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Logan5 last won the day on October 19 2020

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About Logan5

  • Birthday June 18

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    Fort Lauderdale Florida

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  1. He may have bad cable or a connector. I have had this happen also compact LED bulbs dim and or flicker.
  2. actually the R stands for repeater capable. I bought this radio and tested on our repeater, I returned them for other reasons.
  3. It's an Egg cooker.
  4. Motorola Talkabout MT351R
  5. almost everything depends on the relationship you have with the other owners and BOD. You have some FCC protections for access to the airwaves, generally TV and satellite antennas. Yes an attic antenna can improve your access to the airwaves although less than ideal. If you have access to the attic, look for a PVC roof vent pipe, cut said pipe and add an inline "T" coupling, You could deploy a classic whip antenna in a push up out of the end of the pipe format. Like "Hogans Hero's" LOL Just make sure the water path is maintained or mitigated. there are many options.
  6. I assume you already have a ground plane UHF antenna on your truck? Do you have any kind of home antenna deployed? Before you buy a repeater or any more radios. work with what you have first. a simple SMA to BNC adapter will allow you to use external antennas, You could have a Home ridge line antenna install and easily connect to it when you get home. That Tera radio is a nice set up. get some feedline and a yagi antenna for your home base, maybe a rotor if you have local friends or family you wish to communicate with. Consider learning to build your own base antenna. there are a lot of options if you are hesitant to spend a lot of money,. check your metal piles, I keep lot's of stuff that could be used to build antennas.
  7. Just got my first GMRSv 1 from you guys. still programing. Thanks Rich.
  8. That's fantastic, I would normally recommenced against locating a fiberglass antenna so close to gas chimney but good old PVC can more than handle it. my only other concern would be the metal chimney causing unwanted reflection, but if you have achieved your goal, no worry. I have wanted to try one of those Ed. Fongs, maybe now I build one.
  9. Line of sight 8 to 12 miles with ideal antenna and height, some repeaters are linked. On special days you can talk hundreds of miles. no permit, cost of repeater: a few hundred to several thousand, depending on your requirements. If you like to tinker consider building from two old motos. Height is King, higher power in watts seldom improves a less than ideal situation.
  10. However a Mag mount will rust your bonnet and cause metal rot.
  11. I have a 55' tower and with an HT connected to the feedline and antenna as my base to an HT with a 14" whip antenna, can effectively communicate in excess of 10 miles. a higher power base radio will not make as much difference as the height of the antenna and the quality of feedline. On the HT end however an automobile ground plane antenna, even a MagMount will increase this distance even more.
  12. Thank you sir. I love it.
  13. up to 3 watts, nice looking, not bad specs. I guess I should consider reviewing a pair. a bit pricey
  14. Yes, the repeater will not go online w/o a tone to open it up. I do not know Midland radios, but I think you need a translation sheet to set the tone. it will give you the midland setting for a given tone. Keep in mind the output tone of said repeater may not be the same as the input tone.
  15. Yep sealant lined tubing is all I buy these days, I still have a lot of the old stuff, I use when appropriate. Definitely check E-bay, several sellers with assortments and or bulk discounts if your stocking up.
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