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  1. Excuse me... Gainesville.
  2. I am most often based around the Rodman trailhead area, I believe I had tried the Ocala repeater but could not get to it.. I doubt I will be able to hit Orlando from there through the trees. i'll try the Ocala again and try some different areas.
  3. Saw many of them in use in Iraq and Afghanistan as well. Seems they work.
  4. I still have no idea who Terry sullivan is...
  5. The thing that kills me about these guys, like the one being discussed is this: He BOUGHT every piece of equipment he has, makes no bones about it. "my reference Diamond RH77CA 144/440 antenna." I build better antennas than I can buy. This guy has never BUILT his own antenna, He has never MARS modded a radio, he has never done anything but bought his "expensive" gear. I have, many, many times I've run radios perfectly over long distances using cable TV cable, 75ohm. Theres a secret to it..lol I have known EXACTLY one extra class HAM that knew his shit. I know another that calls me weekly to tell him how to operate his rig. The main reason I am not a HAM, I do me.. I am not interested in "helping" that Extra class moron set up his radios, antennas, towers, grounding, explaining SWR AND reflection, propagation, polarization, resonance, etc. etc. to him.. or her.. because they managed rote memorization.
  6. UV5R / 8 Nagoya NA-773 all day.
  7. Hello all. I do quite a bit of camping, 4x4ing and just generally running around the forest. I have a great GMRS / 2m / 70cm rig in my truck. Not a HAM.. really never felt the need for it although I could easily pass the "test". I prefer using the GMRS because my family can use it as well like when wifey is at base camp and I am say... fishing the river. I'd like to know if there are any repeaters up there around or in the forest that can be used by folks like me or any freqs that can be used for emergency comms.. such as a breakdown or being stuck, that type of thing. Also is there a channel that is the one to keep tuned in and / or use while running the forest? I have tried to hit the Ocala repeater but it was not working or I was just too far out of range. Thanks in advance for any information and if you live around there by all means let me know.
  8. Seems to be fixed now and working properly. which is good as it is a good one with a lot of range here. Thanks to the owner for taking care of it.
  9. Is anyone having any issues with the Fort Pierce repeater? Everything else seems to work ok locally but the 575 has gotten barely audible if at all. Ft Drum is fine, hobe sound is good.. anyone?
  10. Appreciate you all taking the time to help.. I programmed everything last night, was talking on the repeater today. Had a lot of cleanup to do today or i would have responded sooner. All is well.. Situation is under control.
  11. tried earlier... and just did it again a dozen times.. constant stream of "The credentials you have provided are incorrect. Please try again." really? !?!? can anyone else get to it?? maybe take a screenshot??? this is pretty frustrating.
  12. And yes , my mistake on the title.. FP575 it is.
  13. That is as far as I can get. I am posting this.. so I am "signed in".
  14. Yes that is correct. On 462.575 MHz.. but Cannot find the tone anywhere.. most everything here is 107.2 but that ain't workin... Here is all I can see.. as far as I can tell... I am posting so therefore I am signed in.. Output Tone Sign In to View
  15. Yes that is correct. On 462.575 MHz.. but Cannot find the tone anywhere.. most everything here is 107.2 but that ain't workin...
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