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About RayDiddio

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  1. Don't forget that CB was license required until 1983.
  2. Looking to setup a base station for this and I am actually looking at the Yaesu FT-991A and the Icom IC-7300 currently and just need to make a choice. I like to take my time with purchases I want to keep for awhile and I am not looking so much for extreme portability or anything. I do love the waterfall on the IC-7300 compared to the Yaesu, however. I was recently reading into the FT-710 as it looks like a nice rig. The bulk of my time is spent on 2m and 70cm mostly on repeaters. I am also about to purchase an openspot4 for my DMR needs. Since getting the general I want to explore more. I really just need to make up my mind.
  3. Welcome from your neighbor to the south!
  4. I am still looking at what I want for an HF radio. Lots of interesting choices.
  5. Yes. That is the way. But to be honest... if I did it over again, I would study for both the tech and the general and take both on the same day. Took the general exam 2 weeks ago (thanks Ham Study!) and got a better score on that than I did on the tech exam.
  6. I was going to mention the solar as well. The portable solar chargers and generators are way better than they used to be and are plentiful in the marketplace.
  7. Not seeing a lot of Citizen's Band repeaters in my area. Last count had it at zero. CB is a wasteland. I spent 20+ years on CB and even met my wife on the radio more than 30 years ago. It was the wild wild west back in the early 1990s through the early 2000s and from listening on my scanner these days, I can see it has gotten even worse than it was back then! So you are right that CB runs rampant and amok while GMRS, where you pay for a license, gets a few cuts here and there on the path to slowly bleeding out and becoming the next CB radio.
  8. Yes. HamStudy.org has been helpful in learning about things you need to learn and studying for the amateur radio permission slip. Got my technician license on 7/15/2024 and got my general on 8/15/2024 and ham study was a big help.
  9. I enjoy these radios. A little small for my catcher's mitt hands but not horrible. Have fun with them!
  10. One of the reasons I went premium. That and to help support the site being the resource that it is.
  11. Thanks for this. I was looking at those a few weeks ago and wanted more real world feedback and here you are.
  12. People seem to be gravitating toward them in the classic car collector sense 'round here. I, personally, prefer the Pacer or the Pinto (I like things that go boom) myself.
  13. This is also my favorite origin story as it makes a lot of sense when you think about it.
  14. Pfft. I've heard this argument a million times before and it's usually right.
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