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Everything posted by CentralFloridaGMRS

  1. According to the FCC meeting that was recorded and shown online they have pending cases around the United States
  2. This would explain why someone gave the heads up to the man running the New York System of things to come.
  3. So we asked for a clarification and we got it. I'm not happy about it either. It's never been legal, now it explains why the New York network got the heads up before they started looking at enforcing it and shut down. For me, it was just another tool. Zello will work fine all by itself keeping in contact with my New England friends.
  4. It was updated on the 14th with the word internet. Now I'm turning off my node and shutting down my Zello Connection for now.
  5. Battery life isn't great but we used these at our home in Gatlinburg when we went hiking.
  6. Like the radios but the battery life is not that great
  7. I have both of them but moved on to a Comet CA-712EFC. I moved the Ed Fong Antenna to my other house in Gatlinburg, Tenn. It works OK. In Tennensse I have the advantage of being on the top of a mountain so I would expect the Ed Fong Antenna to work. My Comet outperforms both the Ed Fong and the KB9VBR
  8. I purchased the Radioddity DB-40-G for our local Community radio service. I like it but the software is not very good. I figured it out. It performs as well as the Wouxon 1000g plus.
  9. I think a Node can be great for those who don't have repeaters in the area they live in. Just my two cents. I got one and I'm very happy with it.
  10. So I'm hearing they had the repeaters linked but not like how others are linking. In the video, he never addressed that but someone I talked to said they didn't link them like mygmrs and gmrslive links them. But someone in my area said this is actually how they proceed with shutting down a system. He believes they linked systems will be told to shut it down. Stay tuned
  11. I'm just south of SeaWorld. Using the Comet CA-712EFC I got the Orlando 700, Orlando 600, Davenport 575, Polk725 in Bartow. The longest Simplex transmission was to someone in Mount Dora. They had 50 mobile and they were located in an open area in a higher elevation area. I can get 20 miles Simplex no problem. I did have the Ed Fong Antenna before this.
  12. I like it but the software needs to be updated. You can label the channels but the function times out so it's not easy. The audio that comes out from the speaker is very loud. When it came to distance it matched my Wouxon 1000G plus with Simplex distance and hitting the repeaters. I had the chance to return it if I didn't like it but I'm keeping it. Never runs hot and very quiet. Scans the channels very quickly. The Microphone is outstanding. Added 3 channels to the memory on the microphone. It can be very confusing to program from the microphone. Also once you label the channels like I did, Orlando 700 etc, if you go back and update the radio via the software it removes the labels. I was getting 48 to 51 watts on mine. I tested it with three different setups and 4 meters yesterday. They all said the same thing. The screen at night is not easy to read.
  13. Was looking forward to trying the radio but I'm surprised they accepted orders when it wasn't ready yet
  14. The Firmware can be a bit tricky. I like it but I won't be updating it again with any newer firmware. You can brick it if not done right.
  15. Right now I'm using the speaker out on my Wouxon 1000 g plus to computer to Zello pc to transmit. Any device that allows you to transmit from Zello to your GMRS radio? I got the Tigertronic SLUSBRJ4 and it transmits from Radio to Zello with no audio back to the radio.
  16. When I'm at my other Home I use it to talk to other GMRS users in Tennessee. In Florida, it's everyone around my area up to 20 miles on Simplex or one of 5 or so repeaters. We also have a local community Communication channel for our Neighborhood for Emergency use or chit chat
  17. A few of the repeaters listed here are not working. How does my GMRS verify the repeater information when it's submitted?
  18. Just look under GMRS
  19. The Orlando 700 covers Disney World according to my test and that's way beyond the coverage map. It varies. In Tennesse I find the coverage maps are mostly accurate
  20. I have two and they're great radios and no way you hack it.
  21. Love the Coax Seal product but it's sticky sometimes and gets on the threads of the connectors. Any concerns if it does? Should the threads be cleaned before reconnecting?
  22. Thanks all for the response. It's all good now.
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