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    WRXB215 got a reaction from Darmie in I now have a LEGAL GMRS Radio.   
    Even though this scenario can actually happen, I encourage you to get your ham license and get on the air. You will increase your circle of trusted friends which can be a real asset during such an event.
    Also, I think it was @Lscott that pointed out once that in a stressful situation you want a radio that is very simple to operate. It sounds like good advice to me.
  2. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to gortex2 in Anyone have any trouble with using 2 KG1000G GMRS as repeaters? Can get mine to work   
    For the proce you paid for 2 radios you could buy a good used LMR repeater. I've not seen many folks on this site successfully impliment one and have good resoluts. Lots of choises out there if you look.
  3. Like
    WRXB215 got a reaction from WRUU653 in Can you reduce syllables in your call sign ("Ten" instead of "One-Zee-Roh")?   
    We all understand the lack of enforcement by the FCC. 
    @AdmiralCochrane hit the nail on the head. I'm sure we would all like to keep some degree of civility and usefulness in GMRS.
  4. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to Lscott in Interference on 462.5325 MHZ Oakland Co Michigan   
    Cool. Like to know what you find.
  5. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to SignallyCurious2 in Interference on 462.5325 MHZ Oakland Co Michigan   
    Got some tracking done today, it’s intermittent and only 9-5. I believe the signal is between Coolidge and crooks, 14 and 15 mile. Couple interesting antenna arrays that I’m going to check out tomorrow. 

  6. Like
    WRXB215 got a reaction from WRHS218 in NewBe Question Baofeng UV-5G Plus Software   
    baofengradio.com or baofengtech.com?
    The file I downloaded from baofengradio.com is:
    5X and 5G are listed as the same radio. This software installed with no problems for me.
    I can't find anything for UV-5G or UV-5X on the boafengtech.com site.
  7. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to Lscott in Interference on 462.5325 MHZ Oakland Co Michigan   
    You can try removing the antenna on the radio. That's a cheap kind of signal attenuater. Do that when the signal gets real strong with the antenna connected. When you get close enough to the source the radio should respond even without the antenna connected.
    One other trick is flip the radio over so the antenna is horizontal. The source antenna is likely vertical and the cross polarization results in may cases another 20db attenuation. Then rotate in a circle. When the signal is minimum either the end of the antenna is point nearly towards the source or directly away from it. Try that in several locations and that can help pin down the area.
  8. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to SteveShannon in Is the btech gmrs v2 a decent upgrade?   
    You sure get wound up trying to justify your actions by pointing fingers at others. 
  9. Like
    WRXB215 got a reaction from WRUU653 in GMRS Type Accepted Radio List   
    @AdmiralCochrane and @Lscott I like the SDR idea but I don't currently have one so I'll have to stick to Lscott's suggestion of testing with another radio. And since my AC is out, all my planned purchases are on hold for a while. 🙁
    Edit: I do have an old scanner so maybe I can use that to test UHF.
  10. Haha
    WRXB215 got a reaction from WRUU653 in I now have a LEGAL GMRS Radio.   
    Don't forget the hand mic, one for each. Cross the cables to make an X on your chest. That really gets them. 😆
  11. Haha
    WRXB215 got a reaction from back4more70 in I now have a LEGAL GMRS Radio.   
    Don't forget the hand mic, one for each. Cross the cables to make an X on your chest. That really gets them. 😆
  12. Like
    WRXB215 got a reaction from SteveShannon in NewBe Question Baofeng UV-5G Plus Software   
    Where did you download the software from and exactly what is the name of the file?
  13. Like
    WRXB215 got a reaction from SteveShannon in I now have a LEGAL GMRS Radio.   
    Don't forget the hand mic, one for each. Cross the cables to make an X on your chest. That really gets them. 😆
  14. Like
    WRXB215 got a reaction from SteveShannon in GMRS Type Accepted Radio List   
    @AdmiralCochrane and @Lscott I like the SDR idea but I don't currently have one so I'll have to stick to Lscott's suggestion of testing with another radio. And since my AC is out, all my planned purchases are on hold for a while. 🙁
    Edit: I do have an old scanner so maybe I can use that to test UHF.
  15. Like
    WRXB215 got a reaction from SteveShannon in Can you reduce syllables in your call sign ("Ten" instead of "One-Zee-Roh")?   
    We all understand the lack of enforcement by the FCC. 
    @AdmiralCochrane hit the nail on the head. I'm sure we would all like to keep some degree of civility and usefulness in GMRS.
  16. Haha
    WRXB215 reacted to WRYC373 in Vanity   
    Blessed may he be who gave the FCC another 35$ to be told "no thou shalt not!".
  17. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to WSAA635 in I now have a LEGAL GMRS Radio.   
    Why, this radio doesn't transmit data so the antenna has zero to do with it's Type 95e approval.
    This is also a Superhet radio so the radio circuit is a lot higher quality than my $20 Baofeng radios.
    Also, not to get off track but I have a UV-5R, 2/UV-82's a Talkpod A36 Plus and a Yaesu FT-65r, all of which get NOAA and 3 of which were in the $20 price range.
    The 805g is just my first actual GMRS approved radio.
  18. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to WSAA635 in I now have a LEGAL GMRS Radio.   
    In breaking with my tradition of being such a GMRS "Outlaw" by using my unlocked HAM radios I thought it would make some of the GMRS Karens happy to know that I now have a legitimate GMRS Type 95e approved radio. My Wouxun KG-805g came in yesterday and I got it all set up and ready to go. 
      I'm glad I went with it over the 905g because it has Broadcast FM Radio so I can keep in touch with the local news and listen to music.  I wish it had NOAA but I guess for $80 bucks you can't have everything.  Anyway,  I'm pretty happy with it so far and once my Nagoya 701G antenna gets in tomorrow I may do a video on it for the YouTubes. 🤪
  19. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to jwilkers in Is the btech gmrs v2 a decent upgrade?   
    Probably nothing.

    But today's wod today kids is integrity. Following the rules anyway.

    Sent from my SM-A136U using Tapatalk

  20. Thanks
    WRXB215 reacted to WRQC527 in Can you reduce syllables in your call sign ("Ten" instead of "One-Zee-Roh")?   
    Not so sure about the "live in the same state" thing. You would need to point out that nuance in the rules, but the actual rule that says who can operate under a licensee's license appears to apply to folks using the licensee's station(s). Not their stations. So basically if your family member lives in Flagstaff and you're in Avondale, and they go out and buy themselves a GMRS radio and start transmitting under your license just because they're your kin, well I'm not sure that exactly qualifies. If they come to your house and you hand them one of your radios for the day, different story. I'll let others pontificate on this, but that's how it appears to me.
    It says:
    "Any individual who holds an individual license may allow his or her immediate family members to operate his or her GMRS station or stations. Immediate family members are the licensee's spouse, children, grandchildren, stepchildren, parents, grandparents, stepparents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, and in-laws."
    Also, while it is true that it is unlikely the FCC will ever prosecute someone for violating any of Part 95 unless you're doing something really stupid and angering a lot of people, I wouldn't be taking any legal advice from any influencer.
  21. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to AdmiralCochrane in Can you reduce syllables in your call sign ("Ten" instead of "One-Zee-Roh")?   
    Not following rules because "I don't have to because I don't feel like it" is the reason CB is now useless.   Espousing the same for GMRS hastens its similar demise as a useful band. 
  22. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to SteveShannon in +5 the only duplex?   
    It’s either a typo or not GMRS. There are no 466 MHz frequencies in GMRS. 
  23. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to Lscott in Solar Panels to charge a typical 1500mAh HT battery   
    You need more than just a solar panel. The battery pack they use is a Lithium Ion type and has very specific charge requirements. That is satisfied by the charger base. You need a solar panel and some type of regulator to keep the input to the charger base within specifications. DO NOT try to charge the battery pack directly off the solar panel!
    Most solar panels for low to medium power applications output up to 20 to 22 volts DC, likely way to high for the charger base. You can use a DC to DC converter with a wide input voltage range and a fixed output voltage to feed the charger base.
    The Baofeng charger base has an input of 10 VDC, 12 VDC would likely work OK. Then you need  DC to DC converter that would take a wide input voltage range from the solar panel and output a fixed 12 VDC. One example, don't take this as a recommendation, is at the following link.
    Datasheet specifications.
    The input voltage range is 9 to 36 VDC so this should cover a 5 watt solar panel. You can find some 5 watt solar panels on line. I've attached some photos of a few I have. You'll likely pay around $20 to $30 for one. You'll also need some cable and connectors to wire in the DC to DC converter and connect to the charger base.

    Solarverter.pdf Solarland SLP005-12.pdf 5 Watt No Name Light Aluminum Frame Solar Panel.pdf
  24. Thanks
    WRXB215 reacted to Lscott in GMRS Type Accepted Radio List   
    I don't know. I think there are some reviews on YouTube on the topic. I would also do some research on-line to see if there is anything. As popular as they seem to be somebody likely has done some recent testing. 
    One other place to check is the FCC site. If the radio is legally sold in the US it should, required, to have an FCC ID. Using that you can look up the grant and test reports. The grant by the way will likely just show just a certification for Part 15, not 97. The FCC's main concern is the radio is blocked from receiving cell phone frequencies.
    You can do an informal, crude, test using another radio. TX on 146.0MHz on the test radio. Then using a second radio some short distance away tuned for 438.0MHz, that's the third harmonic, and see if you can pick up a signal.  If you can you likely have a problem. If not the radio "might" be acceptably clean, at least on VHF. It's no guarantee it's OK on UHF however.
    Dual band radios typically have two transmit "chains", power amp stages and filters, for each band. Both need to be checked. 
    You can try the same kind of test on UHF but you'll likely will need a scanner that can tune up around 1.2GHz to 1.5GHz to catch the third harmonic.
    Your final option is try at a local Ham Radio club. Somebody there might have a spectrum analyzer, I have a model in mind on my wish list to get sooner or later, or access to one. You can see if a test of your radio can be arranged. I'm sure you won't be the first person in a club who wants to know if their cheap radio meets FCC emission limits.
  25. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to BoxCar in Alamo City GMRS Community   
    It's just hammered to the wall. Likr I said, it doesn't go anywhere.
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