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    Chicago - NW Suburbs

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  1. I've heard you can use a PO box to register with the FCC. That's the only way I know of to prevent your personal address from being listed in ULS.
  2. Thankfully, you're right. Unfortunately, we still have to deal with them on the internet.
  3. Sovereign citizens usually don't put a lot of weight into the general welfare clause.
  4. Man, you're kind of a dick online. You were one of the people I would watch regularly when trying to figure out this whole GMRS thing. Your schtick is funny on YouTube but something is getting lost in translation via text.
  5. I don't see it used much but it was supposedly used a lot by XYL's as an alternative to 73. It means hugs and kisses.
  6. Was it the 88's or something else?
  7. He comes across with big "I'm not DRIVING I'm TRAVELLING" energy.
  8. @OffRoaderX I don't have a link to the rules explicitly saying it's allowed, but I accidentally paid for (2) licences under the same FRN number and now I have (2) calls. I never use the other one, but it exists in ULS and the feds haven't said anything to me about it yet. I think they were just happy to have their extra $35.
  9. I used to have a "Monitoring 462.675" sticker that I drove around with for months and never could raise any traffic on that freq. I switched to one of the 146.52 stickers about a month ago and have been monitoring that instead. In Chicago, 2m simplex is way more popular on the road than GMRS simplex. The repeaters are a completely different story. All that is to say I think I'll just stick with a single sticker on my car for now. No more GMRS sticker for me.
  10. Just bought one off of Amazon today. I downloaded the AnyTone software and have everything setup for when it arrives. I'll just have to do the button push trick and upload my file. The only thing that seems off is the software and manual list the channel spacing or bandwidth as 25kHz but GMRS is supposed to be 20kHz (outside of the 467 frequencies). Narrow band looks like 12.5kHz and matches what we're limited to on the 467 frequencies.
  11. In Chirp, the code should be listed as "155" under the "DTCS Code" and/or "DTCS Rx Code" depending on if you want to use different Tx and Rx codes.
  12. This seems to be the web page for the FB group SShannon linked. https://okgmrsclub.org/
  13. I think wideband might be the ticket. I recognized your call and heard you come in on the Chain O Lakes repeater. You were clear but very very quiet compared to the gentleman that came back to you. I'm in front of my rig now if you want to call out and try it on wideband @WRTY645
  14. I've signed up with some non-local GMRS clubs in areas that I travel in and they're often very receptive to travellers joining their ranks. I just bought a t-shirt from a group that operates in the area I grew up in. I'll support the clubs in any way I can.
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