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Local Repeater Uses DPL Tone, Unsure If I Can Program It



Want to program a repeater that uses an I/O tone of 114 DPL. From what I gather, DPL is a Motorola tone. I have a KG-935G Plus and I'm using the Wouxun programming software to program repeaters. None of the CTC/DCS tones in the program are a match for the 114 DPL tone of the repeater, but there is a DCS tone option of DN114 and DI114. Are either of those the same as 114 DPL? If not, does that mean my HT can't program repeaters using DPL tones?

Also, The DCS charts I've seen online show DCS tones from 023 - 754. My Wouxun program lists DCS tones as follows, DN023-DN754 AND DI023-DI754. What is the difference between DN and DI?

Thanks in advance for your help.



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