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Hello All,


It looks like repeaters are slim pickings in NYC or should I say open repeaters. Unfortunately I only have an HT in my work truck as I'm not allowed to install a mobile radio. So what are the active repeaters that are newbie friendly. Most of my deliveries are in LIC area of Queens. I'm also a amateur radio operator as well. Any help would be great and thanks!


Yes I looked there also did some scanning while I was on my route. Repeater Ch6 462.675 did nothing but kerchunk and ID all morning. I did hear a 462.625 in Staten Island and have sent a request via the myGMRS.com system but still waiting on an answer. Thanks for the link Jeff but I haven’t found a repeater yet using the info in the repeater list.

  • 3 weeks later...

Wondering if there is some sort of Repeater War going on right now in the NYC  area.  I'm a newbie to the hobby, and just received my Wouxun 805G, was kind of hoping to be granted access to a repeater to start learning how to communicate on them, but so far no luck in hearing back from any of the "Repeater Masters/Owners" - but that aside, I did notice over this past weekend, in monitoring the channels, there seem to be some shenanigans going on  with someone or some people jamming the repeaters, or just talking nonsense. 

The frequency in question displays as: [17] or [RPT 17] on my radio, and I've heard what appears to be someone  just blabbering on at the pandemic, & some other group of folks mentioning they are coming out to "get the radio" 

This almost reminds me of my early CB radio days when people would try to figure out where someone was broadcasting with a lot of power causing interference, or just using the airwaves  inappropriately.


I can see why, with this kind of thing going on - open repeaters are such a rare commodity here in the  NY area.  Curious if anyone else has recently heard what I've described listening to over the past weekend (4/17 & 18) during the early afternoon between say noon & 2pm?  and if this is just par for the course with repeaters in general now a days?




No repeater is ever safe open or closed. Scanners today can find PL tones on any frequency. So if someone wants to be an ass they’re gonna be. Even so, some radios are very easy to program and if someone really wants they can just key up every PL tone till they find the right one. Unfortunately there’s some nasty low life people that have nothing better to do but to cause interference on what ever tickles their fancy. Even on police, fire and rescue this happens. It’s those people who ruin it for everyone even scanner enthusiasts because a lot of jurisdictions are going digital and encrypted.

  • 1 month later...
  • 1 year later...
On 5/21/2021 at 3:59 AM, rfmedic said:

I usually monitor the .700 repeater that has a 100 pl. Seems to do alright in brooklyn queens and lower manhattan. Its listed as open for everyone... I usually catch someone on there from time to time

Do you know any other open Repeater here in NYC area?

  • 2 years later...

In case anyone is still interested, and for anyone who might find this in the future via search:

I am bringing up "The New JC 700" in Jersey City, replacing a defunct repeater nearby. It should show up on the repeater map here. It is operational now at reduced range, pending a new antenna installation scheduled for May, 2025. More info is available here.

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