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TD-H3 How do I program a DPL input/output tone.. Is this correct?



Semi newbie needing help.. Open repeater in my area.. I'm trying to program my TD-H3 with a DPL243 input and output tone. I don't want to key up and test it unless I have it set up properly. Also, it doesn't note if it's plus or minus, should I assume it's Plus? To add, yes I'm in range of the repeater and yes I was told it is still active. I never added a DPL only CTCSS .Does this look correct? These are the fields I entered in CHIRP. Please see attachment. Thanks in advance for any help! 


15 answers to this question

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  • 1
  • For comparison you could look at one of the pre-programmed repeater channels 23-30
  • You could key up and if you have it wrong it wont matter/wont hurt anything
  • On a GMRS repeater if the frequency given is 462.xx then it will always be +5
  • It looks like you haven't added the recieve-tone, but that is optional anyway, and for a beginner/to reduce potential mistakes i would not bother with it yet

It all looks right but the only way to know for sure is to try it.. and remember, if it's not right, it doesn't matter/nothing is going to break/no airplanes will drop from the sky.

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Looks good. You can always add the receive later.  Send it. See what happens. 

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Posted (edited)

At the bottom of the listing it has this note - not sure if it matters here but for that repeater it says:


" For all to enjoy. Have Fun and Be Respectful We will be adding Traveler Tones (141.3) "


Make a duplicate channel and try it with those tones.  Won't hurt to try.

Edited by WRXR255
Added some
  • 1

Update: Still no response to my radio check calls but I have been hearing some traffic. Sounds like possibly nearby FRS traffic (no GMRS callsigns used). I'm not sure how close but the signal strength is pretty strong. I noticed after calling for a radio check, the repeater returns either (1) or (2) courtesy tone beeps followed a few seconds later with morse code signalling.

Next step, I will put another radio somewhere and do some TX tests and see if I am heard on the other radio. Perhaps send one of my kids down the street and see if they hear and can respond to me.

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So, I gave it a shot, as programed in my attachment above from chirp, I key up and it opens the repeater, I call for a radio check and it seems like I'm getting a response per my meter/receive light but I can't here the response/any traffic.

To rule out the no traffic on said frequency, I put my other H3 in frequency mode, punched in the frequency 462.xxxxx and I can hear traffic loud & clear. 

To be able to communicate rather than just listen, I know my Rx is blank in chirp as one pointed out so I figured that was the issue, but when I go into chirp and try to enter the 243DPL in Rx DTCS, it won't take. Any thoughts? Any suggestions or reconfigurations I can try? Am I missing/overlooking another setting?

I'd really like to figure this out as it's one of the very few repeaters in my area I can clearly hit. Once again, many thanks for any help/info!! 

This is the info from my gmrs I'm trying to get set up properly..  


  • 0
  On 4/24/2024 at 9:34 PM, crash3x said:

So, I gave it a shot, as programed in my attachment above from chirp, I key up and it opens the repeater, I call for a radio check and it seems like I'm getting a response per my meter/receive light but I can't here the response/any traffic.

To rule out the no traffic on said frequency, I put my other H3 in frequency mode, punched in the frequency 462.xxxxx and I can hear traffic loud & clear. 

To be able to communicate rather than just listen, I know my Rx is blank in chirp as one pointed out so I figured that was the issue, but when I go into chirp and try to enter the 243DPL in Rx DTCS, it won't take. Any thoughts? Any suggestions or reconfigurations I can try? Am I missing/overlooking another setting?

I'd really like to figure this out as it's one of the very few repeaters in my area I can clearly hit. Once again, many thanks for any help/info!! 

This is the info from my gmrs I'm trying to get set up properly..  



Any time I have to get an up and down tone in CHIRO, I have to change the tone mode to TSQL. Maybe try that?

  • 0
  On 5/25/2024 at 7:51 PM, WSCZ307 said:

Any time I have to get an up and down tone in CHIRO, I have to change the tone mode to TSQL. Maybe try that?


Yeah, in CHIRP if the up/down tone is the same it will be TSQL.  If you choose TSQL, it should then ask for the up tone, select, it will then ask for the down tone, select and you are set.

  • 0

Adding to this question as it's basically the same issue. In my case, the closest repeater is:


This is my programming in CHIRP.


When I key up, I pause, ask for a radio check, pause. I hear an audible beep from the repeater. However, I have yet to hear a response. I hear people over this repeater all the time and a daily time update at the top of the hour. Note that 115 is NOT a program option using TSQL. It is only available using DTCS.



Del (WSDN287)

  • 0
  On 6/29/2024 at 7:00 PM, Delmustator said:

Adding to this question as it's basically the same issue. In my case, the closest repeater is:


This is my programming in CHIRP.


When I key up, I pause, ask for a radio check, pause. I hear an audible beep from the repeater. However, I have yet to hear a response. I hear people over this repeater all the time and a daily time update at the top of the hour. Note that 115 is NOT a program option using TSQL. It is only available using DTCS.



Del (WSDN287)


DPL is the same as DTCS, DTCSS, and DCS. 
If you hear the courtesy beep then you are hitting the repeater. Maybe they just aren’t listening when you’re talking. 

  • 0
  On 6/29/2024 at 7:00 PM, Delmustator said:

Adding to this question as it's basically the same issue. In my case, the closest repeater is:


This is my programming in CHIRP.


When I key up, I pause, ask for a radio check, pause. I hear an audible beep from the repeater. However, I have yet to hear a response. I hear people over this repeater all the time and a daily time update at the top of the hour. Note that 115 is NOT a program option using TSQL. It is only available using DTCS.



Del (WSDN287)


What radio are you using?   DO you have line of sight?  How far away are you from the repeater? Your file looks good.  Just because you can kerchunk the repeater does not mean your voice audio is getting through.    115 is a digital tone so your good on that.   

  • 0
  On 6/29/2024 at 7:00 PM, Delmustator said:

Adding to this question as it's basically the same issue. In my case, the closest repeater is:


This is my programming in CHIRP.


When I key up, I pause, ask for a radio check, pause. I hear an audible beep from the repeater. However, I have yet to hear a response. I hear people over this repeater all the time and a daily time update at the top of the hour. Note that 115 is NOT a program option using TSQL. It is only available using DTCS.



Del (WSDN287)


I've never configured a repeater that used DPL, but what you've got looks right to me. If you want to remove the receive tone, to see if it makes a difference, set the Tone Mode to Cross. That will cause Chirp to open a pop-up window where you'll select "DTCS->". Clicking OK will open another pop-up to select the tone, which is 115 for you. The end result will be like what you've got, except "Tone Mode" = "Cross", and "Cross Mode" = "DTCS->". Maybe keep what you've got and add a second channel with the new settings. Good luck.

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Hey folks, thanks for all the valuable feedback. I actually don't think anyone was listening on Raleigh700 (7 miles distant) at the time. I monitored the repeater on and off all day yesterday and I did NOT hear ANY traffic over it. Note that I initially tried it on low power (2W) since it is fairly nearby and switched to high power (about 5W). Got the repeater courtesy tone both times when I called for a radio check.

Then I switched to Fairgrounds725 (17.8 miles distant) and got an immediate radio check user response that my signal was nice and clear. That's NOT bad for barely 5 watts! I must have a great LOS shot to that repeater from inside my attic crawlspace 😆 (just kidding). I was in my 3rd floor office; which seems to do well. Fairgrounds725 appears to have the most traffic in my area and usually the RX is nice and clear.

@WRZT401 I took your advise and tried the Tone Mode=Cross with Cross Mode=DTCS-> selected. Using this RPT line, I did notice that now I hear the repeater morse code advertisement. I was NOT hearing that on the previous Tone Mode=DTCS settings. I'm going to monitor the new settings today and see if I hear any user traffic.



P.S. If Fairgrounds725 uses the tower that I think it does. It's at least 1000-1500 ft tall. This is the RARS W4DW "6-4" repeater.

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