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Everything posted by WRWE456

  1. I don't see why not. That is not very far for GMRS as long as there are no hills between your antenna and the repeaters. In fact 5 watts should be enough. I live on a 500 foot hill and with a roof top J-pole can easily reach 30 miles simplex using Wouxun KG-935G+ handheld to the same radio in a mobile set up using a mag mount antenna. That's just furthest we have tested, I think it would reach much further given line of sight conditions.
  2. Don't know if it's legit, first I have seen of it. However it is still a $5.00 radio (maybe less) once you subtract marketing, all shipping, packaging and all the accessories. It may be fine as a toy but I would not want one for anything important.
  3. Lscott that was a very good explanation! Thanks. Cleared up a couple things for me. I'm not wanting a repeater but like learning.
  4. WRWE456


    Hello and welcome! Sorry to hear you are having trouble. I'm sure a moderator will help you soon. They seem to be pretty responsive. Good luck.
  5. I Live in the San Juan islands in the Puget Sound Washington. I heard mountain climbers a couple of times climbing Mount Baker. That was surprising to hear. I'm on a hill top and do have line of sight to the mountain. I'm sure they must have been using GMRS as it's about 60 miles from my location. Not sure if FRS .5 watt would be heard that far. Channel 5 if I remember.
  6. Hello and welcome! About time you came out of the shadows. HaHa! Lots of helpful folks around here as you probably know by now. The KG-1000G plus is a great radio. I just got one about three months ago that I use as my base radio with a Yagi directional antenna on a mast on the roof of the house. We use KG935G plus HT's with Mag mount antennas for mobile's at the moment. They work great to stay in touch with the 1000G base. Tell us some more about your planned use and details of your vehicle install and range desired etc. As for tips? One thing that comes to mind is to connect the radio direct to the battery. Do not use the cigarette lighter plug. The 1000G has too much power draw on 50 watts. Of course read and re read the manual. I'm sure others will have more ideas.
  7. Welcome! Nice radio choice. I have three of them. Wouxun (Ocean) makes great radios. What is your planned use of GMRS?
  8. Ya I'm not a fan of the color scheme either. They should also offer basic black as well.
  9. I use it mostly while on road trips on the KG-935G+ and/or my scanner.
  10. Buy Two Way Radios has this new radio available now. From their ad "The KG-Q10H is a quad bander with a superheterodyne receiver, capable of transmitting on the 1.25 meter, 2 meter, 6 meter and 70cm ham bands" Looks interesting but I am not a ham. Just wondering what those of you that are ham's think of this idea. (I'm sure it's not a new Idea) Comes with two antennas to cover the bands. https://www.buytwowayradios.com/wouxun-kg-q10h.html
  11. Hello and welcome. Lots of good info here. Ask any questions you may have. Please ask questions! It's been very slow around here lately.
  12. Once you are clear of the house obstructions then if you still can't reach then you must keep going up. You will need a proper mast of some kind. 20 feet above the roof peak or more may be needed. If that still is not enough a directional antenna may help as mentioned. I use an Arrow Antenna's brand GMRS Yagi antenna. Very nice quality antenna. They can be rotated if necessary. If none of that works you may be out of luck for that one repeater. Welcome to two way radio, it can take some (or a lot) of experimentation and funds to get (or not) the results you want. But that can be half the fun of radio. learning what works and what doesn't. Good luck.
  13. The monitor is just a shortcut to zero squelch without having to mess with your squelch setting. Your radio is working properly.
  14. Alright we have got a bit of testing in, so far only out to four miles but it does work. At four miles the the stock antennas will not reach (that was tested at one location only) however with the Diamond SRJ77CA on both radios we were able to talk with a bit of back round hiss. Not perfect but good enough. Now most of the testing so far has been with my wife driving around with the radio connected to a Comet CA-2x4SR dual band mobile mag mount. This has proven to be a very versatile antenna. It works great on GMRS and now it is working very good on MURS as well. It is the best antenna I have tested so far. At four miles and with me using the Diamond outside the house facing her location it was very good, almost full quieting on my end she reported more hiss from me. I assume this is due to the better antenna on her end transmitting more energy than mine. I just order two more antennas to try. A DPD Productions dual band GMRS/MURS mobile mag mount with BNC connector and a base antenna from KB9VBR Antennas, a VHF Public Safety, MURS, Marine, & Scanner Slim Jim Antenna. I have had good luck with his copper tube J-pole's so far. Should be a noticeable improvement on a mast above the roof and on top of a 500 foot hill. Will be doing some longer range testing when time and circumstances allow. So far I like these KG-805M radio's.
  15. WRWE456

    Seeking advice

    Welcome! Two way radio is line of sight mostly. So if she is hiking in the mountains, line of sight will be very spotty at best. Where will you be? As WRUU653 suggests satellite phones/devices may be your best option.
  16. My interest in these stubby antenna's is for times when I want short range, such as working around the property and talking to the house. I'm not expecting them to be as effective at long range nor do I want that for this purpose. Short range with low power. Right tool for the job kind of thing.
  17. Did you guys ever get to test these antenna's?
  18. Fingers crossed. I will post back here once I get some testing in. Thanks again for the reply's.
  19. Yup got that covered. That is what we do with our KG935G+ GMRS HT's they serve as mobile's for my wife and I and the KG805M take the same speaker/mic's. And yes we have mounts for them as well, works very well. Just looking to experiment with MURS. I like the fact that no one uses it around here. I have been scanning the MURS frequencies for a while and have not heard a peep on them. Plus we live on top of a hill with line of sight to most of the area we want to cover out to around ten miles including our small town about 4 miles. Theoretically it should work.
  20. Thanks WRXE944 I did see that thread. Currently I do not have a use for a mobile MURS at the moment. I will just use the HT with a mag mount antenna.
  21. Hey thanks for the info guys. Turns out I already have a Diamond SRJ77CA (a 15" dual band whip) for another 2m/70cm HT. After looking it up it should work good for MURS. I'm going to order another one and try them out. Just got the radios yesterday will be testing them this weekend.
  22. Greetings all. I just ordered a pair of Wouxun KG805M radios and looking for some upgrade antenna's, both hand held and NMO mount mobile. I don't find any MURS specific hand held whips. Buy Two Way Radios does not even have any listed under accessories for these radios. Now maybe just a VHF model that covers the frequency range is fine but I like dedicated antennas for each band as they tend to work best. I have found a couple mobile's such as DPD Productions MURS 5/8 Wave Mobile Antenna. Looks like a good option but not much else so far. Thanks for any suggestions.
  23. That is the set up I am currently using. Just got it up and running a couple of weeks ago. Still working on the grounding side of it. I have a galvanized steel mast made of 1 1/4" EMT conduit. The antenna's are an "Arrow Antenna's" brand GMRS 7 element Yagi. Very nicely built antenna. Much beefier mount than the one on amazon (but costs twice as much). It is mounted about 3' below the top of the mast. At the top I am running a copper tube J-pole GMRS antenna by KB9VBR. I run DX engineering brand 400 Max coax with N connectors from each antenna to a 2 position Diamond antenna switch. The interesting thing is just how well the Yagi works even in directions other than where it is pointed. Now I have not had this setup very long so still learning how it works. Most of the time there is no noticeable difference but once in a while the Yagi will pick up a signal that is too weak to hear on the J-pole. I have to assume that those signals are in the general direction that the Yagi is pointing. Now for my situation most of the stuff I want to reach is in one general direction so I don't need a rotator and the J-pole will cover anything local in all directions. I am situated on top of a 500 foot hill facing the direction that I mainly need to work so it really is ideal for me.
  24. Two things stand out to me. 1st why do you have the mic clipped on the antenna? That almost certainly can only negatively effect it's performance. 2nd Does it do that when an external antenna is connected? I can get some interference on my KG935G+ if I do the same thing with the rubber ducky on it. Move it a few inches away from the dash and it stops. That's in an 98 Ranger. No issue with roof top antenna connected. There are so many electronics in modern cars it's not surprising. Most of the time just a little distance is all that's needed.
  25. Ok my bad. Turns out I was not logged in when I tried to open it. Said "not available" works now that I am signed in. Thanks again.
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