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Found 18 results

  1. I'm looking for some help with my newly acquired Kenwood TK-890H. I am using the full-function remote head and external speaker. I have been able to program it with all my wanted frequencies and I'm able to transmit, but I can't get it to receive. The seller claims it was fully tested and in working condition and I have no reason to doubt him. symptoms: 1-no receive, 2-busy light (green light) is always on, 3- no sound out of the speaker. I have enabled the SP function for the speaker, but still nothing. I suspect that there is something in the software that needs to be configured differently. I was/am very excited to use this radio as a base station at my home, but I might be in over my head. I have a couple TK-880's and a NX-800 that I was able to program and I am using them without issue. This one is more of a challenge. I do have a copy of the instruction and service manuals. Any help is appreciated.
  2. Hi, I've got some UV-5G Plus radios to program. I already know how to use CHIRP and have successfully programmed a bunch of good old UV-5R radios. My issue is that my family is near the Canadian border zone. We're not allowed to transmit on 462.6500, 467.6500, 462.7000 and 467.7000. (I understand that as a practical matter with a 5W walkie talkie the feds aren't going to chase me down, but I have folks in my family concerned about the law.) For my UV-5R radios, it's trivial to disable transmitting on a programmed channel. But for the UV-5G Plus, I can't seem to do it in CHIRP, or the program downloaded from Baofeng. The pre-set channels that come on the radio for those frequencies do not allow me to remove the transmit frequency in CHIRP. Now for the NOAA weather channels I added, disabling transmission was easy. It works just like it does for the UV-5R. Anyone have any tips? Thanks!
  3. I bought a repeater to use for GMRS. I want to program it with the right frequencies to match up to a "Midland 40 Watt GMRS MicroMobile Two-Way Radio" and other handheld radios. If I want to use GMRS channel 15 what frequencies would I use for Transmit and Receive on the repeater itself? Also what frequencies is the "Midland 40 watt GMRS Microbomile" using to transmit and receive for channel 15? They would be exact opposite right? Repeater = RX 462.5500 TX 467.5500 Midland 40 Watt MicroMobile or handheld radio = RX 467.5500 TX462.5500 Is this right or is it backwards?
  4. I need help programming my Motorola MCS2000. When I attempt to read the radio I receive an error, "Communication with radio failed". Here's how I reproduce the issue: Connect radio with USB to radio's mic port Open MCS2000 CPS software Choose File > Read Device Select COM1 (the port associated with the USB cable), choose "OK" Receive error, "Communication with radio failed"Here's my setup: Radio Model M01MX+713WRadio ID M01SHL9PW4AN.Software: MSC2000 CPS Ver. R02.02.00. Cable: MSC2000 FTDI USB Serial Cable (ordered from BlueMax49ers)Cable USB driver: FTDI ver. (Date: 8/16/2017)Computer OS: Windows 7 Home Premium SP1, 64-bit Operating SystemAny suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Doug T (WRFL449)
  5. Looking for some help. I’m located in Illinois. Recently purchased a VXR 7000, with duplexer. The programming cable was from bluemax49ers. Using ce27windows when I plug in the cable the repeater switched to display CL on briefly and then that disappears. When trying to read the repeater nothing happens. I have not been able to find anything related to this online and any help would be greatly appreciated
  6. A topic that has come up frequently in other threads is "How do I program my radios if I'm not using Windows?" (Thank you Michael LAX for the inspiration for this thread) I am not a Mac user, so I'll defer the expertise to others, but the common thread I've seen in this regard is to run an instance of Windows on the Mac using "Parallels." I'll leave the technical details of this to others since I have no experience in this area. I'm also not much of a "Virtual Machine" (Parallels, VM Ware, VirtualBox, etc.) user. Virtual Machines basically create a separate environment within the native Operating System (O.S.) in which a "guest" O.S. can be installed. Most often, it seems to be Windows that is installed in that environment, though you could conceivably install almost any O.S. you want. There are some special considerations to be made when using a Virtual Machine, particularly in setting up the programming cables. They need to have the COM ports properly configured, and the cable drivers must be properly installed in order for the programming cable to work. Again I will defer to the experts to chime in to share their experiences with Virtual Machines. I am a Linux user, however, and I have used Linux exclusively for my radio programming for several years. Here are some of my experiences using Linux Mint 20 (other versions will be similar): Programming Cables: Every programming cable I have tried to use in Linux has worked pretty much "out of the box." The only real difficulty is in knowing what port it's connected to. Typically, it's either ttyUSB0 or ttyUSB1. I can figure that out with a little trial and error. Chirp: Chirp is a somewhat universal radio programming application. By universal, I mean that it works on many types of radios and multiple operating systems. Chirp can be installed and run natively on Windows, Mac, and Linux. I use the "Flatpak" version of Chirp, since I am running a newer version of Linux Mint, which uses the Python 3 libraries. Chirp is (or, at least, was) heavily dependent upon the Python 2 libraries which are incompatible with Python 3. The way around this is the "Flatpak" which bundles the necessary libraries and the application together in a separate "container" for lack of a better word. To install it on the newer versions of Mint, you'll need to use the Software Manager to install the Flatpak application, and if it doesn't also include Flatpak-builder, you might want to install that, too. I'm not sure about the necessity of the second application, but it's installed on my Mint 20 desktop and works well for me. Lastly, you'll want to download the latest version of Chirp (in Flatpak format) from the download section at chirp.danplanet.com and install it from the command line with the following command: sudo flatpak install ~/Downloads/chirp-daily-20210930.flatpak The command assumes your download was saved in the Downloads directory within your Home directory. If not, you'll need to point the installer to the correct path. Finally, replace "chirp-daily-20210930.flatpak" with the name of the file you downloaded. Manufacturer CPS: For most of the CPS software that is provided by the radio manufacturers, I run them in Linux using a "compatibility layer" called "WINE." To use it, you have to first install WINE. I did this from the "Software Manager" on Linux Mint. Once installed and configured, WINE will open automatically any time I try to run any Windows application (.exe). It will run in its own Window on my computer, and I do that with the setup programs that come from the radio manufacturers. Once installed, the programs can be run from the WINE selection of the "Mint Menu" or what Windows users think of as the "Start Menu." I sometimes go back to the WINE configuration to tell WINE what version of Windows to emulate. I typically default to Windows 7 for this purpose. As with the native Linux configuration, WINE also requires a little configuration to point the "COM port" to the correct USB device that was identified above. This is done by creating a symbolic link in Linux. In this case, I can assign "COM 1" to the ttyUSB1 device with the following command: ln -s /dev/ttyUSB1 ~/.wine/dosdevices/com1 Once configured, I select the program from the Mint Menu, and in most cases it will run correctly. Occasionally there are little glitches that make the program difficult to use, such as windows that don't render properly, or fonts that don't display properly. Some of those issues have yet to be resolved in my case, but the software is, more often than not, quite usable even with those issues. I've only had one or two programs that wouldn't run for me, and those were for radios that are supported by Chirp.
  7. Good day to you all!, I just purchased my BTECH GMRS-V1 radio. Sure is a puzzle.... lol anyway I am wondering if I can scan while in FREQUENCY MODE ? when I hold the *scan button down a couple of seconds and I get a message (RANGE ----:---- ) The only way to get rid of this is to turn off my radio and back on again. I can get it to scan in "CHANNEL MODE" ok . I'm just curious is all. Thank you for your input and help!
  8. I recently purchased this mobil device and need some help programming repeaters. Can anyone walk me through it?
  9. I have a Kenwood TK-880. The audio and voice aren't working. I can hear when I hold the monitor button. It worked when I bought it. I think I messed something up using the up/down keys on the right side. Any ideas?
  10. This is digested from the User Manual, and refined with experience. Hope it's helpful to anyone trying out this model. Copyrighted material used with permission. Good Luck!! Randy Knowles, KAA 8142. GMRS-50X1 Settings.pdf
  11. Hello colleagues, I have been trying to program Vertex-Yaesu VX-2200 mobile radios and I either get a OPEN COM ERROR or COMMUNICATION ERROR. When uploading radio information or downloading, the radio display goes from SELFTEST to PCPROG to SELFTEST. The software is CE82 for Windows and the cables are what was recommended in the owners manual. These radios I purchased on E-Bay. Any suggestions? Thanks!
  12. I am an old salt HAM operator, but a newbie on GMRS. I am trying to program my radios and I have all the correct frequencies and Tones for the repeaters in my area, however I can hear then talking but I can't talk to anyone. I am programming the offset to 5k +/- also. I tried Low Power 1 watt and High Power 8w and I get the same results. Can anyone assist?
  13. Hello Everyone, I'm James, WREM441, and I'm new to GMRS. I stopped by the NGGMRS booth at a local hamfest and after talking to the very kind folks I decided to "take the plunge". I'm also a ham, KF4AQO. I've ordered a programming cable. I haven't ordered the Kenwood KPG-49D programming software hoping that CHIRP will work. There is my short history regarding GMRS. Here's the question, which programming software do I need to program my TK-880 radios? Thanks. Oh, I've almost completed my base station antenna. I'll be on the air once that's completed.
  14. Hello all, (I posted this to Radio Reference too, today. I'll also cross-post the solution for folks.) This has to be a common problem, as all four of my 840s exhibit this issue. I have a set of frequencies ("groups) set up in KPG-25D in two "systems". Software is working great in DosBox. (Need to donate to those guys!) See the attachments. Problem comes in after I push this config to the radios. The issue isn't in the KPG-25D software, that I can tell, since the config is fine, and it writes to the radios without any issues. The problem shows up when I'm flipping through the "groups" in the TK-840 itself. Once I get up to #12, the TA icon shows up. Everything above entry 11 turns into "Talk Around" and doesn't keep the QT/DQT settings. System 2 groups (aka, the second set of frequencies programmed into the interface) don't have any QT/DQT config in the radio...they're all TA. I looked in all the options and nothing seems obvious, like a "ignore QT/DQT decode and encode after entry 11", but maybe there's something else that is a little less obvious? I've also tried reducing the number of entries and changing the radio model to Sp, just to see. No differences in the radio behavior. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Chris
  15. Hi everyone, Call sign: WRDH829 Tried creating an account but apparently the site isn't seeing my call sign yet. It is new. I received my radios today and getting them set up and have a few questions that I hope someone can help. A little background - my primary reason (excuse to the spousal unit) is to use the radios when we are vending at art festivals. Some of the events we vend at, are in areas with little/no cell coverage and we need to be able to reach each other. 1) A GMRS set up for dummies guide anywhere? 2) Wide FM vs Narrow FM? The radios came preprogrammed with NFM on all channels. Any +/-'s to choosing wide vs narrow? Since the low channel numbers are shared between GMRS and FRS, and FRS is only broadcasting narrow, how does that affect GMRS if I am broadcasting wide? 3) CTCSS and DCS - I don't see any discussion about the why would I choose one over the other? I assume you use these codes so that our radios would stay silent unless they receive the matching code. But is there a reason to select DCS vs CTCSS? 4) Power level for the GMRS channels - any reason not to transmit on the higher power (other than battery life)? Thanks - I appreciate any advice and look forward to joining the group. Fred
  16. I have a kenwood NX-320 that i use for my neighborhood watch group and I want to put GMRS repeaters in there... any advice? WRBX437
  17. Hi everyone. I am very new to radios and GMRS is a start and am working towards HAM. I am trying to program my Baofeng to link up to the local repeaters, but the number names listed are different than those on the chirp program. Very new looking for help. Thank you
  18. so i got a trial version of VMware workstation (free vmware player might also work) and found a vm of Windows95 from the link below. So you can run win95 inside the VM on ANY machine, I'm using Win7 64bit. I loaded some programming software that is only 16bit and wont run on anything newer than 95/98. I mapped the com ports on the host PC and the VMware software, i enabled com ports and then went into the win95 vm and ran the "software" and told it to use the same "mapped" com port. Attached to my host PC was a USB adapter (with built in RIB) from ebay under $20 and it worked! Win95 was able to reach through the VM, and reach the radio! I was able to program my GR1225 repeater. windows 95 vmware ready to run image file... https://winworldpc.com/download/3DCDE31D-18DA-11E4-99E5-7054D21A8599 vmware workstation (paid app, tested and works) http://www.vmware.com/products/workstation/workstation-evaluation free vmware player: (free, should also work, but i didn't test it) http://www.vmware.com/products/player now i can keep all the programming tools and apps together in one file that is portable and I dont need a special "old school" hardware machine.
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