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Everything posted by nokones

  1. nokones

    emergency trap

    You probably would have better luck with smoke signals providing it's not windy or use a carrier pigeon. During a castistrophic event such as grid down situation there are going to be a gazillion people trying to do the same thing at the sametime. It will be radio chaos and with 15 miles of distance between those two points, you might as well double that gazillion factor of radio users.
  2. The Towers 600 repeater owner has changed the PL encode and restricted the use as the repeater owner of the Towers 575 and Shaw Butte repeaters has done. It is unknown when the two repeater owners will allow open use of their respective repeater for the General user.
  3. Towers 600 is not in Maricopa County. The site is in Yavapai County near Crown King.
  4. Yah, kinda looks like he was slurring his words.
  5. Also, some, not many run both a CB and GMRS. The GMRS channel will vary depending on the group/club. When I am alone, I scan all them without any tone. As for the CB, I'll monitor Ch. 16 AM. The other days on my run to Crown King I actually heard some off-roading radio traffic on CB Ch. 16. There were a few Side-X-Sides on the road and I did notice a CB antenna and an UHF antenna on one of them.
  6. And speak/type in English. Never heard of a UV5R being built and/or sold by Mororola and with 20 decibels of what?
  7. I have a bunch of radios so I don't have to take a radio that is mounted in a car for a base unit. Although, I do have some radios that I use for temporary mobile units with my Car and Jeep Club's for my radioless friends so they can have radio comm on the driving tours or Jeep Trail runs. My Pickup and Jeep have permanent mounts and I use a Jerk & Run setup for one of my cars that accommodate an installation Here are my two permanent base radio setups and a couple of mobile temp. Jerk & Run Setups.
  8. Patience people. Some respond right away, some will after they attend to work and/or family matters first, and some won't respond at all especially if they have posted the tone information. Just use it until they say otherwise.
  9. Even if you can pronounce it, still don't buy the .99 connector.
  10. The Antenna Farm sells the element separately. I've bought several rods for Laird base load antennae.
  11. Don't worry, I won't. By any chance, is the Taco Villa still there across the Street? Just curious.
  12. Business Radio Service (Part 90.35) application is only $205 if you apply for itinerant VHF and/or UHF freqs to avoid the cost of frequency coordination, and these freqs can be Nationwide on one license.
  13. No, haven't. I don't do apps. Apps are for the generation that are too lazy and refuse to contribute to society and buy cheap Chinese crap with those Apps. And someday, I may meet Randy in passing on the trail.
  14. Yes, that's one of them.
  15. I have 36 years of experience. Let me think of some of the best stupid ones and I'll get back to you. I've been retired for almost 20 years so I'll have recollect on some prior to that. I do remember some of those questions were generated from "Some People" in the area where Carl Karcher had one of his full-scale restaurants and with a car hop just off the Riverside Freeway and Harbor Blvd.
  16. When "Some People" call a government agency and seek an answer for their question, in most cases they don't know how to properly address the question in the proper context.
  17. Randy is several levels above a Ring Leader.
  18. And it would be best to go very deep in your pocket in order to do it right.
  19. In Montana, don't they use hand-cranked generators for power?
  20. If you are referring to the 550 repeater near Safford, named Thatcher 550, the owner does require permission and the repeater does require an input tone. I believe is a low level site actually in Thatcher. I doubt that there will be coverage along I.S. 10.
  21. Pouring oil on tower bolts and guy wires is not a joke. Regular 30w got the job done to eliminate intermod at a couple of sites. If you need the name of those two sites, I'll be more than happy to provide them.
  22. How long is your cable run end to end? If your cable run is less than 50 feet are you really serious in using heliax? The connectors are not cheap.
  23. Why would you want to call the FCC when the rules are written in Part 95, subparts A & E which we must work within those restrictions rather we like them or not, and regardless who at the FCC you talked to. It doesn't matter what the guy says, we have to follow what is in writing not what the guy says because the official rules are the written rules not the verbal rules.
  24. The radio transmitter/station at a fixed location that transmit on a 467 MHz Main Channel (I. e. 467.550 MHz - 467.725 MHz) to a Repeater becomes a Control Station class of station during that operation. The same control station will revert back to a Base Station Class of Station when that station communicate directly to a mobile station or other base stations at a fixed location on a 462 MHz Main and/or Interstitial Channels.
  25. 95.303 Definitions Base station. A station at a fixed location that communicates directly with mobile stations and other base stations.
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