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  1. Welcome to MyGMRS Alaska! Glad you have joined us. Chc out the repeater list, I know we have some Repeaters out in Anchorage and you can make some contacts out there. I live out in the Valley but if you ever have any questions do not hesitate to ask. There is a great group of guys on here that are very knowledgable and are more than happy to help you out.
    Nice. What antenna is that?
  2. Where did you get them at?
  3. They are very comfortable, to me at least, and I shoot my Benelli M4 a lot. It has a field stock installed on it because I just am not a fan of the pistol grip stocks. The ear pro do not get in the way at all and can be worn with no issues while shooting shotgun. Took these to my schools ham club and the kids loved them, they all said they told their parents to buy them a pair lol. I know there are better ear pro out there, but for the cost and features you cant go wrong with these. Also, just so you know, you can hook up your own radios to these, you dont have to have this exact radio hook up.
  4. The total cost of both the ear pro and the walkie was about 70 bucks, not too bad considering what they are, but do understand wanting to get other things first.
  5. I get the left handed shooter part. I mean being wrong handed must suck, but the FRS part isnt too bad. You can get the razors and hook up your own comms and it shouldnt be a problem.
  6. Just got these ear pros with the walkie-talkie attached to them. These things are pretty cool. One of my other hobbies that I partake in a lot is guns and shooting and wanted to get some ear pro that didnt break the bank, so I grabbed these at Sportsman. Little did I know that these radios/ear pro not only communicate with each other, but they also transmit to FRS/GMRS radios! I know, I'm slow lol. But these are pretty cool. I was able to transmit to a Baofeng GMRS radio with no issue and the audio is really clear. Seeing as I only have one pair, I have not been able to talk to another person with this ear pro (I know I need friends lol), but man these things are cool. Would for sure recommend them to anyone who needs hearing protection while talking with others. I know there are ways to connect your radios to these different types of ear pros, but I like this setup so much more. It is much cleaner with very little in the way and no wires hanging down. They are marketed as FRS so the power on them isnt going to get you across town, thats for sure, and you can not program them as far as I see, but it is nice for short range comms with friends and family. They are FRS so really anyone can use them. This radio also has sub-channels that can be selected to only receive transmissions from other radios set to the same channel and sub-channel (which I think you can only do with other Walkers, still playing around with them) and they also have PRI or priority channel set-up which I think is pretty cool too. I have not tried out the VOX feature yet, but I think that might be better used for individuals who both have this same set up. Anyone else out there have these or tried them out? I like them so far and I am going to take them to my ham club at the school and show the kids, I think they will get a kick out of them. I paid probably about $70 for them, which isnt bad for what they do. Would love to hear others input on them.
  7. Same. I have not had any issues with it and I have three of them and they all have been programmed with no issues.
  8. I do not feel like it is my place as an employee in my position to comment on the security protocols of our schools on a public forum. I will add a link to an article that may put some perspective on this matter. https://www.edweek.org/technology/school-shootings-are-fueling-the-debate-over-cellphones-in-class/2022/06 Hope this helps answer some of those concerns you may have. If you have any questions or issues with the no cell phone policy at your local schools (if they have them) you have every right as a parent and a citizen to speak with either the principal of the school or the school board in your district.
  9. Have yet to see that happen. Not saying it has not, but I have yet to hear that from any teachers or staff. We have a whole procedure we go through in making sure kids have their cell phones in their pouch. If they don't and when they get caught (they always get caught) we send their phone to front office and parent has to come to school to pick up phone. Once that happens lets just say the kid never forgets again, that's if they get their phone back from their parents.
  10. Interesting how so many are talking about how repeaters are dead and not much simplex use because modern tech such as cell phones has become the norm. The school I teach at has gone completely cell phone-free. Meaning the kids can not have their cell phones from the time the morning bell rings to the last bell of the day. We have issued to all students Yondr Pouches, which are little bags the students have to put their cell phones in when the morning bell rings they magnetically lock and the kids can not get them open until we put the "keys" out at the end of the day. With that being said, I have been able to use that to recruit more kids to ham radio. I have been showing the kids all the ways that radio can be used like a cell phone, such as text messaging, sharing pictures, and emails, and just plain ol talking with each other. Most of these kids all live in the same neighborhood or close enough to do simplex. The big thing when telling the kids this is that cell phones may be banned, but the principal never said anything about ham radio lol. I know there are caveats to all of these, but generally speaking as some of you already know these things are not difficult to do. I told them that even if they are grounded from their cell phones at home they can still use their radios to communicate with their friends and even share each other's locations etc. lol. Teaching these things to the younger generation has been a big hit and the school admin is all for it and super supportive of the kids using radio tech instead of their cell phones. Please guys, and gals, don't give up on our younger generation. These kids are smart and catch on quickly, they just need more people showing them how to properly utilize ham radio and all the benefits it has. Man, I can go on all day on this subject as I have been working hard integrating ham radio into our school. The ham club I started at the school has been a big success to my surprise and has fired me up to know that ham radio is not dead and is alive and well in our kids, as long as WE do the work to show them. Sorry, rant over lol.
  11. Hello Roger, nice to meet you. There are a lot of us out there and believe it or not a lot of the guys on here are great guys and have a lot of knowledge about radios and Im sure they would love to share that knowledge with you. If you ever want to get your amateur license, know that there are countless resources that help people with earning it. If there is anything I can do to help you please send me a message and I will be more than happy to point you in the right direction.
  12. Hey dogfarts arent you located up here off the loop? Im out here now if you want to do some radio checks I will be on channel 16.
  13. I love GMRS and I am also a "HAMster". My name is Will nice to meet you, I have started a ham radio club at the jr high school I work at and I have already led one student to earn his technician license and have about 10 more in the works. I have about a total of 20 kids that I brought into the hobby. Check out the blog that Bridgecom Systems put out on the ham club that I created for these kids. With that being said, please do not assume that all amateur radio operators are a bunch of hermits that keep to themselves and do not share this hobby with others, because there are a lot of teachers like myself out there that are doing the same at their schools. As well as countless hams that teach their family and friends. I am sorry that you may have had a bad experience with some people. I hope we can talk more sir, I am always up for a good chat
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