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Everything posted by PB30X

  1. Sure can, there are several ways to do this. 1) The linking bundle provided by myGMRS.com (https://shop.mygmrs.com/collections/repeaters-and-accessories/products/repeater-linking-bundle ) is quite capable of this with a few modifications to rpt.conf and iax.conf you’ll be on your way. 2) Allstarlink has a download page using the ASL image for the RaspberryPi. In your situation I would consider the v1.01, and follow instructions from the ASL website links etc. 3) I would suggest the myGMRS route due to the complexity of Linux, and Rich went through great lengths to keep it clean, and LEGAL! [emoji1303]
  2. Good Question! If I were to answer this, I would strongly suggest NO, only because of possible interference with cockpit and other technology onboard, just a guess. I do believe nowadays the internals of newer planes are like faraday cages anyway. Someone will be along shortly.. just my .02
  3. The Repeater will dictate what frequency and tone examples to be used. REPEATER: Transmit radio TX 462.675 with an “encode tone” of 141.3 will be your handheld, mobile or base radio receive RX “decode tone” 462.675 tone 141.3. REPEATER: Receive radio RX 467.675 with a “decode tone” of 141.3 will be your handheld, mobile or base radio transmit TX “encode tone” 467.675 tone 141.3. Breakdown Repeater Settings: Transmit Frequency: TX: 462.675 MHz Transmit Encode Tone: TX: 141.3 Hz Receive Frequency: 467.675 MHz Receive Decode Tone: 141.3 Hz _____________________________________ Base, Mobile and/or Handheld Settings: Transmit Frequency: 467.675 MHz Transmit Encode Tone: 141.3 Hz Receive Frequency: 462.675 MHz Receive Decode Tone: 141.3 Hz ***DCS/DCSS etc follow the same examples.
  4. Chris, I own RINO 755t’s also to including the older 400 series as to which are not readily available to analyze and confirm models but DO INFACT work on repeater systems providing the “repeater is the same tone in, and tone out. I can verify this as we used them for hunting, fishing, and especially hiking. The 755t is the newest and most current and rugged radios of the Rino family. Again Repeater Input, and output must be identical on the repeater side. However the peer to peer does not function on repeater channels.
  5. This was shared previously somewhere! TYT TH-9800 Mobile Two-Way Radio Programming Software & Cable Kit https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00RDQBG1Q/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_api_glc_fabc_0Vb4FbZYQ8D3S
  6. Hopefully that’s a typo on the frequency pair you describe, otherwise you may have a radio shop program the radios for you. You may be hitting a business band, or emergency services department. Clearly those frequencies are NOT GMRS[emoji15], so I can’t elaborate anymore as to what it is you are trying to do. I would suggest having someone else program your radio, before other legal consequences come upon you[emoji1303]
  7. **AKA** ANDREW DB413. The band depends on the measurement of the element end to end[emoji1303]! I’m thinking 11 1/8” is the 450-470, and the 10 3/8 is the lower 70cm band. Don’t quote me but the measurements are close! I have a few of their products but I do not own the directional antennas, just their yagis.. Minimum I would ask No less than $500 IMO, they’re good antennas[emoji1303]
  8. Again, I just read it somewhere on here, that may have been posted from a few years back. I’m not on here enough to read enough through outdated posts. So again, before ordering double check to see if this LINKED SYSTEM is accepting SIMPLEX. That’s all I really know, I just own duplexed repeaters, never played with SIMPLEX repeater systems, other than peer to peer and group communications. Don’t Quote Me on RULES lol, I’m NOT up to date yet! Good Luck[emoji1303]
  9. No particular reason, just know I have read this somewhere!
  10. No Problem! These nodes are setup for duplex repeaters, not sure on what type of project you have going but these are setup for repeaters, “Not Simplex” from my understanding.. Simplex is Not allowed on this system as far as I know.
  11. Try this link https://shop.mygmrs.com/collections/repeaters-and-accessories/products/repeater-linking-bundle
  12. REPEATER: Receive RX 467.XXXX Tone/PL/DPL XXX.X Transmit TX 462.XXXX Tone/PL/DPL XXX.X HT/BASE/MOBILE: Receive RX 462.XXXX Tone/PL/DPL XXX.X Transmit TX 467.XXXX Tone/PL/DPL XXX.X
  13. I don’t personally use chirp but remember that it is tone Squelch CTS I believe and leave everything else alone, unless you can adjust bandwidth.. Again I don’t have chirp, but if you dig here somewhere there is useful info there[emoji1303]
  14. (1) I Would still ask permission or atleast acknowledge that you will be using the repeater, regardless of Open repeaters. State your callsign, and check in if anyone is available. 462.700 both TX/RX is in Simplex mode. (2) Your output frequency should read 467.700! (3) RX 467.700Mhz (4) TX 462.700Mhz Good Luck!
  15. To All, Have a Safe, Happy, and Prosperous New Year! WQXP640
  16. Thought someone posted about this earlier in the year, and that it is part 95E compliant. Not that I’m complaining but how about they just focus on the entire GMRS spectrum “ONLY”! The dual band RX only is just a bit much for something one would consider for scanner use[emoji2371]! Would be nice to see Motorola step up their game and chime in on GMRS only band[emoji1303]
  17. That would depend on your location,price margin, placement and clearance, and what kind of range you are looking for(Height and terrain is everything) Too many to choose from, but naming a few for a Non-Flame War on what is better, and for worse pending the unique desires... Remember you are looking for UHF 450-470mhz or tighter frequency range.. Good Luck! I Do not have a base antenna, but have used mobile ground planes in my past. I’m sure someone with better knowledge and experience will come along.. I’m an Andrew/CommScope kind of guy[emoji6] Browning Comet CommScope Diamond J-Pole Laird Larsen PCTEL SinClair Slim Jim N9TAX StationMaster Telewave TRAM
  18. Are you currently on the emailing list? Secondly maybe you accidentally set something to go to trash, or may even be in spam filter/junk mail section[emoji1303]
  19. Got mine early this morning!
  20. Yes, checked it out myself, I like the GPS feature as we use Garmin Rino’s for our expeditions, hikes and hunts. It’s New to the field, but really have no use for it as it’s basically the same thing as the Rinos except with an expanded version of texting and the Rino uses short burst text(Higher End 700 series 755t).. Obviously both Garmin and Motorola are Licensed through the FCC for data bursts.. One other feature that is NOT available is the Repeater Channel feature and that would be huge other than the fact you can NOT use data burst via Repeater anyway 1-22 channels-NO REPEATER Channels. But, In my opinion it’s always good to have Repeater access when out and about.. I don’t own a T800 and give it a 4Star just because they took the extra steps and Garmin didn’t in some comparisons of my own choices, but it’s worthy and quite affordable versus the Rinos, so that being said I definitely see a good market for these radios. These are also sold as a pair for @$109 US.. Higher end Rinos sell for $400 US for one unit/radio[emoji106]!! Details are as follows as the user manuals are Not yet publicly available.. http://axcesstechnologysource.com/pdf/Talkabout-T800_spec_sheet.pdf
  21. I do remember something in the lines of GPS, and possibly short data bursts but never really looked into it. I can however tell you with the most recent release of the all New Motorola T800 is cellphone friendly inviting possible vendors to step it up! The T800 connects via Bluetooth or WiFi Not sure but works with transmitting GPS location via application(App) on your Smartphone. I’m quite sure this is where companies like Motorola and Garmin are leading the pack in possibilities of next generation possibilities. No need for long extended data bursts, just a squabble here and there. I’m all in for Data via Repeater use due to large Hunting parties and possibly search and rescue.. GPS has allot of advantages versus disadvantages from my standpoint, but to each their own we all have our own opinions on the subject[emoji6]!
  22. Strange this topic came up because I was wandering the same thing about a year ago and was never used. I have my Arcom programmed with DVR preprogrammed severe weather alert messages to seek shelter for incoming weather.. Through personal experience and Emergencies I would think they would turn a check as it is An emergency Alert (Grave Danger esp in the Tornado alley) As mentioned Rules are Rules, but I don’t think a DVR message is considered illegal broadcasting so long as you stay in Talk Guidlines parameters! Interesting!! I would think that allot and most alerts are long winded, and in most cases I believe over 2 minutes.. Either way, I would practice Good Judgement and flick the switch, it’s Not a live broadcast[emoji106] I do however have Garmin Rino radios with weather alert built right in, and came handy several times out and about. Especially in remote areas where cell coverage is NOT AVAILABLE! Who Knows, May Save Lives, including AMBER ALERTS[emoji106] just an FYI, I am of Sound mind and use judgement when others FAIL TOO[emoji106] Someone has to, Good or Bad it’s called Responsible for Your own Actions.. Good Day!!
  23. Generally I lurk and scan all channels when traveling and hear most traffic via FRS and Simplex. I have a few mobile units but are not part 95 compliant. I just turn on my Wally World Rino 650t and listen for possible chatter. However when hiking or trekking the mountains with just an HT, it gets interesting. Recently found HT's have a rather vast coverage area[emoji106]! I do have all the Travel channels programmed, and allot of traffic received but can't make the hit with the basic 4-5w HT via Repeaters. I'd rather chat than play with a cellphone any day. Call me old school, but used to like chatting CB years ago, just got out of hand... Doesn't hurt to just scan and listen while traveling, you learn the lay of the communication land, and radio traffic[emoji106] WQXP640
  24. Wish I could bring a DUPLEXOR DROPBOX with, but I don't think it would be airport approved. I'll be in Anchorage on Monday 5/6, I'll give ya a shout when I'm site seeing. Can't take any of my CP's or HT's other than my Garmin and BAOFENG. Everything else is being programmed, and being tuned by a friend of mine. Would be awesome to see how his DROPBOX would work up in those mountains.. Have a few friends in Fairbanks too[emoji106] WQXP640
  25. http://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20160531/2df0b7c1160d2b4baa680f2f721274b7.jpg Hope this helps as it helped me out with my Garmin Rino lineup.. Not sure if I found this document on this site, or elsewhere, but definitely will point you in the right direction[emoji106]!
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