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I wouldn't equate the two. I do want to point out the somewhat frequent post where a new GMRS user wants to setup a repeater. Most have no idea what they are getting into and what the various pit falls might be. The real important question is how many of those who want a repeater REALLY need one of their own? With just 8 frequency pairs it won't take that many before interference between them becomes a problem. Perhaps the FCC could require some kind of coordination, either officially, or through a local group of repeater owners. The Ham community had a coordination group. It might even be a better idea to pool the resources from several potential repeater owners. The pooled resources are used to Install a repeater at a location with a wide area coverage and open access to reduce the need for a bunch of smaller coverage zone repeaters scattered all over a given area at random. When one looks at the cost and work required to roll your own and the small coverage zone you get with a site with poor antenna elevation the above suggestion looks better. This was done with a couple of repeaters in the Detroit area in the past several months. The additional benefit are the repeaters are link so even more of the area is covered. My understanding is another one will likely get install farther up north of the area, likely also linked too.2 points
I agree 100%! You get every Tom, dick, and Harry wanting to set up a repeater just because they want one. Don't ask for a new mode of communication to compensate for irresponsible use of spectrum. Sent from my SM-A136U using Tapatalk2 points
Hi GMRS users! Say hello to John aka "Rabbit" who is now our new SGA-575 repeater ambassador! John is monitoring the repeater most of the time to welcome or assist GMRS users to the area. Please feed free to call him! John aka "Rabbit" is also monitoring the local ham radio 2 meter repeater on 147.135+ CTCSS 141.3 for those who are licensed amateur radio operators. Please check in with him as your traveling through! John aka "Rabbit" call signs are KE4CQX (amateur radio) WRTG280 (GMRS) Thanks, Scott Haner WRFS362 and KBØY1 point
Repeater Testing
WRUU653 reacted to MarkInTampa for a question
Got the programming cable today and pulled the config. It's already programmed for GMRS! Ran a quick test and it appears to work so I guess it's worth a trip to the radio tech to have him check it out. Although it's programmed for GMRS it's CW ID shows a ham callsign that lives around 30 miles from me, don't know what that's about.1 point -
New Repeater Channels for GMRS in 2024
wqnd300 reacted to SteveShannon for a topic
How does “installing a repeater just because they want one” even remotely equate to “install a new repeater to save lives?”1 point -
If they are not cognizant of what's already installed in their area and are interfering with an existing repeater then yes, they are being irresponsible.1 point
Check and see if you have a channel 0 "zero". My Baofeng HT does and I use it just like you mentioned. I changed the name to Primary and set the freq to 462.550 and set the CTCSS the way I wanted. Works great.1 point
Wouxun KG-1000G make one side gmrs and other repeaters
WRXW653 reacted to MarkInTampa for a topic
Bring up the KG-1000 software and go to the "Scan Group" tab and create two scan groups such as GMRS and Reptrs (you are limited to 6 characters). Assign each scan group what channels you want assigned to that group - must be sequential channel numbers. By default the GMRS simplex channels on the KG1000 are channels 1-22 and the repeater channels are 23-30 Load the "GMRS" scan group on the left VFO (display) and the "Reptrs" on the other A few things to consider: See the below example - since the scan list works by sequential channel numbers, its a good idea to save frequencies to channels numbers in groups and leave gaps for adding new channels to that scan group. If you are scanning something like 70cm ham repeaters then save those channels as channel 200-299. The KG-1000G+ I had (first week they came out) had a bug on dual scanning. Instructions say start scanning on one side, press the band button to go to the other side and hit scan and you can scan both sides at once. There is/was a bug that pressing the band or scan button (sold the radio, forgot what button) to change sides on the radio itself to start scanning on the one side then the other side would stop scanning. If you hit the button on the microphone it works fine. Don't know if that's still the case.1 point -
What "type" are our Handhelds... RTTY? Data? Phone?
WRUU653 reacted to SteveShannon for a topic
They’re all defined in Part 97 of the FCC Regulations: https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-47/chapter-I/subchapter-D/part-97 (c)The following terms are used in this part to indicate emission types. Refer to § 2.201of the FCC Rules, Emission, modulation and transmission characteristics,for information on emission type designators. (1)CW.International Morse code telegraphy emissions having designators with A, C, H, J or R as the first symbol; 1 as the second symbol; A or B as the third symbol; and emissions J2A and J2B. (2)Data.Telemetry, telecommand and computer communications emissions having (i)designators with A, C, D, F, G, H, J or R as the first symbol, 1 as the second symbol, and D as the third symbol; (ii)emission J2D; and (iii)emissions A1C, F1C, F2C, J2C, and J3C having an occupied bandwidth of 500 Hz or less when transmitted on an amateur service frequency below 30 MHz. Only a digital code of a type specifically authorized in this part may be transmitted. (3)Image.Facsimile and television emissions having designators with A, C, D, F, G, H, J or R as the first symbol; 1, 2 or 3 as the second symbol; C or F as the third symbol; and emissions having B as the first symbol; 7, 8 or 9 as the second symbol; W as the third symbol. (4)MCW.Tone-modulated international Morse code telegraphy emissions having designators with A, C, D, F, G, H or R as the first symbol; 2 as the second symbol; A or B as the third symbol. (5)Phone.Speech and other sound emissions having designators with A, C, D, F, G, H, J or R as the first symbol; 1, 2, 3 or X as the second symbol; E as the third symbol. Also speech emissions having B or F as the first symbol; 7, 8 or 9 as the second symbol; E as the third symbol. MCW for the purpose of performing the station identification procedure, or for providing telegraphy practice interspersed with speech. Incidental tones for the purpose of selective calling or alerting or to control the level of a demodulated signal may also be considered phone. (6)Pulse.Emissions having designators with K, L, M, P, Q, V or W as the first symbol; 0, 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9 or X as the second symbol; A, B, C, D, E, F, N, W or X as the third symbol. (7)RTTY.Narrow-band direct-printing telegraphy emissions having designators with A, C, D, F, G, H, J or R as the first symbol; 1 as the second symbol; B as the third symbol; and emission J2B. Only a digital code of a type specifically authorized in this part may be transmitted. (8)SS.Spread spectrum emissions using bandwidth-expansion modulation emissions having designators with A, C, D, F, G, H, J or R as the first symbol; X as the second symbol; X as the third symbol. (9)Test.Emissions containing no information having the designators with N as the third symbol. Test does not include pulse emissions with no information or modulation unless pulse emissions are also authorized in the frequency band.1 point -
I had a similar issue with my rt97. I fought it for a couple of months, I am using lmr 400 cable. Increasing the squelch has solved the issue. Been working fine for 2 months now with no issues.1 point
Then stop putting repeaters on top of other repeaters! Simple solution because you don't need more than a few. Here in Southern California we have idiots that need to shut up and allow others to periodically use the frequency. Those are the real issues. Sent from my SM-S918U using Tapatalk1 point
Why not just take the test for amateur radio if you want to do as there are plenty of dmr repeaters. I'll stick to my p25 radios. Sent from my SM-S918U using Tapatalk1 point
focker reacted to OffRoaderX for a topic
Its not the tone/CTSS creating the potential issues you mention, it's stupid people that are too lazy to invest 3 minutes of their life to read the directions and learn/understand how their equipment works that are the problem..1 point