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Everything posted by Over2U

  1. Over2U

    Very new to radio

    The much maligned “Cheap Chinese Radios” are hopefully affordable enough to be purchased in pairs for the relevant radio service (GMRS or ‘ham’).
  2. If you can also form the coax into what is called a “condensation loop” (such that it enters the door jam in an upwards direction) it will help keep rainwater out of the vehicle.
  3. So, if you are calling for help, be sure to keep talking long enough for Channel 19 to come up on the ‘Scan Hit Parade’.
  4. What material can I place under a magnetic antenna mount to limit damage to vehicle paint while maintaining a strong enough magnetic force to prevent antenna movement?
  5. It’s more about convenience than money. This old 5 watt radio still does exactly what I need it to do (short range convoy coordination), powers directly from a cigarette lighter socket, and, to cap it off, because my installation involved use of double sided mounting tape, removal for a replacement radio would be a pain! In summary, I just want to replace the microphone (whose connector cable failed) and keep on ‘as is’.
  6. I need a microphone for my ancient Midland MXT100 MicroMobile GMRS Radio. Original is Part Number (P/N) MA100 with P/N MA105 listed as a replacement, both of which are out of stock. Can anyone suggest a source or suitable substitution for this microphone?
  7. I understand that, in British Columbia (Canada), the logging road radio protocol is very regimented.
  8. Any idea if frequencies for logging roads may migrate to GMRS? Who decides and does the posting?
  9. IMHO, a simple radio should not require a computer connection in order for the operator to access a particular Repeater.
  10. Yes, I think we are “on the same page”! Bill R.
  11. Does Montana also have a FRS/GMRS frequency plan for use during an emergency?
  12. I believe that the write-up for Wyoming, and now Colorado, is, in fact, saying EXACTLY that: ‘Persons in the backcountry SHOULD carry a properly programmed FRS/GMRS Radio for use in an emergency’. Why else would Homeland Security in the State of Wyoming be advertising their “Be 307 Aware” program with prominently displayed posters if this radio scheme was only for internal use within SAR Teams?
  13. I had one of those Radio Shack FRS radios for many years on my SUV.. At the then maximum of one half watt transmitter power it did very well, due, in large measure I believe, to the location of the antenna external to the metal body of the vehicle. It is that benefit to performance that I would hope to achieve with the BCA radio putting out two watts through a similarly mounted external antenna.
  14. The Back Country Access (BCA) “BC Link 2.0” is a two watt FRS radio with a unique design: the radio body, battery, and antenna are in one piece, connected by cable to a speaker/mic unit which includes channel selection and volume controls. For vehicle use, would overall FRS performance be greatly improved if the antenna unit was mounted outside, for instance on the rain gutter, while the cable to the speaker/mic controls was passed through the door seal for the driver’s use?
  15. Yes, you can tell me that, and I will know you are way right!
  16. Nothing like gratuitous insertion of politics.
  17. Is this thing the “Universal Radio”?
  18. Explain that the letters “PTT” on the microphone button stand for: “Push, THEN Talk”.
  19. Why does Midland offer the following advise for mounting their new “Ride the Range” line of GMRS Antennas? : • Don’t install a bullbar antenna with the base near or above the roof line.
  20. Are the base springs of the Midland “Ride the Range” antennas as beefy as they look? (My concern is that an antenna installation that is too ‘stout’ might cause the bracket of a rain gutter mount to inflict damage to the vehicle prior to flexing out of harm’s way…)
  21. One limitation of the MXT275, applicable to all moble GMRS radios, is that transmission on channels 08-14 is not allowed.
  22. Don’t overfly that road and land in the wrong “yard”.
  23. I agree that the primary user of a designated FRS/GMRS Emergency frequency would be the person in distress, more than a properly equipped SAR Organization.
  24. Below is some additional text that I did not post from the Colorado SAR Groups (CSAR) lengthy announcement: “In the event of a backcountry emergency: ■ If the subject or party member has an FRS radio, they may describe the nature of the emergency and ask for help from anyone else listening; other recreationists in the area may be able to call 911 or respond to the subject’s aid themselves. ■ Once responders are notified and en route, unless the local sheriff’s office or Backcountry SAR team advises otherwise, CSAR recommends all parties switch to Channel 3.0. Responders may try to contact subjects on this channel, although be aware not all Backcountry SAR teams have FRS radios nor do they monitor Channel 3.0. ■ Responders to a backcountry emergency may ask folks using Channel 3.0, but not involved with this incident, to kindly move to another channel. Please note, Wyoming has the “Be 307 Aware” program, designated after the Wyoming area code. CSAR is going with the simpler Channel 3.0. From our experience, some users of FRS radios may not invest the time to understand the intricacies of their radio. On some radios, setting up Channel 3.0 can be done in advance and users can then be taught simply to go to Channel 3.0 during an emergency. CONCLUSION Having direct communications with rescue subjects can be crucial during emergencies. Although SAR teams do not actively monitor any FRS channel, establishing a common go-to channel when SAR has been activated by other means and are en route can greatly aid rescue operations and ultimately help save lives. CSAR is designating Channel 3.0 as the default FRS option during Backcountry SAR emergencies.” *** NOTE: There are many manufacturers of FRS/GMRS radios, some with more channe
  25. I believe that some of the Midland MicroMobile radios have a ‘slide-in’ mounting bracket. Thus, if each vehicle has its own bracket and antenna, a single radio could easily be transferred among them. A radio such as the MXT-275 has a power plug that can be used with a standard cigarette lighter/‘power point’.
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