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About WRQC299

  • Birthday May 26

Profile Information

  • Name
    Rob Joyner
  • Unit Number
  • Location
    South Pasadena, CA

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  1. Have you seen this YouTube video about prototyping a slot antenna for ham and gmrs? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Can you talk between the TiDradio H3 and the BTech Pro? What about NOAA weather frequencies? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Or, signal stuff sells BNC adapters you are looking for- https://signalstuff.com/shop/#adapters Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. CA Vehicle Code 24409 (Failure to Dim Headlights) states: “(a) Whenever the driver of a vehicle approaches an oncoming vehicle within 500 feet, he shall use a distribution of light or composite beam so aimed that the glaring rays are not projected into the eyes of the oncoming driver. The lowermost distribution of light specified in this article shall be deemed to avoid glare at all times regardless of road contour. ( Whenever the driver of a vehicle follows another vehicle within 300 feet to the rear, he shall use the lowermost distribution of light specified in this article.” https://codes.findlaw.com/ca/vehicle-code/veh-sect-24409/ That means flashing your high beams at someone to warn them is illegal, but turning your low beam lights on and off is not. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Agreed- best BNC ones I’ve found come from the Signal Stick guys: https://signalstuff.com/products/#adapters Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. VXR7000- Are those discontinued? Just pick one up second hand, I suppose. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. I had the same thought… I believe it may be one of the DIY preset channels, (the “+” sign is a dead giveaway…) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. What about converting a directtv dish into a VHF/UHF antenna? Decent project: Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Easy, just use BNC connectors for quick swaps between HT antennas, the mobile antenna in your vehicle, and the mounted antenna at home! No more “stress” on those SMA connectors… Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. [emoji15] ([emoji2957]) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. yes, they are dbi gain antennas, improved performance from the stock antennas they ship with.?
  12. Picked these up: https://signalstuff.com/product/super-elastic-signal-stick-bnc/ I aways use BNC connectors for quick change and use in the car with a magnetic base...
  13. Yes, I noticed the time is now correct too... Picked up the GS-5b on amazon on a flash deal as a SHTF HT back in December- the bluetooth connect to a smart phone is quick and easy to make an adjustment to the radio programming away from a computer. I also picked up a set of signal sticks for my three radios- for a good cause too!
  14. Curious as to this as well... I have noticed the "time" is about 10 minutes fast on the announcement...
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