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  1. You didn't mention the most important part of the update. "linking repeaters is not in the public interest. Because GMRS spectrum is limited and used on a shared “commons” basis, the service only works well on a localized basis when users can hear each other and cooperate in the sharing of channels. Linking repeaters not only increases the potential for interference, but also uses up a limited spectrum resource over much larger areas than intended, limiting localized availability of the repeater channels." Sent from my SM-S918U using Tapatalk
  2. P25 doesn't sound like s. As to rural vs populated area both would have the same lack of usage if gmrs wasn't used as hobbyist radio. Sent from my SM-S918U using Tapatalk
  3. It's ok. Go back to promoting Chinese radios Sent from my SM-S918U using Tapatalk
  4. I am part of a club actually still holding the old non w fcc license. We actually do volunteer events, unlike these stuck-up people who try to make a club while doing nothing with it besides try to turn gmrs into amateur radio while trying to charge to use the repeater. Sent from my SM-S918U using Tapatalk
  5. Do you live in an area with not much gmrs use? Many areas experience "cellphone" type users who don't care to allow others to use as they spend 1 or more hours talking about bs. Go to amateur radio if you want digital! Sent from my SM-S918U using Tapatalk
  6. Fact, opinion, or just lack of information. I'm not really concerned about it. All this is about is a group of people who got bored of analog and the repeaters "lack of range" and want to change gmrs into what amateur radio is. Sent from my SM-S918U using Tapatalk
  7. Let keep talking about it like it's a good thing to go digital instead of people understanding that gmrs is not a "hobbyist" radio service. People think Simulcasting is ok, and look what happened in NY. If you want all this extra crap just go Amateur radio. Sent from my SM-S918U using Tapatalk
  8. Actually if you have a good radio p25 audio isn't that bad. Now midland is definitely horrible [emoji2961] Sent from my SM-S918U using Tapatalk
  9. I just checked it on the app. Click on more details and you will see it. Sent from my SM-S918U using Tapatalk
  10. Thank you Sent from my SM-S918U using Tapatalk
  11. WRWY215 does not own any of the repeaters they are listing. Wqcz300 owns the Verdugo 700 https://mygmrs.com/repeater/7636?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=digest The notarubacon 600 is owned by randy wrwc280 https://mygmrs.com/repeater/7593 Sent from my SM-S918U using Tapatalk
  12. This discussion needs to end because the answer is not digital or cutting a high level repeater down to 25 watts. If you want more frequencies or digital modes go to amateur radio and leave gmrs as it is. What does need to happen is more education as people need to understand that gmrs is not the same as a cellphone so you shouldn't use it like one and talk for hours. Sent from my SM-S918U using Tapatalk
  13. The issue from what I have heard is people use the same frequency and tone as the repeater then when someone gets on the repeater they get yelled at for it. But yes if you had a decent base radio you could get some distance even simplex. Sent from my SM-S918U using Tapatalk
  14. Then stop putting repeaters on top of other repeaters! Simple solution because you don't need more than a few. Here in Southern California we have idiots that need to shut up and allow others to periodically use the frequency. Those are the real issues. Sent from my SM-S918U using Tapatalk
  15. Why not just take the test for amateur radio if you want to do as there are plenty of dmr repeaters. I'll stick to my p25 radios. Sent from my SM-S918U using Tapatalk
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