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    Star Valley, AZ

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  1. Thanks, I'm going to give it a try! Tim kk7vv9/WSAC215
  2. Running KMR400 (50') to an LDG IT-100 autotuner connecting to an ICOM IC-7200 with a 3' 400 coax jumper which is quite cumbersome in my limited space. Would power loss be significant if I went to a smaller diam coax? Thx Tim/kk7vvp
  3. kidphc, That worked, thanks for the info and encouragement!
  4. Figured out the LOCK function now is there a way to bypass call sign input?
  5. Preparing to take Tech test soon. I bought Yeasu ftm-500dr to monitor tfc to learn proper protocol so I don't sound like an idiot when I am able to transmit. My problem is on first pwr up step 1 is to enter call sign. Trying to bypass that step to start monitoring. I must have done something wrong since any button hit displays LOCK. Thanks in advance for help' Tim (WSAC215/GMRS)
  6. I am currently using a Comet-712efc 460-470mhhz antenna mounted 30' high. I would like to mount my Tram 1477B to monitor 144-148/430-460mhz on a kg1000g+. 1. How far apart would the antennas need to be (No TX on Tram) 2. Would an antenna splitter w/ separate coax to each antenna work or would I need a switch with the separate coax. Thx
  7. In my original post I was questioning only getting 22-23w out of my 50w MXT575. I was able to have my radio tested by C&M Communications. On my Pyramid P59KX (5/7amp pwr supply output was 23-24w. On his power supply reading 50W on the MXT.... Guess who just bought a decent pwr supply! Thanks to all the original replies. Tim WSAC215, Star Valley AZ
  8. Another vote for Comet CA-712EFC. Was using a Tram1477-B. The Comet is much better.
  9. I submitted this to Midland tech support with no response so maybe someone here can give me some opinions and/or suggestions. My Midland MXT575 is powered by 13.8vdc Pyramid PS9KX power supply. Testing with a Surecom SW-33 meter and 50W dummy load, the best output I can get is 22-23W on various channels. I know you will probably never get the full claimed power output but less than 50% ? THX, Tim (WSAC215) Star Valley, AZ
  10. sorry 928.363.1675
  11. I could hear you through shaw butte. Feel free to call me 929.363.1675
  12. WSAC215 Thanks
  13. They are up I'm hearing their frq identifier, time stamp an wx report just fine
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