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Everything posted by UncleYoda

  1. Browse or Use their Custom Cable builder: https://mpddigital.us/ Or this: https://thewireman.com/product/cq-rg8-low-loss-4xl-lmr400-equivalent/ (The Wire Man sells at a lot of hamfests (not sure about all parts of the US).
  2. Nope, that's just the standard way to add channels. Can't select 31-38.
  3. Yea, but I guess you missed the whole point. That's just the standard procedure for adding channels, which I can do and have done. It doesn't work for 31-38, the channels that allow transmit to repeaters, because they can't be selected - the selector jumps from 14 to 39. Radioddity support said I shouldn't have been able to enter a channel for 39 either but I can, so that's one of the nine. And that proves there's no good reason to block the others.
  4. Bad news (in my case anyway). They say software is required to add entries in those 9 extra channels. That should have been stated in the product description so we would know before we purchase.
  5. No. I don't have a digital camera. i did take a photo with the phone but the browser I choose to use is being blocked from interacting with threads here (trying to force me to use Chrome or some other app I don't have). If you don't trust me then ignore. But what it shows is black screen with white text that says: MODE: GMRS V2.34 I even waited longer this time to see if it went to another screen, but no.
  6. Holding the V/M button down during power on only gives me the firmware version, not a frequency selection list. Maybe they disabled it in newer firmware (mine is 2.34).
  7. I have a DB-20G with firmware 2.34 in factory GMRS mode but cannot add channels 31-38 at all, not even for RX. 39 does work for TX and RX, but that is only one not the extra 9 advertised. Should I ask Radioddity what's wrong? [edit: I did send them a message] p.s. 31-39 would be 9, not 31-40 and indeed 40 does not TX on mine.
  8. The software issue I have is probably something specific to my machine, so not worth troubleshooting here. I just wanted to know what I'd be missing. The V/M key tip does help some.
  9. The Radioddity software will not work on my Windows 10 machine. Would I be missing out on any important settings without programming software? And is there a way to switch it over to Ham frequencies without using the software? UPDATE: the software is working
  10. Some way to tell what information was updated. I see some that were updated x days ago but they look the same.
  11. For saving the appropriate power level when adding a channel.
  12. Not a mistake. Repeater owner has insisted he thinks they all should be open. He decided after initial testing to not list tones anymore. My point is the database shouldn't allow Open and Unlisted; that's what Permission Required is for. (In this case, owner has also disabled access requests, but that may not be permanent.) There is a "No Tone" choice so Unlisted is clearly different. (Again, in this case, I know there will be tones.)
  13. What if the tones are unlisted but the repeater is listed as Open? Is that really open? Seems like it should say Permission Required or Members Only (Free).
  14. On a GMRS system with a duplex repeater and some local simplex repeaters/nodes, what is meant by a receiver node? Input only, to the repeater? Or repeating the repeater output? Or something else? I'm not even sure what distinguishes a node from a repeater unless node means just internet access without repeater output locally.
  15. Would be nice if you added a searchable database field for COUNTY (i.e, state and county search) to the repeater listing.
  16. I don't know if you're telling me to test or that you tested it. I don't have an SDR.
  17. This radio only does 2m and 70cm (in USA version). Specific frequencies are not relevant.
  18. Does anyone know what the middle bandwidth frequency is? The manual says wide is 25 KHz and narrow is 12.5KHz. The manual does not mention the middle bandwidth. I can't recall any normal setting between wide and narrow. I know of arguments that wide is really 20 not 25, but I doubt that is what is being called middle. (The manual incorrectly indicates wide is not available in the USA.) I do not have any way to measure bandwidth. Chirp recognizes all three settings, but in copying channels from another radio it left them set at FM which on the UV88 corresponds to the middle bandwidth not wide. Apparently that means editing the setting for every channel as there is no way to paste one value down a column.
  19. I hate everything about DMR. I particularly hate the way it's taking up frequencies in HAM. I would file for a refund of my GMRS fee if the FCC implemented your proposal. Digital should get its own bands and not take over our analog frequencies.
  20. I was just reading critical reviews of DB20-G on Amazon and one of the biggest issues seems to be durability. It quits working properly after a while? Is that really a big issue with these? Other than that it seems like a better option that the others in the same price range.
  21. To me, you're being the ass by telling us what we can talk about. The discussion matches the thread topic - if you ain't interested, stay out of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. But you dug your own hole there. GMRS certified radios (as far as I'm aware) only allow those frequencies to be used on the repeater (duplex) channels. Maybe there is a special type of radio for fixed stations that does simplex, or uses duplex without a repeater (one station being reversed). And this same clause regarding channels (frequencies) is the one that omits base stations, which is why some users claim their base operation is as a fixed station. So, saying fixed stations can use those frequencies but not use repeaters changes the whole interpretation of what is being stated there in the regs. But of course you don't care about intent so .... You know, if none of us care about intent of the wording, there is nowhere it specifically says base stations can't use repeaters either.
  23. Because it was being discussed again under another topic. Sorry we didn't first ask your permission to continue the discussion. That would apply to every base station so that gets us nowhere.
  24. 95.1763 (c) 467 MHz main channels. Only mobile, hand-held portable, control and fixed stations may transmit on these 8 channels What the wording means is very relevant to anyone who tries to follow the rules. And I think if there were a court case, intent would be considered. But with this attitude, we may as well stop the discussion here because the wording of the regulation is lacking detail.
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