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Okay, I'm a new GMRS user (WRKS279) in Maple Grove Minnesota.  :)  I have a little Wouxun KG-805G. A nice little handheld with 5watts of power. Still, I'm not hearing much as I leave it on scanner mode through the day. Sometimes it stops and I hear a partial conversation (usually Ch 15). But, if I try to call out on that channel...nothing.  :(  I just got a Nagoya UT-72 antenna for it, with the adapter to use it with my Wouxun. I just have it sitting near the window inside my little home office. But, I'm still not hearing any activity. Today, I was practicing calling out to see if I could connect with someone. Still nothing. So, I'm wondering...are there just so few people using GMRS? Or, is my reach still so poor I cannot connect with those who do?  :huh:  Thoughts? Do I need to step up my antenna to like a Harvest BC200 mounted outside? Or, would it help to get a 50 watt mobile for my home shack? Would I get more activity with that?


I'd like to participate in the Midwest Net, but I don't know if I have equipment that would allow me to connect with the closest midwest repeater (169). Supposedly, the "Metro 4" repeater run out of the University of Minnesota covers out to my area in the suburbs. But, I still don't hear any activity on that repeater channel (RPT 19). Even if I did have connect reach, would I use that repeater to somehow connect with the Midwest net 169? If so, how? Thanks for any help you can give!

  On 2/12/2021 at 3:21 PM, WRKS279 said:

Today, I was practicing calling out to see if I could connect with someone. Still nothing. So, I'm wondering...are there just so few people using GMRS? Or, is my reach still so poor I cannot connect with those who do?  :huh:  Thoughts? Do I need to step up my antenna to like a Harvest BC200 mounted outside? Or, would it help to get a 50 watt mobile for my home shack? Would I get more activity with that?


It might be that people do not want to talk to you. Ok, I'm saying it in a jesting way, but the matter is serious. GMRS is where people talk inside their established group. Not always, but mostly. Depending on your locality and the crowd on the local repeaters, if they are welcoming to others.


So, let's start at the beginning. Your 805G is repeater-capable. Do you have correctly programmed it for the repeater access? I.e. your transmission frequency is 5MGz higher than your receiving frequency (Ch 15) and the tone is programmed correctly?


If you programmed repeater correctly, you should be able to "kerchunk" it. It is frowned upon practice, and for a good reason (it is illegal to transmit without ID, and it's annoying as hell), but if you do it once/twice nobody will notice. Hopefully...

It goes like this: press PTT for one second, and listen for a "repeater tail" - bit of static or roger beep. If you hear it - good, you are in.



Welcome, I'm up there every few months, NW burbs. But honestly, haven't played with the radio while up there. been too busy.

The only MW-net site up that way is WARSAW 650/462.650. but its a bit south.


You should request access to any and all repeaters, even if they are listed as open.

Also some sites have instructions to gain permission and the tones in the site notes.


Truly the first thing is to read your manual, that will explain the repeater setup and entering tones.

There are several YouTube videos about that radio. 8-)

Without the channel setup with the correct tones, you will never be heard, as the repeater is not accessing your TX.


All other channels 1-22 are simplex and direct radio to radio, but even then the conversations you are hearing might also be using tones / privacy codes and they will not hear your TX.


If your looking for a bit better antenna, look at the 771G from buytwowayradio.com

They designed the 805G 1000G radios and the 701G and 771G antennas.

The 771G is about 16in long. so that and being tuned to GMRS should give you the best HT RX/TX.


Magnet mount antennas works with a  ground plan, that is usually your car roof/body.

You should mount it to some sore of metal base.

I have one in the house, off of my metal desk at the closest point to the window.

I am going to try an Ed Fong GMRS tuned PVC tube antenna in doors soon, having issues building mine.

I will say that I returned my UT-72, its a dual-band and not that great at the GMRS range.

Using a Midland NMO Mag mount and 6db whip on the car, and NMO Mag on my metal desk with a Browning BR-450 UHF Land Mobile Base Antenna, timmed to 465.


As for range, it all depends on your terrain and were/height of the repeater.

With a good HT with upgraded antenna in my house, middle unit of a 2-story townhouse, I can hit my local Grundy 700 repeater about 40 miles due West.



My .02 and good luck


If you programmed repeater correctly, you should be able to "kerchunk" it. It is frowned upon practice, and for a good reason (it is illegal to transmit without ID, and it's annoying as hell), but if you do it once/twice nobody will notice. Hopefully...

It goes like this: press PTT for one second, and listen for a "repeater tail" - bit of static or roger beep. If you hear it - good, you are in.




Yea, I'm not hearing that. So, apparently didn't get it setup correctly. I'm trying to connect to the "Metro 4" repeater.


Output: 462.650 MHz   141.3 Hz
Input: 467.650 MHz   141.3 Hz


I understand this to be RPT19. I have my T-CTC = 141.3, and my R-CTC = 141.3


But, if I key it I don't hear the "kerchunk" :( Not sure what I'm doing wrong.

  On 2/12/2021 at 8:16 PM, WRKS279 said:




Yea, I'm not hearing that. So, apparently didn't get it setup correctly. I'm trying to connect to the "Metro 4" repeater.


Output: 462.650 MHz   141.3 Hz

Input: 467.650 MHz   141.3 Hz


I understand this to be RPT19. I have my T-CTC = 141.3, and my R-CTC = 141.3


But, if I key it I don't hear the "kerchunk" :( Not sure what I'm doing wrong.


On your radio the TX/Output should be 467

The RX/Input should be 462.

Check the stock repeater memories.


If these are the setting from the repeater's point of view. the repeater is accessing your TX as the input 467.

Then the repeater will broadcast the signal output it on 462.


All Duplex traffic from a radio is on 467 and listen/receive on 462.

Hope that makes sense.




  On 2/12/2021 at 8:22 PM, Shadow471 said:

On your radio the TX/Output should be 467

The RX/Input should be 462.

Check the stock repeater memories.


If these are the setting from the repeater's point of view. the repeater is accessing your TX as the input 467.

Then the repeater will broadcast the signal output it on 462.


All Duplex traffic from a radio is on 467 and listen/receive on 462.

Hope that makes sense.




Sorry, I don't understand yet. RPT19 (Channel 27) is 467.6500. Channel 19 is 462.6500.

So, do I set RPT19 with T-CTC = 141.3 , and Channel 19 with R-CTC = 141.3 ?

  On 2/12/2021 at 8:48 PM, WRKS279 said:

So, do I set RPT19 with T-CTC = 141.3 , and Channel 19 with R-CTC = 141.3 ?

Stay on rpt19 (27), it should already be set with the right frequencies and offset (though given the answer in the other thread about theirs coming unprogrammed, it doesn't hurt to check if you haven't already), r-ctc and t-ctc will both be 141.3. your settings should be good from there it pretty much boils down to if you're getting enough signal to the repeater.


From there, look at the antenna...if you haven't already, mag mounts generally want to stick to something to have a good ground plane...top of a steel file cabinet or a pizza pan will do. Next, how's line of sight from antenna to repeater? With only 5 watts, obstruction is going to matter more.


If your setup checks out there, I'd say stick the antenna on the car, and head closer to the repeater...see if it works closer in and/or less obstructed. If so, your settings are good, and better antenna location (or better antenna) and/or more power are the next steps.

  On 2/12/2021 at 9:02 PM, wayoverthere said:

Stay on rpt19 (27), it should already be set with the right frequencies and offset (though given the answer in the other thread about theirs coming unprogrammed, it doesn't hurt to check if you haven't already), r-ctc and t-ctc will both be 141.3. your settings should be good from there it pretty much boils down to if you're getting enough signal to the repeater.


From there, look at the antenna...if you haven't already, mag mounts generally want to stick to something to have a good ground plane...top of a steel file cabinet or a pizza pan will do. Next, how's line of sight from antenna to repeater? With only 5 watts, obstruction is going to matter more.


If your setup checks out there, I'd say stick the antenna on the car, and head closer to the repeater...see if it works closer in and/or less obstructed. If so, your settings are good, and better antenna location (or better antenna) and/or more power are the next steps.

Okay, yep. That's what I'm doing...staying on RPT19 (27) and both r-ctc and t-ctc are set to 141.3. So, next step is to take that drive. I'll give it a go tonight after work. Thanks!

  On 2/12/2021 at 9:07 PM, WRKS279 said:

Okay, yep. That's what I'm doing...staying on RPT19 (27) and both r-ctc and t-ctc are set to 141.3. So, next step is to take that drive. I'll give it a go tonight after work. Thanks!

Oh! @wayoverthere, it does say "Permission Required" for that repeater (its run out of the University of Minnesota, St. Paul). Don't know how you get the "permission." I tried the contact on the repeater info but haven't heard a peep.

  On 2/12/2021 at 9:02 PM, wayoverthere said:

Stay on rpt19 (27), it should already be set with the right frequencies and offset (though given the answer in the other thread about theirs coming unprogrammed, it doesn't hurt to check if you haven't already), r-ctc and t-ctc will both be 141.3. your settings should be good from there it pretty much boils down to if you're getting enough signal to the repeater.


From there, look at the antenna...if you haven't already, mag mounts generally want to stick to something to have a good ground plane...top of a steel file cabinet or a pizza pan will do. Next, how's line of sight from antenna to repeater? With only 5 watts, obstruction is going to matter more.


If your setup checks out there, I'd say stick the antenna on the car, and head closer to the repeater...see if it works closer in and/or less obstructed. If so, your settings are good, and better antenna location (or better antenna) and/or more power are the next steps.

I'm starting to think we need to get an "Open" GMRS repeater setup for the NW Twin Cities area. Couple of options...


Two Wouxon KG1000G units (about $640) at 50 watts. Or, the Retevis RT97 GMRS at 10 watts for #399. Other thoughts??


There is more than a repeater to get into the net. It requires internet and modules. Not a easy slap together setup. 


Do some searching on the forums on repeaters. I have heard good reviews on the RT97 but have yet to grab one. If you only want a repeater for you and a few friends thats probably the best way to start, but you need good cable and a good antenna and location. You will probably spend more on cable and antenna than the repeater. 


Wondering if the UoM is not around, as classes might be remote.

I believe they have 5 different repeaters, but only one on GMRS.

Request permission through the mygmrs and then try calling out as instructed.

then just wait for traffic to try and talk to.


Warsaw 650 is about 50 miles South, so that's a bit far of a reach, depending on where you live.

The other GMRS repeaters in your area, are mostly County or ESU.

  On 2/12/2021 at 9:07 PM, WRKS279 said:

Okay, yep. That's what I'm doing...staying on RPT19 (27) and both r-ctc and t-ctc are set to 141.3. So, next step is to take that drive. I'll give it a go tonight after work. Thanks!

Turn the RX pl tone off. Most repeaters I've used don't retransmit PL tones sent, and don't transmit one themselves either. If that's the case, you could be getting in just fine, but you can't hear it. With no RX pl tone, you'll hear everything on that frequency whether it's got a PL tone or not.


found this link, at least you know where repeaters are in your area


mygmrs.com/map/#/ (I busted up the link in case it's prohibited here) just search.


bound to be people talking near by. 



I am in the same situation in PA.

I bought the same radio and the repeater is too far away.

I'm wondering if I need to buy the Wouxun KG-1000 mobile radio.

  On 2/19/2021 at 7:11 PM, Tomp said:


I am in the same situation in PA.

I bought the same radio and the repeater is too far away.

I'm wondering if I need to buy the Wouxun KG-1000 mobile radio.

Distance with GMRS is 95% antenna height and antenna, 5% radio. As you continue your exploration of GMRS you will hear that theme over and over. Do not ignore it. I only recently acquired a higher power radio. With all my testing using just a low power HT I now know for certain I can talk upwards of 50 miles in certain directions hitting well placed repeaters using just 5 watts and a good, well placed external antenna. Your mileage will vary. Given the extensive testing I have done in my area I have now lived both the bad and the good. It is nice knowing I operate at only 5 watts, and communicate everywhere I need to cover, and have extra power available to reduce the noise in my signal at distance locations when propagation conditions are not in my favor.


At only 5 watts, the means when I am operating on backup power I can operate 10 times as long as compared to high-power. Nice little side benefit too.


Welcome to myGMRS.






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