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10 minutes ago, gortex2 said:

The system in question is not remotely near NYC. It’s 6+ hours NW of NYC.... 

those repeaters are a lot more “near” nyc then Los Angeles or france or……The word “near” is a relative term.  Plus is it 6hrs away by car, walking, train, boat, plane,…..?  since I’m 1000s of miles away I’d say it’s “near” nyc.   On the other hand some one in the brox might not agree.  If I’m in Australia and some one says San Francisco is near Los Angeles I’d agree with them.   Some one else may say new Rochelle is 6hours away from staton island if they are walking.   It’s better to speak in terms of miles since they are an absolute measure 

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8 hours ago, gortex2 said:

The system in question is not remotely near NYC. Its 6+ hours NW of NYC.... 

Oh ok! Sorry that I assumed the system was somehow around the city. I know now that the repeater system is somewhere coverage between NYC and the counties going towards Niagara Falls. Is that right?  I don't care if I'm still wrong, which I'll assume that I still have it wrong.

Anyway, I sincerely do appreciate you setting me straight.

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8 hours ago, amaff said:

What Is the Airspeed Velocity of an Unladen Swallow?

There is no such thing as an unladen swallow. They are always loaded and crap all the time all over the place. When they are half empty they load back up because that is what swallows do. This is a normal occurrence every year after March 19, Los Golondrinas day, the return of the swallows day. I know, I grew up in San Juan Capistrano in my younger days.

Oh, the Airspeed Velocity of a laden swallow varies between 31-40 MPH

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