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  1. Are you near Plainview, NY? Perplexity says, The East Coast Reflector has a repeater on 449.300 MHz. The W2YMM repeater, located in Plainview, Long Island, New York, operates on 449.300 MHz with a PL tone of 192.8 Hz[8]. This repeater is linked to the East Coast Reflector from 7 am to 10 am daily for the "Morning Brew" net[1]. The repeater is privately owned and maintained by Bob W2YMM, who took over ownership in 2021[8]. Citations: [1] https://w2ymm.home.blog [2] http://allstarlink.org/allmondb.php [3] https://southcoastreflector.com/links/ [4] https://www.eastcoastreflector.com [5] https://www.eastcoastreflector.com/connecting-to-the-east-coast-reflector/ [6] https://w2ymm.home.blog/commands/ [7] https://www.eastcoastreflector.com/welcome-to-ecr/ [8] https://w2ymm.home.blog/449-300/ [9] https://www.eastcoastreflector.com/ecr-repeaters/ [10] https://www.repeaterbook.com/repeaters/feature_search.php?system=East+Coast+Reflector+System&state_id=%25&type=systems
  2. Josh: Welcome to the club. Rich is correct. Your callsign on the ULS is WSFI331.
  3. Samlex SEC-1235P-M
  4. Yes. Use your existing FRN. Also be aware that the FCC will begin to enforce the use of multi-factor authentication beginning on March 29, 2024. Users will be prompted to request a six-digit secondary verification code, which will be sent to the email address(es) associated with each username. More info here -> FCC to Require Two Factor Authentication for CORES Users.
  5. The Amateur Radio Relay League has a club finder. ARRL find a club The results will definitely be skewed to amateur radio but if that possibility exists in your future it might be worth a look.
  6. I picked up the twin pack of the UV-5G Plus last week at Radioddity. The primary factor in choosing this model (my first GMRS radio) was that the batteries are chargeable via the included USB-C cable and AC adapter. Since these batteries supply a nominal 7.4VDC to the radio, I was curious as to what the charging voltage and current was for this setup. As per the attached photo, I found the voltage and current were consistent at 5.2V and 0.7A across the entire 4-5 hour charge cycle. Since the batteries normal operating range is from 7.0v to 8.4v we can conclude that the batteries have an internal step-up circuit to boost the charge voltage to an appropriate level. The USB charging capability will be useful in the field as I can use either the USB ports on my PowerWerx box, cell phone chargers, or truck USB ports.
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