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Just like anywhere on the internet, there are jerks on here that should be ignored. 

I'd like to add that I've run into a similar issue.  After checking the tones and the other potential causes that people have already listed, I realized my issue was from a lack of power.  My little 5w handheld can hear a repeater from 30 miles, but doesn't have enough power to talk to it.

You may or may not have the same issue.  My base station radio is on its way by UPS and rated at 40w.  Once I get it up and running, I'll be able to test my theory. 



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4 hours ago, Socalgmrs said:

It amazes me how the same question gets asked atleast every week.  Does not one do research first?   Does no one look into gmrs BEFORE getting a license?   In the time it took to ask the question here, one could have done a google search and tried to help your self.  

IF you have nothing NICE to say, then maybe you should just say NOTHING AT ALL, rather than make an ASS out of yourself !!

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So far I've found the repeater map and the info there a great help to getting on repeaters.  I did notice that as of yesterday, I see more repeaters in my area.  

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Hearing them talk a channel number between 15 and 22?

If so, my guess, based on 1,000 other people asking the exact same question, is that you are hearing people talking on a repeater. They will not hear you until you configure your radio to transmit on the repeater.

If not and you are hearing them on channels 1-14, then either they are using tones/codes so they cant hear you or, they just dont want to talk to you. 

Hope this helps!

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1 minute ago, WSHE531 said:

I’m new at this can someone tell me if I can hear people talking plain as day why can’t they hear me. Have I not got something set right or what? Thanks

Probably you have the wrong tone or frequency. 
1. Are you listening to a repeater?  Then you need to transmit on a repeater input frequency which is 5 MHz higher than the output frequency. 
2. If you have the frequency correct and they still don’t hear you then you probably have the input tone incorrect. 

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4 minutes ago, WSHE531 said:

Yes channel 25 and I have the 5 mhz higher set. So how would I know the input tone?

Ask the owner, look in the database or on the map here, scan the tone of someone’s input transmission, or assume it’s the same as the output tone and scan that. 

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11 hours ago, WRXU861 said:

My little 5w handheld can hear a repeater from 30 miles, but doesn't have enough power to talk to it.



This is one of the few cases where more power might give you more range. If you have unobstructed line-of-sight to the repeater's antenna, you should be able to talk to it with almost any radio. If you have significant obstructions in the way, you won't be able to hear the repeater. However, if you can hear it but not talk to it, it's likely there is enough partial obstruction to reduce the signal but not block it entirely. In that case, a little more "punch" might get you through to the repeater.

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My situation changed a little today.  Yesterday, I built a J pole out of 1/2 inch copper pipe.  Today, I tuned it and took it outside.  With good line of sight and a Radioddity GM-30, I was able to reach a repeater about 30 miles away.  The people on the other end had a bit of trouble understanding me, but they were able to understand my call sign.  More power should make the problem go away.  We'll see what happens when my base radio finally gets delivered. 




  • -11

It amazes me how the same question gets asked atleast every week.  Does not one do research first?   Does no one look into gmrs BEFORE getting a license?   In the time it took to ask the question here, one could have done a google search and tried to help your self.  

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