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    dosw reacted to Lscott in Non US Citizen GMRS License?   
    What was the principal reason for the disqualification?
  2. Thanks
    dosw reacted to WSEL489 in Non US Citizen GMRS License?   
    A Foreign National can get an FRN Number, FCC CORES account, and a GMRS License.  They may not be a representative of their Government, and must be at least 18 years old.
  3. Thanks
    dosw reacted to WRXP381 in Made some good contacts tonight   
    Might be time for a big antenna on the roof and a good base station at the house. 
  4. Like
    dosw got a reaction from kirk5056 in So many questions   
    I wouldn't do direct chat. But why don't you post a few questions and we can see about knocking out answers for them?
    At its most basic:
    Get a license (which you have). Get two radios. Set the two radios to the same channel. Set no squelch tones (aka, privacy tones, ctcss tones, privacy codes, subchannels, dcs tones). None. You and your communications partner go a few hundred feet away from each other with the volume where it is comfortable. One of you pushes the button on the side states his call sign, and asks if the other can hear him. The other pushes the button on the side of his radio, states his call sign, and says yeah I hear you. You're good to go.
    Next step, if you start hearing lots of construction crews and kids playing walkie talkie, you both select a squelch tone and set the radios to that tone. Now you will only hear each other (everyone can still hear you though).
    Then you come to the realization that you can only hear each other a half-mile to a handful of miles away, and not reliably. So you come to mygmrs.com and find repeaters in your area. You submit a request to the repeater's owner to use the repeater. He or she grants the request. Then you set one of the repeater channels in your radio correctly. You'll have questions on how to do that. Ask when you're ready.
  5. Like
    dosw reacted to SteveShannon in Why is nobody on the air?   
    What is it that you think people should be saying on the air?
    What is it that you say on the repeater?  Maybe you could be the one to start the ball rolling.
    GMRS is not ham radio, where people actively seek out people to strike up conversations on the radio just because the radio is there.  GMRS is more designed to be a utility for two people or an entire family who wish to communicate, generally while doing something else, possibly recreational like hiking, biking, etc., or possibly as a business, like farming or ranching.
  6. Sad
    dosw reacted to Skunkape in Why is nobody on the air?   
    Being the the G in GMRS stands for "General", I take that to have a very broad meaning. So, people can and should use it pretty much for whatever they want, including pointless small talk with strangers who have a similar interest in GMRS radio. Otherwise, the F, in FRS stands for "Family", which implies families communicating in family activities. Then again, I may just be pedantic. HAM, I don't think too much of. I've never met a HAMster, that seemed interested in brining new people into the hobby. 
  7. Thanks
    dosw reacted to SteveShannon in Why is nobody on the air?   
    Gee, I can't figure out why people don't want to make pointless small talk with you.  Best wishes!
  8. Thanks
    dosw got a reaction from SteveShannon in So many questions   
    This is exactly why I prefer not to use direct chat.
    The other (less common) reason is sometimes there's no end to it.
  9. Like
    dosw got a reaction from JoCoBrian in So many questions   
    I wouldn't do direct chat. But why don't you post a few questions and we can see about knocking out answers for them?
    At its most basic:
    Get a license (which you have). Get two radios. Set the two radios to the same channel. Set no squelch tones (aka, privacy tones, ctcss tones, privacy codes, subchannels, dcs tones). None. You and your communications partner go a few hundred feet away from each other with the volume where it is comfortable. One of you pushes the button on the side states his call sign, and asks if the other can hear him. The other pushes the button on the side of his radio, states his call sign, and says yeah I hear you. You're good to go.
    Next step, if you start hearing lots of construction crews and kids playing walkie talkie, you both select a squelch tone and set the radios to that tone. Now you will only hear each other (everyone can still hear you though).
    Then you come to the realization that you can only hear each other a half-mile to a handful of miles away, and not reliably. So you come to mygmrs.com and find repeaters in your area. You submit a request to the repeater's owner to use the repeater. He or she grants the request. Then you set one of the repeater channels in your radio correctly. You'll have questions on how to do that. Ask when you're ready.
  10. Like
    dosw got a reaction from LeeBo in So many questions   
    I wouldn't do direct chat. But why don't you post a few questions and we can see about knocking out answers for them?
    At its most basic:
    Get a license (which you have). Get two radios. Set the two radios to the same channel. Set no squelch tones (aka, privacy tones, ctcss tones, privacy codes, subchannels, dcs tones). None. You and your communications partner go a few hundred feet away from each other with the volume where it is comfortable. One of you pushes the button on the side states his call sign, and asks if the other can hear him. The other pushes the button on the side of his radio, states his call sign, and says yeah I hear you. You're good to go.
    Next step, if you start hearing lots of construction crews and kids playing walkie talkie, you both select a squelch tone and set the radios to that tone. Now you will only hear each other (everyone can still hear you though).
    Then you come to the realization that you can only hear each other a half-mile to a handful of miles away, and not reliably. So you come to mygmrs.com and find repeaters in your area. You submit a request to the repeater's owner to use the repeater. He or she grants the request. Then you set one of the repeater channels in your radio correctly. You'll have questions on how to do that. Ask when you're ready.
  11. Thanks
    dosw got a reaction from SteveShannon in So many questions   
    I wouldn't do direct chat. But why don't you post a few questions and we can see about knocking out answers for them?
    At its most basic:
    Get a license (which you have). Get two radios. Set the two radios to the same channel. Set no squelch tones (aka, privacy tones, ctcss tones, privacy codes, subchannels, dcs tones). None. You and your communications partner go a few hundred feet away from each other with the volume where it is comfortable. One of you pushes the button on the side states his call sign, and asks if the other can hear him. The other pushes the button on the side of his radio, states his call sign, and says yeah I hear you. You're good to go.
    Next step, if you start hearing lots of construction crews and kids playing walkie talkie, you both select a squelch tone and set the radios to that tone. Now you will only hear each other (everyone can still hear you though).
    Then you come to the realization that you can only hear each other a half-mile to a handful of miles away, and not reliably. So you come to mygmrs.com and find repeaters in your area. You submit a request to the repeater's owner to use the repeater. He or she grants the request. Then you set one of the repeater channels in your radio correctly. You'll have questions on how to do that. Ask when you're ready.
  12. Thanks
    dosw reacted to WRUU653 in ?   
    @mitzvah your original post was random and not a cohesive train of thought. A bit of fun was had at your expense. I recommend you try reading your own post before posting it. This isn’t the first time people didn’t know what you were trying to say. 
    Moving on from that @SteveShannon I think has some good advice for the hearing issue which must be frustrating. 
    Cheers 🍻 
  13. Thanks
    dosw reacted to SteveShannon in ?   
    Look, I had the same problem understanding your question that they did, so I simply ignored all the bullshit about radios and antennas and answered your hearing aid question (or at least what I interpreted as the question.) A wise person once told me "If you're not getting the answers you want, maybe look at how you asked the question." 
    You included a bunch of confusing bullshit, whether as an attempt to be funny or perhaps you thought we would understand some analogy.  You removed your antenna and inserted the symbolic 1500 foot mountain between you and us and now you’re upset that we cannot hear you. Don't take it out on this forum because you posted a bizarre unintelligible plea for help. 
  14. Haha
    dosw reacted to Hoppyjr in ?   
    I think car monkey hairspray, but big toe likes rocky road. Hair gel makes fun times but trees are there. Your sister wash with hose but I still like pie.

  15. Like
    dosw got a reaction from piggin in GMRS/HAM base antenna??   
    The Comet GP3 is also well reviewed for use with GMRS:
  16. Like
    dosw got a reaction from Lscott in Line of Sight vs Power.   
    dB difference = 10*log(p2/p1)
    10*log(50/7.8) = 8.07dB
    10*log(50/5) = 10dB
    At least that's how I understand it. And every 3dBi is a doubling.
  17. Like
    dosw got a reaction from SteveShannon in Line of Sight vs Power.   
    dB difference = 10*log(p2/p1)
    10*log(50/7.8) = 8.07dB
    10*log(50/5) = 10dB
    At least that's how I understand it. And every 3dBi is a doubling.
  18. Thanks
    dosw reacted to marcspaz in Line of Sight vs Power.   
    I know you are new, and I want to cut you some slack, but your post is so incredibly wrong that I can't let it go.  We are talking about physics, not opinions.  Radio waves generally do not travel far through the ground.  A few meters at best, and it doesn't matter how much power you throw at it.  Soil, rock, and other dense materials will either reflect (most common) or absorb radio waves. The distance the waves travel through ground depends on several factors, including the frequency of the waves, the conductivity and composition of the ground, and the moisture content.

    Absolute best case, low-frequency radio waves (e.g., Very Low Frequency, or VLF, 3–30 kHz) can penetrate several meters into the ground through materials like dry sand or soil.  As the moisture level increases, the distance decreases.  High-frequency waves (e.g., Medium to High Frequency, MF to HF, 300 kHz–30 MHz) penetrate the ground poorly and are mostly reflected at the surface or absorbed with penetration being 3 meters or less.  Going to VHF or higher, we start measuring the penetration in fractions of a meter.
    Now, when it comes to radio waves flowing around objects (for lack of a better expression), there is a little bit of truth to that.  Think of it like a shadow.  When the sun is blocked by and object, there is not absolute darkness in the shadow.  There are photons scattering all through the atmosphere, illuminating the blind side of an obstacle. However, there are no radios that have the power of the sun behind them.  The energy that scatters around objects like buildings or hills is extremely minimal, and the closer to the blind side of the object, the less the saturation is.  Kind of like a shadow being the darkest at the base crease of the object blocking the light.
  19. Thanks
    dosw reacted to OffRoaderX in Waiting for fcc update   
    Correction: Unhealthy and bizarre obsession and fixation on seeking attention.
  20. Thanks
    dosw reacted to WRQC527 in Waiting for fcc update   
    The issue is that people keep responding to him instead of putting him on their Ignored User list. That just exacerbates the problem. 
  21. Like
    dosw reacted to WRQD922 in Waiting for fcc update   
    Grow up !  What the hell is wrong with you ? 
  22. Like
    dosw reacted to Hoppyjr in Waiting for fcc update   
    “….right over your head….”

    From the most arrogant guy on this forum.
  23. Haha
    dosw reacted to 808Beachbum in New to GMRS   
    What gives makes you think he read the manual after writing the first part of the single post describing what was "on the screen"? Too much effort to backspace over the erroneous statements before completing the post after his epiphany? Or he read the manual and thought he changed to "channels", but failed to actually do so and therefore DID have the dual watch vfo freqs displayed?
  24. Sad
    dosw got a reaction from Lscott in GMRS and SHTF   
    That sounds very sad ham-ish, indeed. And at this point, it's been 19 years. I imagine that a substantial portion of the Extra class operators who looked with fondness upon the CW requirement as a rite of passage, have already found safe passage into the pearly gates.
  25. Like
    dosw got a reaction from wayoverthere in Laird Connectivity is now Enzurio   
    It's possible they misdirected my inquiry. As I dig a little deeper, the Laird TE B4505CN is now made by TE Connectivity, so it sounds like their mobile antennas spun out to  TE, while their internal equipment spun out to Enzurio, which I guess is a division of Dupont now. Trying again...
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