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Everything posted by SteveShannon

  1. You didn’t give us enough information. Does the antenna say “ground plane required?” A ground plane is important for an antenna that is designed to need it. Not all antennas are. But, that lip mount almost certainly provides a connection to your hood, which will serve as the ground plane. You won’t damage your equipment. I would just hook it up and try.
  2. You’re right; I’m sorry for the distraction. The KG-805G, KG-905G, KG-S88G are all three superhet. The KG-935 is direct conversion. I’ve never heard anyone (who actually had one) complain about the quality of the receiver.
  3. Yaesu and Icom have both proven that direct conversion receivers can be very good receivers when cost is less of a factor. But an inexpensive superhet still bests an inexpensive system on a chip.
  4. @nokones Are your grounds (antenna and transceiver) bonded together and then bonded to the service ground? They should be.
  5. When repeaters are linked like that do they also incorporate voting?
  6. Use the one you’ve got until it’s not enough.
  7. The Wouxun is an example of doing the basics well. The BTech attempts to substitute advanced features, such as GPS and the ability to send texts. I have neither, but my observation over the past year is that everyone with a 935 is pleased and many people with the BTech are on the forums asking how to do very basic things like scanning. If I had to make the decision I wouldn’t hesitate to choose the Wouxun 935 plus.
  8. I have one question and one suggestion. First, the suggestion: Personally,I would not do TSQL for 31. I would just do Tone, and leave out the receive tone. Same suggestion for repeater 32. I would leave the receive tone empty. By leaving the receive tone empty you will hear everything transmitted on the 462 frequency you have programmed. That’s helpful for troubleshooting when just starting. Now the question. How is the necessary transmit frequency entered? In the screenshot you included, nothing is entered for an offset. I don’t have a BTech, so maybe it shows up somewhere else, but for each of your repeaters you will need to be transmitting with an offset of 5 MHz, so for repeater 31 you transmit on 467.65000 and for 32 you transmit on 467.70000. Somehow that must be done, whether that’s done by programming a separate transmit frequency or by entering an offset of 5 MHz or by telling the BTech that these are repeater channels.
  9. Do the instructions describe a method of tuning? Maybe a set screw where the wire element inserts into a larger cylinder? Without a VNA it’s difficult to exactly know.
  10. I thought the “and” in this sentence meant that you understood why the amateur radio exam is necessary. I think you were just the victim of a poor choice of phrase. No harm done.
  11. I have a very good friend who paid monthly charges on a Western Electric telephone he had gotten under Mountain Bell. He paid for years because he couldn’t find it. Finally I convinced him to contact the successor US West. They immediately took it off his account and stopped charging him (going forward). Sometimes a person is too close to the problem.
  12. Honest people generally don’t understand dishonest people. That’s one reason scams work as well as they do.
  13. In this instance, the FCC only has one FRN and one license of any kind issued to a Roger de Freitas of Torrance California.
  14. The fact that he has only had this license for a couple weeks May be meaningless. Remember a couple months ago we had a guy ranting on here who had canceled his own licenses repeatedly and obtained new licenses. If a person didn’t trace back to his FRN he might never know it was a serial offender.
  15. I looked, but I don’t see how a person claims a repeater as their own.
  16. That is a good point. Maybe he only had a login for the main site with the repeater directory and not for the forums. I couldn’t find him in the list of forum users and committed assumicide. And I completely agree that the site should not allow a person to assume ownership of a repeater established by someone else without some kind of strict procedural approval, whether accidentally or intentionally.
  17. WRWI949 was mentioned in this other thread as well:
  18. It looks like Rich has swung the ban hammer. You (@OffRoaderX) appear as the owner now, the repeater you said should be removed has been, and wrwi949 is not a member.
  19. You’re in it. This is exactly the forum to ask support questions.
  20. I was 32 with a 6 year old daughter, 4 year old daughter, and an extremely supportive wife. It truly was a wonderful experience, but it was a challenge too.
  21. For an engineering degree at my alma mater, sitting for the EIT exam (Engineer in Training) which is now called the FE, for Fundamentals of Engineering, has been required for decades. The P.E. Exam cannot be taken until a person has four or five years of experience working (typically under the supervision of a P.E.) beyond a degree and requires written letters of recommendation from other P.E.s. The process is intended to ensure actual competence and is pretty good for that. I was fortunate in that my alma mater is heavily staffed with working engineers who actually know their fields hands-on rather than academic theory. I was even more fortunate that I didn’t go to engineering school right out of high school. I was 32 when I went back to school.
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