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Everything posted by WRWE456

  1. The Cobra 75 All Road is a CB radio.
  2. The problem will be the cable length. A repeater would likely be the answer. Try hiking to the top and trying from there with a HT to test if the location works for you.
  3. Funny, one of the reasons I chose the KG-935G plus was because it does not require a computer to program. Unless you have a lot of repeaters you want programed or lots of scanning frequencies to add it's not hard to do it via FFP. Give "Buy Two Way Radios" a call to confirm software compatibility. I would be surprised if they are not. It's the same radio with mostly programing updates.
  4. Ya me either. But he is on Rumble as well if you want a censorship free platform. https://rumble.com/c/NotARubiconProductions
  5. Hello and welcome! Can you give us an idea of what you are looking to use GMRS for? That will help with advice.
  6. One thing to keep in mind with the KG-1000G is that being a 50 watt radio it has a fan to cool it. A fan draws air into the radio and in dusty conditions like off roading can pull dust into the radio and that kind of dust has minerals that can possibly cause corrosion. The KG-XS20G may be a better choice for off road use. It is 20 watts and is the mobile version of the KG-935G plus. It is passively cooled with heat sinks instead of a fan. It's an excellent radio as well. Less expensive as well. https://www.buytwowayradios.com/wouxun-kg-xs20g.html?___SID=U
  7. A better analogy than a light bulb would be a fluorescent tube type light mounted vertically in place of the antenna.
  8. Welcome!
  9. Welcome! A good analogy of how antennas radiate energy in the form of a radio signal is that of a light bulb. Imagine a light bulb in the center of a empty dark room. The energy(light) goes out in all directions, now imagine that light bulb mounted in the different mounting locations on the jeep. If the light is below any part of the jeep body it creates a shadow that blocks the light. And just like light the closer an object is to the light the larger the shadow it makes than if it is further away, so the rear bumper location puts the antenna closer to the body which makes a larger shadow that the front bumper location that has it further away from the roof structure and makes a narrower shadow. As you can then imagine the roof is the best location as no shadow is created. (It also allows for a good ground plane on a metal roof anyway). This is a simplified explanation but should help you visualize what is happening. Hope this helps.
  10. Here are a couple of very good reviews for you to have a look at to help you decide. https://rumble.com/v2oe6ev-wouxun-kg-uv9p-review-new-and-improved-review.html https://rumble.com/v3nhca7-the-wouxun-kg-935g-still-the-best-gmrs-ht.html
  11. I will second this. I have 3 KG-935Plus. Can't go wrong.
  12. So far you have not told us what you are trying do. Are you wanting to talk to friends or family while out and about or talk to random strangers (there's an app for that). Is it for SHTF stituations? You want to listen to many other things but will only be able to talk on GMRS frequencies. Are you planning to get a ham license? If not then why do you think you need multiple radios? Just to be able to listen to more stuff? A scanner will cover all your listening desires and the radio you already have will cover GMRS. You can pick up something like the Uniden BC125AT hand held scanner for around $150 maybe less.
  13. Have you considered a scanner? If you just want to listen to lots of different transmissions a scanner will do a better job than a two way radio.
  14. Welcome! Lots of good info here. Don't forget to make use of the search feature. Most beginner questions have been asked and answered many times.
  15. Hi, welcome! Start here (if you have not seen this yet) https://forums.mygmrs.com/topic/1402-you-just-got-your-gmrs-license-now-you-want-your-own-repeater/page/2/#comment-17067 How big an area are you trying to cover? What is the terrain like?
  16. Locking the keypad is a good idea whenever you don't want to inadvertently change a setting or channel, such as hiking etc. How many times have people accidentally changed the channel and had their com's fail as result? It's happened to me more than once. And it will enable a non radio person to use a complex radio like the 935G. Pick a channel hit the lock button and hand it to them. Volume still works. And you still have a radio that has all the capabilities when needed. It also has a bit better reception than the KG805. KF8YQ maybe get the KG935Gplus for use in the US and a couple of inexpensive FRS Radios for the Canadian portion of your trip. They are all compatible with each other so kids can use them also. An out board antenna can turn the RV into a base station while camping. Just some thoughts.
  17. I have not had the desensing issue with the 935Gplus. I don't place them right next to each other on a table but even just a few feet apart has not been an issue. They seem pretty immune to that. Just getting back to basic's, have you heard any traffic on the repeater at all? It may be a problem with the repeater. Is there another one near by that you could try? The KG 935G is a great radio. I would be surprised if it is the radios causing the problem.
  18. Welcome! So there is a hill between you and your son? How far apart are you? That could be a problem. Hopefully you can both reach the repeater. GMRS is UHF. UHF and VHF are basically line of sight however they can penetrate many obstructions such as vegetation and buildings to a certain extent. VHF is better at getting through forests etc so is better in rural areas and UHF is better at going through buildings so is better in urban areas, but hills and mountains will block both. Radio requires a fair bit of experimenting to find what works and to solve problems that will crop up. Lots of good help here. Have fun!
  19. What's powering the repeaters during this grid down event?
  20. I also use with great results the DX Engineers 400MAX. It can be purchased terminated with UHF or type N connectors. I use type N. You will want a short length of something like RG8X between the 400 and the radio as 400 is very thick and stiff. You want to keep the run as short as practical to minimize loss. Mine are 50'.
  21. Again the lack of details you provided just has everyone guessing.
  22. Maybe it should be renamed "My Owned Repeaters" or similar.
  23. Welcome! There are SO many things that could be causing this. The more details you can provide the better chances of helping you. Good luck!
  24. Sure, glad to help. Welcome to the forum.
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