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WRPL668 last won the day on April 26 2022

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  1. Thanks to you all. Got it a printed it out. Typical of you folks, your always willing to help. Can’t use the radio with a pacemaker installed in my chest. So my brothers son will now have it. As he can use my call sign. bob
  2. True as they only faxed the info to me. I printed it out from that. What is the ULS please? Thanks for your very quick a nice answer sir. bob
  3. Hi all my nephew wants my radio an I lost my paper license. Where can I get another place to copy a give it to him. wRPL668 still works but can’t find the darn thing. Any help please. bob. (Viperbob25@gmail.com) if necessary.
  4. Hello redneck. I worked in keasbey for over 30 years. A place called Carborundum. Until it was sold in 1999. All I ask is a pick up on the sale, if it happens. It’s virtually new an a better antenna comes with it. thanks again bob
  5. Thanks Sshannon for this video. My pacemaker is a Boston Scientific with two leads. My doctor who implanted the device told me he would not recommend any two way radios. All I have is a handheld radio an don’t want to take a chance at age 81. But a real thanks for your concern. So I’ll try an sell it. Truth I’m just afraid to use it. bob
  6. Well I hate to say this but j have to leave this forum. In August I had a pacemaker installed in my chest. Heart problems in June an July. I can’t use my radio anymore. Period. That’s why I’ve not posted in a while. Looks like I have to sell what little I have. Can’t transmit on any two way radios anymore. So here goes. I have a almost new Baofeng UV-9G complete including the box. I’ll through in. New Nagoya na-771G, 462mhz antenna. I can’t ship so this is a hope sale. I’d like close to $40.00 if possible. As a retired veteran I can use all I can get. This radio is almost new. I never did have a two way conversation on it. If you can come to New Jersey maybe we can deal. My web address is: viperbob25@gmail.com. Sorry to leave but my pacemaker rules. Please help! thanks all
  7. I really like my UV9G. It’s worth the money you spend. Great starter radio. My problem like I’ve said before is the complete lack of GMRS users in my area. I just don’t know what to do. I’ve traveled at least a dozens miles from my home an nothing. All I can ask here in New Jersey is anyone in Monmouth county what to chat let me know where an when. Back4more70 good lick with your new radios. bob
  8. What I’m going to do is ask for people in my area either ham or GMRS to get together where I live. Got nothing to loose. In general discussion. Bobthej03 I found three in my area. Two In Middletown an one in Keyport. Again wish me luck. bob the hopeful.
  9. WRQE264 I own the same radio an I haven’t had the courage to try the belt clip yet. Yes it’s strange but the radio is a great starter radio for the price an so far I’ve overlooked the clip. If you get a decent replacement let me know. I have the extended antenna the Nagora 771G and I’d rather not use the current clip. Good luck. bob - WRPL668
  10. Welcome to all you new GMRS users, from a retired u.s. navy veteran who lives in New Jersey. Hope you hear more then I do. here I live about 40 miles from New York City an I hear nothing. One month or so an I’ve spoken to nobody. Remember don’t ask a question an it’s your fault. Feel free to ask anything. Enjoy our site it’s really great. bob - WRPL668
  11. Wow! You have given me a lot to take in. I’ll be reading this a few times. I do however like your idea. There is just one downfall that I see. It’s is there anyone in my area that I can chat with. Assuming I can afford the better radio an antenna that should go with it. As I’ve said before I’m a 80 year old veteran an I do have to be careful with my bucks. I will check out what you have so nice to tell me here. thanks bob
  12. The higher antenna is a good choice but I don’t want to spend more an hear the static clearer. I never knew that I lived in such a quiet area for the GMRS hobby. I do have to rethink my position with the GMRS hobby but not now. I’ll keep trying but me thinks it’s a lost cause. I may try a roof antenna an see what happens but we’ll see. I do appreciate the help here but I may just have to move on. bob
  13. Hi Dave, an thanks for the nice words. My real problem is the lack of people GMRS, in my area. Putting that antenna on top of my truck could work if there any users in my area. So far I’ve not found any even after putting the Nagora 772G antenna on my handheld. Now that said I’m not giving up for finding folks. I might try the ham route if I knew that there ham folks in my area. With the cost of ham equipment I’m afraid of trying an finding no one. I hate wining but I’ll keep plugging along. Thanks again for your nice words an welcome to our site. Where are you from? I’m from New Jersey. bob - WRPL668
  14. No don’t think the 935 is the answer. Need GMRS people in my area as I’m living in the “ dead zone”. I put a Nagoya 771G on my uv9g an although I hear more is now a refined static ?. The nearest club is a 40 mile + round trip for me. I drive a 29 year old ford ranger. At my age of 80+ years that trip anit for me. I’ll just a wait an see if anyone turns up. To old to try the Ham route. If I would there still is nobody near me. Fun anit it? bob. WRPL668
  15. I agree with off-roader but I live in a dead zone an talking to anyone has been difficult to say the least. It’s all that he said an more. I put the Nagora 771G antenna on it an the static is cleaner ?. It’s a great starter radio. You always buy a more expensive radio down the road. Good luck. bob. WRPL668
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