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On 4/25/2024 at 7:50 PM, nokones said:

I have all the confidence in the world that you can make your CCRs make the trek because you have those special CCRs that were blessed by Zenu. I think I better pass on that bet.

"some people"

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On 4/25/2024 at 12:52 PM, WRYZ926 said:

I have used both military issue and commercial Motorola radios while in the Army. I have never gotten anywhere close to 50-60 miles range with any hand held radio even in the wide open deserts of California or the Middle East.



Obviously you're already aware of this, but for those who aren't:

Wide open deserts aren't conducive to 50-60 mile range from a handheld, because the curvature of the earth puts you out of line of sight. Handheld to handheld over perfectly level ground, each antenna at 5 feet height will yield about 6+ miles before the curvature of the earth blocks the signal. Pretty good range can be achieved over a desert if two parties are on plateaus over a desert valley, though. In that case, 50-60 isn't impossible.


(update): And reading a little further in the thread I see you mentioned curvature of the earth, too. :)


I wonder how the flat earth crowd explain the RF horizon.


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4 hours ago, WRQW589 said:

I wonder how the flat earth crowd explain the RF horizon.

I've come to the conclusion that flat earthers don't believe the Earth is flat. Their only mission in life is to engage people in endless arguments. The longer an argument goes on, the happier they are. 

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I'll stick to blaming turtles and drunk armadillos that drank too much Lone Star beer.

Everyone's situation will be different depending on location, terrain, etc. which will affect how many fars they can talk.

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