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  1. Your radio needs to transmit that tone to the repeater to open the repeaters sqwelch.
  2. I’d bet some one again re listed them as their own attempting to add them to the “my repeaters” list. Not knowing that adds another repeater. This has happened a few times before. Or it’s something else…..
  3. I have all my radios lined up on a desk with chargers touching. 11 HTs of different types and 2 base units. I hear the repeater on all of them when I transmit out on any of them. Desencing has never been an issue for me. I’d bet you’re just to far away. You can kerchunk a repeater but be too far away for it to pick up a voice signal. I’d drive closer and try again. When you hear people on the repeater try again. Ask for a radio check and introduce yourself. What radios are you using? What antennas? How far away are you from the repeater? How is the line of sight? . you will not be able to talk to your wife’s radio as a test because your transmitting on 467 and she is listening on 462
  4. I run my squelch at 8 or better. If you usually have strong signals I’d raise your squelch from 4 to 7/8?
  5. That is correct. Tones keep the squelch closed. Your radio still receives everything on the frequency but does not open the squelch if it has tones set.
  6. If you’re kerchunking the repeater (opening sqwelch) and your wife can hear your sqwelch tail back at home the tones are correct. Most repeater owners do not like any one to kerchunk there repeaters fyi. I’d bet your just simply to far or have bad line of sight. A mag mount on the roof would be good. An external antenna at home would also be good. You stated you didn’t know how far away you were from the repeater. You really need to know this and drive closer untill it works out. Then drive around to find the places you can and can not get through. Remember your 5w and the repeater may be 40-50w with a big gain antenna. Also what ht radio and antenna are you using.
  7. I would have just tried to expand the range and chirp and see how it went.
  8. Yup. Doesn’t matter at all. I just say the letters and numbers. Some repeaters have different rules. as for family… just use names. The fcc doesn’t care as long as you say the call sign in some way every 15m and at the end.
  9. Totally agree. Except I’ve never had an issue at all with needing a “decoder ring”. I person got away from rt system because I didn’t want to pay for every new radio I got. But it’s almost exactly the same. It’s just like radios. What ever works for you
  10. You will take out the head liner or Atleast let it down enough to work and pull down any insulation. Most cars down have insulation in the roof. And they find the best place to drill a hole do you don’t hit any power or truss’s or anything else. Then like said above you will disassemble the mount and insert from inside the car and Screw it down from out side the car. Make sure you use some clear silicon under the nut on the out side. Use a step bit or a punch. A hole saw can go bad very fast. It’s a very easy process but can go very wrong easily
  11. Yup this and no you do not need a separate chassis ground with gmrs.
  12. Why not just put a tone in? It’s what I do. It works well.
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