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    Missouri Bootheel

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  1. he got that x ray vision from heaven as much as he be lookin up!
  2. got to keep them healthy!
  3. It sure will !!! real quick fast and in a hurry!!!
  4. quick someone call the radio po po!
  5. Been watching a lot of Randy's videos and he has a lot of great content. I have learned a lot just by watching.
  6. you are quick i give you that...
  7. i understand completely and choose not to really say anything. no point in being uptight bout stuff.
  8. https://www.ebay.com/itm/255787853186?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=4y7q0B-xQp6&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY they Might look at this and get some ideas.
  9. I'll check out the grindr app, and I am doing a lot of research into HAM radio, which will most likely be my next step. since posting this I've learned a lot about it and mostly just looking for more distance with my radios rather than ppl to chat with. we use the ht's around the property and camping, and I have a mobile unit in my work vehicle which does get more distance, but I still would like to get a bit more range out of it. I'm working adding to my house at the moment so a base station is on hold for the moment until we get the new addition done (we live in a 900 square ft cabin). new addition is for office and extra bedroom. Been doing a lot of research for my base station setup and any suggestions on antennas would be great I've looked at a comet and a few others but not sure which way to go.
  10. checked this out last night, definitely looks to be a very detailed study as well as easy to understand. Will definitely be using this when I start. I was very impressed when I looked over the website and checking out all they had to offer, and very thorough.
  11. Great I'll check it out ASAP! I've been cruising the internet and looking stuff up but with so many options it's hard to know where to begin. i've also looked into getting the ARRL books as well, I plan on getting them when I can.
  12. I've been looking into the amateur radio, and I'm very interested in going this route but for sure I have a lot to learn before I'm able to make this possible, especially with the addition to the house. If yall have any good resources for starting I'm all ears. I've had an interest in radio for a long time but only until recently have I ever been able to make it happen.
  13. I've been looking into getting into this as well. Basically, using GRMS to get my feet wet, we as a family use GRMS around our property and with family that lives close by. But I am very much interested in amateur radio and would like to go that route. currently we are building on to our house so at the moment that is just a dream as I do not have a place to setup any equipment. I do know that there are at least 2 ppl in my area (that I know of) that have their ham license.
  14. I didn't think about it like that that yall make great points on its uses. I will give it a try and check out the results.
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