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Everything posted by WRWE456

  1. This is what I was referring to. Liking a ham radio better than GMRS radios. Apples to oranges comparison.
  2. But the UVD1P is a ham radio and the other two are GMRS? He has just done one on the KG-UV9P which is the one I suggested to you earlier in your search. https://rumble.com/v4b0vox-shtf-emergency-ham-radio-wouxun-kg-uv9px-unlockable-amateur-radio-ht.html
  3. Again how is it wired?
  4. It's the same with sound. High frequencies fall off quickly (a few feet) while bass (low frequencies) can travel over very long distances (miles) as well as pass through most barriers.
  5. Right you forgot to post a link.
  6. Hello and welcome! It's height above the surrounding terrain that matters. The whole area could be at 1,300 feet above sea level, then you would be on a 25 foot hill. How tall is the hill you live on? That said it is good to be on a hill. As far as repeaters. Start here: https://forums.mygmrs.com/topic/1402-you-just-got-your-gmrs-license-now-you-want-your-own-repeater/
  7. Hey sorry about that. Didn't notice the min quantity. Here is another place. Have not used them though. https://quality2wayradios.com/store/laird-b4502ns Normally I would recommend The Antenna Farm https://theantennafarm.com/shop-by-categories/antennas-mounts/mobile-antennas/300-512-mhz-uhf/no-ground-plane-antennas/6533-laird-connectivity-b4502nr-detail But they are shut down until spring due to the owner passing away. One of my favorite shops.
  8. Welcome to the Fourm! Not sure what prices you have seen. But this is a place I have purchased from. https://www.arcantenna.com/products/laird-antenex-b4502nr-450-470-mhz-mobile-base-coil-nmo-mount-antenna-no-metalic-ground-plane-required
  9. Welcome! Do you have a radio yet? What are you wanting to use GMRS for?
  10. Heck the furthest report I have heard with a hand held GMRS radio was 127 miles. That was hill top to a repeater at 7500 feet line of sight. KG-935G with a Nagoya NA-771G 15"whip. 5.5 watts.
  11. Hello Max. Here is a good article for you. https://www.buytwowayradios.com/blog/2024/01/how-to-buy-your-first-gmrs-radio.html Good place to start.
  12. This is the one I use: https://www.dxengineering.com/parts/alo-dm-330mvt Plenty of power even for extra accessories. Powers my KG1000G, a handheld scanner and powered speaker for the scanner at the same time. Enough for a 100w HF radio. Has lots of connection options even a 12v cigarette lighter plug. I love it.
  13. Boy you sure get what you pay for with those it seems.
  14. What are you using for a power supply? Is everything grounded properly? Maybe try powering it with a 12v battery as a test.
  15. Welcome! Sounds like you are off to a good start.
  16. Welcome aboard! You have come to the right place.
  17. Is this a new noise or has the radio always done this? I use the 1000G as a base and the fan comes on whenever I key up and the speed varies. Is it just the fan noise that you are worried about or does the sound seem to come through the speaker? Probably just the sound of the motor.
  18. Best means different things for different people for different purposes. What is your goal/usage?
  19. And some of us like saying 'Over" "Rodger" and "Copy". Makes us sound "Hip'! Or at least old.
  20. Hello and welcome! Can you tell us what you are hoping to use the GMRS for? Do you have a radio yet? If so which one? Where do you live?
  21. Here is some more info. Watch the video. If nothing else it will help you understand how the menu system works. There is more info there if you poke around. https://www.buytwowayradios.com/blog/2023/03/how-to-use-the-channel-wizard-on-the-wouxun-kg-935g-plus-video.html
  22. This is what I found. https://www.buytwowayradios.com/wouxun-kg-wv11a.html
  23. I would add to spend time learning the menu system. Get to the point where you can confidently go in and change things. If you make changes one at a time it is easy to put them back. Try programing the two left side programmable function (PF) buttons is a good practice exercise. It's all in the manual. Whenever you want to make changes to a channel you first tune to that channel then press menu to enter the menu system then up/down buttons to find what you want to change then menu again to select, when done hit exit. The codes and frequencies are listed in the manual. Also GMRS is channelized. A channel is a specific frequency. There are two modes, channel mode and frequency mode. When in GMRS channel mode you wish to see what the frequency is push the mode button on the right side of the key pad. That will switch between the two modes. When you begin to program the radio you need to be in channel mode to program for GMRS and Frequency mode for everything else such as police, fire EMS etc for scanning. In your example when on channel RPT-19 push the mode button and you will see 462.650(00).
  24. That part is correct but you forgot to explain how to turn the radio on!
  25. Actually its an 8 pin DIN on that radio. The KG-1000G uses an RJ45 and Buy Two Way Radios does have an extension cable for that radio but nothing listed for the KG-XS20G. But it wouldn't hurt to give them a call and ask. You never know they may be able to make one. Good luck!
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