coming off the ign hot, but think I need to run a dedicated hot and ground. Thoughts?
  8. Ok edjumicate me. I currently have channel 20 set up w 141.3 tone. There are no repeaters in my area using it. I just figured for travel I would set it as there are so many out and abought. That said, if I'm using that and have my other friends set the same way can we use 20 normally? ie will two base units talk to each other with out a repeater relaying it between them? I'm guessing no as my understanding repeater transmits out bound differently, but not sure?
  9. Little follow up to my install above. Got the SWR meter in and tested Ch05 1.01 Ch16 1.06 Ch22 1.04 Can not complain at all abought that! Just a simple factory tuned midland ant.
  10. Just set my MXT-275 up in my Gladiator. Antenna run was super easy, on the JT there is a fire wall plug right on the diver side fire wall, popped that out dripped a hole in it ran the coax and done. There is a empty space to the right of the glove box I was able to mount the head out of the way. Power from the aux switch and a ground right there as well. Except for the left hand contortions working under the dash it was fairly easy. I don't have a swr meter for gmrs, but quick range check to my hg-905 sitting on the kitchen counter 2.5 mile down the road was clear coms. Need to get a meter and see what it's putting out and how well tuned the antenna was from the factory. Probably have to adj it some, that will be my next question to you all ! LOL
  11. I have a SS front antenna mount for my truck. It came unfinished, any reason I can't paint or powder coat it?
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