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46 minutes ago, marcspaz said:


There is no money in it.

But there must be lots of money setting up and operating illeagle GMRS repeaters across  mutible states.  Why else would 'some' GMRS License holders claim ownership of 20-30 repeaters. Much less pulling nearly 100K of cash out of their pockets to talk with family and friends..  There is right and wrong in everything on this planet. Some people take pride in doing the 'right' thing and some take pride in doing the 'wrong' thing.    Depends on what side you want to be in 

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19 minutes ago, WRYZ926 said:

The FCC does impose fines on rare occasions. There was at least on person with CB that got fined $25,000 last year. The person was causing interference by constantly transmitting signals.


Rather than selectively policing the air waves, the FCC responds to complaints .  The best thing anyone here, not happy with the people taking advantage of and abusing GMRS, should simply file a complaint on-line.  The process is very simple and they even allow you to upload supporting documents pertaining to your complaint.  I encourage people to do this..   Rest assured, the FCC will not let mountains of complaints go untouched,  History proves this..  https://consumercomplaints.fcc.gov/hc/en-us

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Yeah good luck filing online complaints with the FCC, they might look into it several months or years later. I filed complaints about the neighbor's ultrasonic pest deterrent devices that are not FCC approved several times and never heard anything back about my complaints. The devices cause interference with my radios and even worse is that they cause physical pain in my ears along with headaches.

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6 minutes ago, WRYZ926 said:

Yeah good luck filing online complaints with the FCC, they might look into it several months or years later. I filed complaints about the neighbor's ultrasonic pest deterrent devices that are not FCC approved several times and never heard anything back about my complaints. The devices cause interference with my radios and even worse is that they cause physical pain in my ears along with headaches.

i had just the opposite, i actually had someone reach back to me to ask questions pretaining to some supporting documents..   They had 'some' interest to take time to do that.  A title up-lifting i must say. 

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2 hours ago, WRQC527 said:

I'm sure you have examples and statistics to back up this claim. Share with us, won't you?

I have 36 years of experience. Let me think of some of the best stupid ones and I'll get back to you. I've been retired for almost 20 years so I'll have recollect on some prior to that.

I do remember some of those questions were generated from "Some People" in the area where Carl Karcher had one of his full-scale restaurants and with a car hop just off the Riverside Freeway and Harbor Blvd.

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4 minutes ago, nokones said:

I have 36 years of experience. Let me think of some of the best stupid ones and I'll get back to you. I've been retired for almost 20 years so I'll have recollect on some prior to that.

is your first name Joe???   good luck

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21 minutes ago, OffRoaderX said:

The public record of the FCC proves you are telling fairy tales.. again...

Sounds like you are very disappointed they are taking no actions..  In fact, sometimes it sounds as if you are taunting them.   Maybe they'll surprise everyone Randy..   You never know.  🤣

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7 hours ago, nokones said:

I have 36 years of experience. Let me think of some of the best stupid ones and I'll get back to you. I've been retired for almost 20 years so I'll have recollect on some prior to that.

I do remember some of those questions were generated from "Some People" in the area where Carl Karcher had one of his full-scale restaurants and with a car hop just off the Riverside Freeway and Harbor Blvd.

The restaurant is still there, the carhops are gone, so are the corporate headquarters. They do have carhops at Sonic Burgers, which is actually closer to me than the Carl's, which you should have been able to tell from the map you looked at. But I don't like their food. Also, don't trouble yourself with recollections.

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17 minutes ago, WRQC527 said:

The restaurant is still there, the carhops are gone, so are the corporate headquarters. They do have carhops at Sonic Burgers, which is actually closer to me than the Carl's, which you should have been able to tell from the map you looked at. But I don't like their food. Also, don't trouble yourself with recollections.

Don't worry, I won't.

By any chance, is the Taco Villa still there across the Street? Just curious.

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2 minutes ago, nokones said:

Don't worry, I won't.

By any chance, is the Taco Villa still there across the Street? Just curious.

No Taco Villa that I know of. There was a Tacos Benge but it got bulldozed last month and a Circle K is going in. Progress, I guess.

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On 8/10/2024 at 1:38 PM, OffRoaderX said:


...i have literally seen "licensed ham-radio operators" tell people this online, so it MUST be true.. because they have a license!

You forgot to add the "been a Ham since I taught Marconi how to use his spark-gap equipment!"  But as you are wont to tell people, give me a citation for these enforcements. They usually go after your spelling, grammar or other specious argument to deflect...

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23 hours ago, WRYZ926 said:

 Amateur radio, GMRS, and CB operators are actually pretty low on the FCC's priority list.


When the big money fines are coming from the Pirate Radio enforcements - latest one I heard about (on Amateur Radio Newsline of course!) was in the $2 Million range, a few pesky complaints from Sad (insert Radio Service here) people are going to be circular filed. 

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