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Cpch64's Achievements

  1. Reporting Back: Thumbs up on the "Comet GP-6NC GMRS/FRS Commercial Dual-Band VHF/UHF Base Vertical Antennas GP-6NC"!! It bridged the gap on the TX side and better RX. I'm now able to talk with both repeaters 45-58 miles away during daytime hours in which i could not do before. Many thanks for all the information!!
  2. I have lived in south Louisiana for all of my adult life and have been through multiple hurricanes. I can attest that i would have used the GMRS radios in the past if I would have had them. Maybe not just for emergency but for plain Jane communications. Go a couple weeks with no cell,electricity, or water. Hell 1 day with no running water sucks :]. I had my own supplies to get through it while working but the radios (GMRS) would have helped me out greatly just on the basic communications for family,friends & work. Cell service does not got down often for very long but it does happen. I would say I can remember 3-4 times for 1-2 weeks approx no service over 30-35 years of hurricanes. They usually bring in mobile stuff but the lines are usually clogged and its very hit or miss getting calls through or received. Idah kicked our butts last year so its a fresh memory.
  3. Man I'm envious of that view! Again I cant thank everyone enough for the information and will report back in a few days since it shows the antenna arriving tomorrow. Sshannon I also appreciate the link to DX. I ordered that antenna late Friday and with free shipping it will be here Monday. They don't mess around. TY
  4. I can't thank you both enough for the information!!! I went ahead and ordered the Comet GP-6NC GMRS/FRS Commercial Dual-Band VHF/UHF Base Vertical Antenna from DX and will give this a try 1st. For $169 no biggie if it doesn't work out. It is showing 9db gain and it will give me a bit more height also. https://www.dxengineering.com/parts/cma-gp-6nc JB007Rules I may take you up on your offer either way and its much appreciated. I want to test this antenna out first and then possibly donate it to my son or one of my friends that is getting into GMRS. I just don't want to burn a grand on an DB408 this month since it could be my Christmas present within the next couple of months :}. Many Thanks,
  5. ? Great info TY
  6. I appreciate the information. Looks like something i could try and if would not work out i would not cry as much :}. TY
  7. Current Setup: Wouxun KG 1000 Radio --->50' LMR 400 Coax-->Ed Fong UHF +5 db Antenna (Approx 25'-30' above ground level attached to chimney) I'm getting a 1.01 SWR reading and showing 51 watt output reading on SWR meter. During evening & morning hours I can get an approximate range of 48 miles to a repeater located in New Orleans but during the day it is not possible. Question: If I were to purchase a CommScope DB404B or DB408B in your opinion would this increase my range in the RX&TX? Going from a $50 antenna to a $500-$900 is a big jump. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks,
  8. If i may be so bold to ask a question. If the repeater says 45 watts output with built in duplexer do you actually get the full 45 watt output. The reason i ask from what I see on other repeater setups you take a hit to the output due to the duplexer. Sorry if this is a newb question but curious. Thanks,
  9. Since this tread showed back up I thought I would respond to what actually happened. I was reading the answer to the request wrong (imagine that). The request was pending but the owner finally responded with a denial due to testing. I do appreciate the help though.
  10. I appreciate the information.
  11. I have done a good bit of reading but I am still a bit unsure of the grounding situation I am in. I have installed a Ed Fong DBJ - UH antenna (3/4" Pvc Pipe) and inserted it 10" into a 5 foot long 1 1/4" pvc pipe (Mast). This is then mounted to my chimney with metal chimney straps. My understating is that is that I would not need a ground in this situation. I would appreciate any insight as to weather this is correct. I will add the antenna is working great reaching out 35-45miles in south Louisiana. Thanks,
  12. Sorry for late response but the answer to you question is as follows: Repeater=Roadkill !! 600 - CCC My Zip=70360 I also just got my new Wouxun KG 1000 up and running. Update: Finally made connection with 2 different repeaters! One of them 35 Miles out and the other 47 Miles out. I appreciate the help.
  13. I appreciate your input. I know my base is working since we have tested it using a handheld here in town. Medium town suburb setting and I'm getting about 3 miles but I have been unable to connect with a repeater i can hear clearly (48 Miles away). It also could be that I have the tone setting set wrong. I striving for FIRST CONTACT!! :} Thanks Again,
  14. Would this be a correct statement? If i can hear a frequency clearly, I should be able to communicate with that frequency provided that I have the same output power as the radio sending it out. Thanks,
  15. I logged into both MYGMRS and forums but still not seeing any input and output info. There is a green check mark located above approved requests. Repeater Name = BYU-700 located in Thibodaux LA Thanks
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