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Everything posted by GreggInFL

  1. GreggInFL


    Is the repeater open or private? If it's private you will have to wait until they approve you. If it's open you might wait a reasonable period of time, connect to the repeater, transmit your ID and ask for permission. If no one says no, go ahead and use it.
  2. As a poorly qualified noob I have the constant feeling that I'm missing something. According to the obviously qualified posts here, no GMRS users have complained about linking, technical complaints such as tying up frequencies are baseless and everyone who tries it likes it. Yet there remains afoot a movement to terminate all this happiness. What am I missing? This is more of an opportunity for the FCC than it is a problem. The ability to communicate with others over long distances via linked repeaters is very appealing, with little if any apparent downside. If there is a problem with the rules then perhaps the FCC needs to change the rules.
  3. I have those radios and like them. I live in a heavily forested area and usually tell people "Half a mile, maybe two if you're lucky" when asked about range. Try a 771-style antenna, which might help. If you're mobile a mag mount on the roof of your vehicle will make a difference.
  4. It goes both ways. When I key up near my computer's UPS it triggers the alarm on the UPS. Go figure.
  5. I understand the reasoning behind this -- to ensure that the operator doesn't transmit outside the specs -- but it would be preferrable if that were a burden placed on the operator without regard to the equipment. If one can get a toaster to play by the rules they should be good to go. Operator A: "Hey buddy, what radio are you on today?" Operator B: "A GE four slicer." Of course that would require a test which defeats the whole purpose of GMRS.
  6. Congrats. But, in other words, there is no simple way to program this radio.
  7. Quick note: There is no minimum age for family members. Which reminds me, before I got into GMRS I asked a user why he had the radios for his kids when they could just use cell phones. He said, "I don't want Junior dropping a $500 phone over the side of the canoe."
  8. Following. Having the same problem with the 25W version. I have a W10 machine around so I'll try that next, but a permanent solution would be nice.
  9. Any updates on this? Chirp now lists the DB25-G but I don't trust the Radioddity cable that came with the radio because when plugged into the computer Chirp returns a warning saying the cable won't work with Windows 11 -- this without the other end of the cable being plugged into the radio. Must this combo (Chirp/cable) be run on a W10 machine? I could try to back it up on the W11 machine but don't want to brick it. Can a different cable be used? Also, when I tried the Radioddity software the OS says a file is missing or invalid. Dead in the water here. TIA.
  10. Any way we could get elevation data for a repeater's antenna? Would help when plugged into SCADAcore.
  11. GreggInFL

    GRMS Needed?

    For the record, not me.
  12. I'm using a Radioddity DB25-G with a Nagoya UT-72G antenna. At ~$137 total it's a mid-grade package but will still hit repeaters at 15+ miles, which doesn't sound like much but I'm pushing through a mountain of trees. Had I gone with a Midland MXTA26 antenna and mount the package would hit your $200 budget. That antenna with the Wouxun radio noted above (nice combo) is going to run ~$300. My next upgrade will be that antenna.
  13. Welcome! Looks like you have three repeaters nearby, with 550 being rather healthy.
  14. If all you want to do is talk to someone I suggest you start here. This is probably the worst GMRS radio on the planet, but at $11 each it's money well spent for someone who wants to dip their toe in the water. If you mean "excellent" regardless of cost you'll probably end up with a Wouxun or similar. If you just want to buy one radio once I'd recommend the Baofeng GM-15 Pro. It's my everyday go to radio. As noted above, it's a long list.
  15. Happened to me briefly: https://forums.mygmrs.com/topic/1713-whats-missing-from-mygmrscom/page/4/#comment-84085
  16. Jack in the Box, hands down. Followed closely by In-and-Out.
  17. And that's why I'm here.
  18. Nevermind. That was fast. Back up and running.
  19. At the moment, a functional map. The page comes up but the repeater sites don't load. You guys stuck in that Crowstrike event?
  20. Good points all, and thanks for getting into the detail. I have connected with a neighbor who has similar interests and we will probably end up working on this together, with a plan similar to what you describe. I love this bar.
  21. LOL. Guess who bought a base station radio today? Love the logic. Thanks.
  22. I hear ya, brother. I'm at the opposite end of the LOS spectrum and am dancing the jig when I get five miles on an HT.
  23. Yes. Tones are filters that filter out everything not on that tone, so if you want to receive everything coming from a repeater just don't set any receive tone and you will filter out nothing.
  24. ^ The GM-15 Pro is my everyday hand-out HT. You'll like it.
  25. Good to know. I like that. Thanks.
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