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  1. Like
    WRXB215 got a reaction from WSBR383 in Chirp programing for Linked Repeaters   
    If you don't have very many channels you are trying to program then yes, it is probably simpler than using chirp. However, if you are trying to program lots of channels in multiple different radios, then it's chirp for the win.
  2. Like
    WRXB215 got a reaction from WSBR383 in Chirp programing for Linked Repeaters   
    DCS/DTCS same thing. 👍

  3. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to SteveShannon in Building new house, pre-wire it for a repeater?   
    First, why do you think you want a repeater instead of just a base station?  In either case any modifications you make while building will work well for either. If it’s going to be a long run of feedline, consider using hardline to minimize cable losses. 
    Second, this is such a great opportunity to include structural and electrical support for an antenna, lighting protection, and proper bonding for your radio electronics.  If you go on to become a ham you’ll be set. 
    Third, closely review your HOA agreement and state and county laws to see what they say about antennas. Not all HOAs ban ham radio antennas and some government entities prohibit HOAs from infringing on certain types of antennas. Also the ARRL is constantly supporting legislation that restores some level of antenna freedom to people affected by HOA restrictions.
    Although I agree in principle with your disdain for HOAs banning antennas, you are victim blaming. He said he’s a noob to GMRS and asked us to take it easy.
    He might not have known that someday he would want an antenna. Lately some of your answers have been way out on the superior judgmental horse’s ass end of the spectrum.
  4. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to WROQ359 in New to radio   
    Use repeater section of the site to locate repeaters near you. Keep in mind you will likely find more repeaters that you can hear than you will be able to make contact with. Also check and see if there are any clubs in your area. Most importantly just have a good time and try not to let the knuckleheads ruin it for you. 
  5. Thanks
    WRXB215 reacted to SteveShannon in new to GMRS question on Baofeng GM-15 Pro   
    Fixed it for you:

  6. Thanks
    WRXB215 reacted to WRDJ205 in new to GMRS question on Baofeng GM-15 Pro   
    Sorry for the sideways picture…

  7. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to WRYZ926 in Ham Radio Saves Off Roading Family   
    All types of communication devices can fail or not work due to location. It never hurts to have different modes of communications available to you. And I agree, never go out alone or at least let someone know exactly where you are planning on going.
  8. Like
    WRXB215 got a reaction from WRXR255 in New to radio   
    @nokones they have GMRS versions of the UV-5R now.
  9. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to WRYZ926 in Is there anyway to unlock BTech 20v2?   
    Most GMRS certified radios have the firmware locked down so that people cannot unlock them.
    Most dual band 2m/70cm radios can be unlocked through software hacks or hardware modifications.
    The issue with unlocked radios is that most go down to 5 watts and GMRS channels 8 - 14 are limited to 0.5 watts since they are in between the  GMRS repeater channels. Running at 5 watts, especially on wide band, could cause interference.
    Yes I do have one GMRS certified 20 watt radio that will transmit on channels 8 - 14. But I won't transmit on those channels even on low power (5 watts) unless it is a real world emergency.
  10. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to WRQC527 in Counterpoise   
    I tried it once because I had an extra ten cents, and I found that it had absolutely no effect. Except right now I could really use that dime back.
  11. Like
    WRXB215 got a reaction from WRUU653 in New to radio   
    @nokones they have GMRS versions of the UV-5R now.
  12. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to WRYZ926 in GMRS Yagi 7 element beam   
    The Comet CA-712EFC is a great antenna. How far you can talk to others will depend on how high the antenna is, local terrain, vegetation/trees, structures, etc. Don't expect to get a 200 mile range unless you live in the wide open desert or along very large lake.
  13. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to WRUU653 in Ham Radio Saves Off Roading Family   
    It’s nice to see a happy ending story now and again. 
  14. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to WRYB563 in What's with the repeater drama?   
    Actually, just the opposite. The +5 is relative to your receive frequency. You listen on the 462 frequency and transmit 5 up. 
  15. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to edisondotme in Why no state issued GMRS call sign license plates?   
    This is true and I am normally all for protecting personal information, but I think the vast majority of people are not even aware that they could look up someone's info via call sign. Nor would the vast majority of people even be aware that it is a call sign.
  16. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to WRYB563 in What's with the repeater drama?   
    I think that some GMRS users might be happier with a cell phone service instead of a radio service. With a cell phone you can talk to exactly who you want, when you want, and you don’t have to listen to anyone else. With a radio service it is a shared space where others may talk about things that you aren’t interested in. 
  17. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to Lscott in Eclipse   
    I think today will be one where Ham, GMRS and CB radio is going to get a bit of a workout. People driving around trying to beat out the traffic to find a good location to view the eclipse. With the weather forecast being crummy in some areas getting up to date viewing conditions is going to cause a lot of last minute scrambling to get to a better site.
  18. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to marcspaz in Is 50 watts a waste?   
    @WSAK691 I want to touch on the EmComm stuff a bit. 
    I have a 50w UHF station, a 110w UHF station, 50w VHF station, three 50w VHF/UHF repeaters, a 300w VHF station, and a 100w HF station. I have solar and batteries delivering enough power to run at 100w with a 50% duty cycle, 24 hours a day for the life of the batteries (translate to many years). And the reality is, in a real emergency, which I have worked many, I promise you are not going to be anywhere near 50% duty cycle. 
    All of my stations drop to 5w, except my HF radio which will go to 0.4w. Even with no batteries, I can run any one of my radios on low power and pure solar for peak direct light hours. That can be 5 to 7 hours a day, depending on the time of year, weather, etc.
    I mention all this to highlight the fact that just because a radio can produce 50w, 100w or more, that doesn't mean you have to run them that high all the time. In fact, the FCC rules and generally good practice for not causing interference, is to use the least amount of power required for reliable communications. I would rather have the power in case I need it, rather than not having the option. 
    If you're going to spend the effort and money, there is very little cost or time difference when building a 40w power source and a 1,500w power source.
  19. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to WRDJ205 in new to GMRS question on Baofeng GM-15 Pro   
    I suggest that you watch some YouTube videos on GMRS radios to get an idea of the basic concepts.  From there, you can ask questions on this forum.  
    Many of us have that same radio.  It’s not hard to program repeaters directly on the radio without having the cable and programming software.   
    Lastly, don’t be worried about pressing the wrong buttons.  It can probably be fixed with a little help or investigation.   
  20. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to WRXR255 in Retevis Ailunce HA1G   
    One note on the NOAA weather radio stuff... There is no official "channel" name/number/designation.  NOAA just has these as a frequency for each.  If its preprogrammed and not changeable by the radio Manufacturer by you, they can and do call them whatever they want.  WX 1 on one brand, with the same freq. on another it might be hard coded in as NOAA 3, for example.
  21. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to WRYZ926 in Is 50 watts a waste?   
    50 watts can be overkill if one has a good clear line of sight to a local repeater. But 50 watts comes in handy when trying to reach others on simplex. I can get into the local GMRS repeater that is 21.5 miles away with 10 watts. I need all 50 watts to talk to guys on simplex that are at the same distance. One guy lives about 2 miles west of the repeater tower. His antenna is at 40 feet while mine is at 18 feet. The repeater antennas are at 400 feet.
  22. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to SteveShannon in What's with the repeater drama?   
    Here’s what the regulations say. It’s certainly not limited to families. People can use GMRS talk about many different things. There is a longer list of prohibited uses, but talking about radios isn’t in there.
    95.1731 Permissible GMRS uses.
    The operator of a GMRS station may use that station for two-way plain language voice communications with other GMRS stations and with FRS units concerning personal or business activities. 
  23. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to WRUU653 in What's with the repeater drama?   
    Seems to me “some people” have very strong opinions about how and what people can and can’t talk about on repeaters they don’t even own. This us vs them rhetoric is ridiculous. It’s just fn radios people, not the Middle East. You can turn the knob or oh wait if only there was a way to have private conversations with people we know without all the RF turf war tensions. Google it on your iPhone.😂 Go sports team go 😂. If I may interject some sarcasm of my own… Sad hams? Sad GMRSer or is it antihamite? Oh life is so horrible, why can’t I control how hams (AKA other licensed GMRS users) talk on repeaters that aren’t mine? Damn those sad hams! Damn appliance operators! Geezus! Funniest thread ever. 😂
  24. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to WRUU653 in What's with the repeater drama?   
    Oh no it isn't just you. I saw it. I've been marveling at the irony.  😂
  25. Like
    WRXB215 got a reaction from WRUU653 in What's with the repeater drama?   
    I'm glad that's not the case in my area. So far, I've only encountered one ham that was a jerk. He was on a ham repeater ranting about GMRS and NO other ham agreed with him. We all defended GMRS and basically told him to shut up. I never could get his call sign but I think, by his voice and his rant, that he was the same guy I heard several months ago on a GMRS repeater ranting about something.
    I think it's more about the individual than the radio service they are using.
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