Not exactly.... It wasn't that he was complaining, it was that he REALLY got indignant when I blew it off and DIDN'T at first act like it was some huge deal and react accordingly. And It's my understanding that the group or whatever he is with was about to put up a repeater. Went and had a discussion with the property owner, and had everything sealed up. Then somewhere in the discussion the property owner dropped an F-bomb and they immediately decided they were NOT going to do anything there because he used a bad word. Now I am getting that third hand. But this dude was on a tear about the guy up north being drunk on the repeater and really felt I needed to do something about it. And since at first I wasn't, he seemed to get irritated with me because it came out of my repeater. He understood that it was a linked system and the guy getting wild was three states away. He didn't care.... I needed to react. So I did.... Scorched Earth. Which was WAY over reacting. But I was mad. I am ok with someone disagreeing with me. I am ok with him being offended by cussing drunks.... What I was actually mad at we HE decided I was wrong for not being really mad and offended that some guy in Wisconsin was drunk on a linked repeater system I have a node on. And when I told him I heard part of it, earlier in the evening, he was really indignant. I am good with someone having a different belief structure than I do. What I am NOT ok with is when they try to force their belief structure on me. Which is basically what happened here. I SHOULD have ask him if he got the guys call sign and then told him to contact the FCC about THAT guy. But I sometimes over react a bit. And pulled the plug out of pure irritation over his nonsense.
On a side note. The repeaters are BOTH back on the air. Now, if I hear him on my repeaters again, I may well tell him he's not welcome to use them any more.... But I may not even bother with that.
And regardless of how technically reliable a system is. If it's not YOUR system you shouldn't 100% rely on it. Because someone can decide to pull the plug.