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Showing content with the highest reputation since 04/06/13 in Status Updates

  1. WRKN700

    Welcome all

    Welcome all
    2 points
  2. I Programed in the club tones in my Wouxun UV9GX and found I had great connection to the Through the west repeater. Amazing coverage or this region and great support for outdoor activities near Bailey Cayon Sierra Madre. I’m unable to hit The Mesa Crest Repeater here as I’m to close to the mountains, making for a shadow on coverage. It will be very useful for venturing outside the this neighborhood. Thanks again for the welcome.
    1 point
  3. SteveShannon


    1 point
  4. Massena repeaters up and running Massena repeater name is WRWX276
    1 point
  5. As a great number of new users are joining every week with the same questions about tones and programming for repeaters, would it be possible to create a FAQ section with answers for these questions? More FAQs can be created for other common questions as needed if new users could be directed to that section.
    1 point
  6. Brian, You should join our formal group on Facebook. Our page here lists the website that holds our membership application. Once we get your application, I will email you more information. You live within range of 2 of our repeaters. de WQUQ715
    1 point
  7. Looking forward to GMRS as a compliment to my ham radio activities!!
    1 point
  8. Do we have any repeaters in the club? I'm hoping to have a rt97 repeater up and running within a month.
    1 point
  9. Just passed the Ham Technician test 2/1/2022 KK7DJD
    1 point
  10. Old men do not grow wise. They become careful.
    1 point
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