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    Logan5 reacted to mainehazmt in Finally ditched the mag mount and drilled some holes!   
    Good job. But. Your pictures don’t have any snow. In jelous. And temps of 40 lol
  2. Like
    Logan5 reacted to mcallahan in Finally ditched the mag mount and drilled some holes!   
    Being one of the last cool Saturdays left before summer hits here in Phoenix, I finally got around to drilling and mounting some antennas on the roof of my 2013 crew cab F-150 4x4, 3.5 EcoBoost.  The truck has a sun roof which significantly limits antenna placement. With the sun roof fully open, I was able to place both antennas 12" from the rear of the roof to clear everything. Not ideal, but it works MUCH better than the mag mount I had been using.  Stretches of highway on my commute that were completely deaf to our local repeater when using the mag mount antenna I can now hit easily.
    Here's the final result:

    I picked up a Laird X-ACT hole saw from a local radio shop and it worked great.

    Holes marked and masked - measure twice, cut once!

    I got a great tip from a fellow AGRC member which was to put down a protective layer above the headliner when it was dropped down in order to catch all the mess from drilling and sanding; I laid down an old towel on top of the headliner before I got started. I used gorilla tape to keep the coax from flopping around, and ran both cables behind the rear passenger side airbag (super important!), down the rear pillar and under the door trim up to the center console.

    Antennas installed - in the photo is a Laird QWD144 1/4 wave 2m on the right and a Larid BB4502N 1/2 wave UHF for GMRS on the left:

    I also have a Larsen 150/450/800 on the front fender for my scanner:

    I currently have a Uniden BCD996P2 and a Motorla CDM1250 installed in the truck; an Kenwood 2M rig will be in there soon:

    Action shot!

  3. Like
    Logan5 got a reaction from mainehazmt in PL tone breaking squelch on an open channel...   
    since your mobile is set to open it can hear anything on that channel, even a radio transmitting a PL/DPL, Your HT does not hear your mobile since you have the PL set to 141.3. PL/DPL tones do not provide privacy they only reduce interference from other radio transmissions.,
  4. Like
    Logan5 reacted to rmassara in PL tone breaking squelch on an open channel...   
    Gotcha. Thank you for the clarification.
  5. Like
    Logan5 reacted to dlux in change of licensee due to death   
    per the ULS help desk when I called them, you were correct that the family is out of luck, the license is not transferable and they must start over
  6. Like
    Logan5 reacted to berkinet in repeaters to get permission   
    Or, that the owner is not interested in adding you as a user and is not nice enough to tell you that. In which case, the wait would be infinite.
  7. Like
    Logan5 reacted to MedicDavid78 in Can't register, callsign not valid   
    That's exactly correct.  I got my GMRS license a week ago and it just showed up on MyGMRS to register today, 7 days later.
  8. Like
    Logan5 reacted to coryb27 in New to the GMRS world.   
    I was only speaking from experience, in no way am I trying to bash anybody's setup. The original poster asked for an opinion and I offered mine. I have 3 Tram/Browning omni sticks in the garage, all 3 are junk. If you connect them to a spectrum analyzer with a VSWR bridge to measure return loss and resonance in the GMRS spectrum you would see what I am talking about. Your analogy of how far you can talk with an HT connected to one is no true measure of its performance. Just for fun I connected my XPR HT to my DB-404 @ 30 feet and was able to work repeaters 35 to 45 miles away on just 2 watts of power, with coax and connector loss I figured less then 1W at the antenna. As an owner of several GMRS repeaters and a commercial UHF system I am speaking by real world experience. My best advice to anybody getting into this hobby is don't be cheap with the antenna or feed line as it is the number one factor excluding height that will effect your overall performance.
  9. Like
    Logan5 reacted to PastorGary in change of licensee due to death   
    Since no one on the MyGMRS staff is an attorney, this reply is solely based upon FCC wording and common interpretation in Part 95 Section 1705.

    Subpart ( a)( 2):   " Any person that holds a valid individual license is eligible to obtain a renewed license, or a modified license to reflect a change of name or address.
    If the original license holder is deceased, he or she is no longer eligible to renew or modify.

    Subpart (b ):   "Individual licensee responsibility. The holder of an individual license to operate GMRS stations is responsible at all times for the proper operation of the stations in compliance with all applicable rules in this part.
    If the individual license holder is deceased, he or she can no longer be "responsible at all times for the proper operation or compliance."
    Therefore, under the wording in Section 1705 as listed above, and other applicable licensee responsibilities that can not be fulfilled if the original licensee is deceased, the license most likely becomes void upon the licensee's passing and another family member would have to apply for an FRN as well as a NEW license and allow family members to operate under that NEW license.  The FCC ULS Office can be reached initially by calling 1-888-CALL-FCC and then asking for the ULS Information Desk.  Discuss the situation with the agent and they will be able to give information about proper FCC procedures in this case.

  10. Like
    Logan5 reacted to quarterwave in Getting into this two way hobby...   
    I don't climb...I always thought about buying old worn out bucket truck to use as my "tower"...lol.
  11. Like
    Logan5 reacted to rockhound in Travel Tones, PL/DPL differences   
    Congratulations to cougar100101 who passed his amateur radio tech exam and then went for his general which I believe he also passed.  Enjoyed meeting and having lunch with him as I also passed my general upgrade that day now on to extra.  Good people, good friends are made here.  
  12. Like
    Logan5 reacted to n4gix in Message exchange with Amateur Radio Service prohibited?   
    I actually do precisely this whenever our local ham club and local GMRS club conduct "joint emcom nets". Since I am a licensed GMRS station as well as a licensed amateur operator, I handle the 'test message' traffic from one group to the other...
    I just have to remember which 'hat' I'm wearing whenever I grab for the mic!
  13. Like
    Logan5 reacted to bulldog89801 in Baofeng UV-82HP   
    Hello all,
    WRAQ769 here and I thought just to wake everyone up I would make my first post into an old, outdated thread just to work on my typing skills! LOL... I'm disabled and type via the one handed "Hunt and Peck" method. I'm sure that this thread being as old as it is, nothing that I post here will ne of any importance or earth shaking news of any sort.
    The UV-82HP is what I like to call a true "Hybrid", a best of both worlds to speak between the UV-5 series and the UV-82 series. JIMDOC asked what the major differences were between the UV-82C and the UV-82HP? The MAJOR difference is the Tri-Power ability of the UV-82HP, and for the FCC fans (supporters) the UV-82C is is FCC Part 90 compliant due to its ability to Transmit on Narrowband (12.5kHz) and Wideband (25kHz). And if my old tired memory serves me right, I believe that it is / was the only Baofeng model to have that illustrious distinction. I could be wrong, at least my wife says I'm wrong pretty much all of the time! My wife and I both use the UV-82 HP for monitoring local HAM chatter around our area (while we are studying to get or "Technicians class ticket and we use our GMRS-V1's for chatting from our local race car track to our base / mobile units because cell phone coverage is non-existent down in that bowl of a valley. I thought about programming the UV-82HP's to use on the GMRS / FRS (thus eliminating the need for the GMRS-V1 units BUT because the UV-82HP are NOT FCC certified for that use (the GMRS-V1's are FCC certified (Part 95A) for use on GMRS frequencies, AND the GMRS-V1 is also FCC certified for VHF/UHF scanning capabilities (Part 15B)...) we opted to get the GMRS-V1 units just to be on the safe side! I truly don't know why I was concerned with being "LEGAL" if the FCC's eyes because I've been a mavrick of non-compliance almost all of my life! Go figure, it must be old age catching up with me...
    We love the UV-82 series over the UV-5 series radios that we have tried just because it feels better in our hands. Some say it's too small but we think it's JUST RIGHT! Plus we liked the ability ot get the UV-82's in some other colors rather then just the standard "BLACK" option. I went with the "Camo" unit and my wife went with the "YELLOW" unit because she is a Paramedic" and the yellow case stands out like nobodies business wherever she chooses to set it down. They FEEL sturdier (build wise) than the UV-5 units. I have drop tested my UV-82HP unit "AT LEAST" 20 times (remember, I'm disabled) and other than a few cosmetic scratches on the battery shell the UV-82HP continues to work perfectly, the battery life is extremely acceptable for our current usage and when tested with the upgraded genuine dual band "NAGOYA NA-717" Antenna, she has NO ISSUES reaching out to key up one of our local repeaters 12 miles away on "LOW" power.
    Well, enough for my first post to the group. I am mostly a "lerker", I like to hangout in the corner and just listen and learn. But I have been know to speak up and stir the pot every once in awhile! Thanks for adding me to the group and I look forward to getting more involved in this radio addiction as time goes on. 
    bulldog89801 (a.k.a. Bill)
    Elko, Nevada
  14. Like
    Logan5 reacted to WRAK968 in Message exchange with Amateur Radio Service prohibited?   
    I think there are two parts to this answer. The first has to do with emcoms, "(except emergency messages)" Basically, aside from drills, if you're using ARES or RACES you are considered emergency traffic and should have priority on a particular frequency or repeater in the ham band. If an operator holds two licenses and an outside agency [For example CERT] is using GMRS that traffic may be re-transmitted between the two sides by use of mouth [no automatic relay/cross repeater.] The same rules apply in that personal information may not be transmitted, and you can not transmit information for profit. Further, if I recall, unlike RACES/ARES where they can take over a designated ham repeater for operation, CERT is NOT allowed to take over a given frequency and must allow other users to communicate on the channel.

    The second part of the answer I believe means you can not have automatic control of a relay system that allows users of the two separate license classes to co-mingle, or, to put in English, you cant have a radio system that allows GMRS users to TX on the ham bands, or ham users to TX on the GMRS/MURS frequencies. This is to prevent unauthorized and unlicensed transmissions on either side.
  15. Like
    Logan5 reacted to chiefeis in Baofeng uv-5r   
    Except, of course, the GMRS V1. 
  16. Like
    Logan5 reacted to WRAF213 in VX 4207-7-45 good/bad/indifferent?   
    That's not what TCB means.
    TCB Information describes what class of product (following Part 15 scope) the tester is testing; testing procedure is different for differing product classes. The actual type acceptance certification is not granted by the TCB. The FCC grants this. At the very bottom of that page, the only type acceptance granted is for Part 90.
  17. Like
    Logan5 reacted to WRAF213 in "Wall to wall and tree top tall"...?   
    If you can make contact with the repeater users again over the output, ask them for the repeater's tone and location. If it's a private system, they may not give it out. Alternatively, if the repeater sends a callsign, it may already be in the database under that callsign.
  18. Like
    Logan5 reacted to WRAF213 in Baofeng uv-5r   
    The BF-888S isn't horrific -- there's a mod to fix the audio problem, and it managed to get Part 90 acceptance (though I'm highly suspicious of the exact testing done since it earned a 3K81 bandwidth). You do, however, need to make sure they're staying on frequency. Less than half the units I have seen on the air have maintained < 4ppm error, and some were approaching 20ppm.
    Harmonics radiation is a problem mostly on the dual-band models, where the third harmonic on VHF lands within an allowable VFO frequency on UHF. I measured 7mW out on UHF while transmitting on VHF. Lowpass filtering makes this less of an issue for the 900 MHz second harmonic while transmitting on UHF. I don't know exactly how bad the BF-888S is with this, as I don't yet have one; I would imagine performance (or lack thereof) is comparable to the UV-5R and UV-82. Do bear in mind that the BF-888S desensitizes rather easily -- it doesn't play nice with other transmitters nearby.
  19. Like
    Logan5 got a reaction from Hans in Profile pic upload   
    Unless something has changed, the profile pic option is very sensitive about file size, so you must crop and resize your image so that it is not over the file size limit before you attempt to upload.
  20. Like
    Logan5 reacted in VX 4207-7-45 good/bad/indifferent?   
    I found it on the FCC website.I am surprised they have a radio that is certified...William
  21. Like
    Logan5 got a reaction from chiefeis in BF-888S   
    No it is not, but the Pofung-GT-1 is the upgraded version of the 888. It uses a feature button to address the FM radio tuner. US based members, Please be mindful this radio as well as the 888 is not part95 cert for use on FRS/GMRS
  22. Like
    Logan5 reacted to FrankNY in Need Advice For Purchase of Several Radios   
    Steve, as already mentioned by Jones, I would suggest taking a look at the BTECH GMRS-V1, which has repeater capability.


    The BTECH GMRS-V1 is FCC certified for Part 95A (GMRS) and is therefore legal to use.

    If you want to learn more about this radio, Miklor, as usual, has a FAQ on the GMRS-V1.


    The GMRS-V1 can be purchased through Amazon for $54.99 with free shipping, so four of them would run you $219.96, which is well within your $250.00 budget.


    And if for some reason you happen to dislike the free CHIRP programming software, RT Systems offers its BTS-GMRSV1 Radio Programming Software.


    The RT Systems BTS-GMRSV1 software requires use of an RT Systems USB-K4Y cable, which can be purchased together with the software for $49.00.


    You could purchase four of the BTECH GMRS-V1 radios plus the RT Systems software and cable for an amount that's just slightly over your $250 budget and you would be repeater-ready for the future. If you acquire now radios that aren't repeater-capable and later wish to use them through a repeater, you would have to purchase new radios.

    Good luck!

  23. Like
    Logan5 reacted to mainehazmt in Can't register, callsign not valid   
    The It’s because we have super secret thoughts and ideas here......and we had to put them away before new people found out!
  24. Like
    Logan5 reacted to Jones in Need Advice For Purchase of Several Radios   
    Try the
  25. Like
    Logan5 got a reaction from couger100101 in "Wall to wall and tree top tall"...?   
    Two yagi antennas pointed at each other one 25 feet and the other 35 feet @ 5 watts really only 3.7 a lil over 11 miles, with the limited height it was only 4 out of 5 but usable, now that I have 55 feet on my end is 5 out of 5, but we use the repeater, as a dedicated link takes up too much tower space. I truly wish I had access to the roof of a 12 to 20 story building, then I could do other UHF stuff with my tower. I shut down from time to time to scan the other GMRS channels, has been a wile. got a Mag NMO on the truck, use a cheap window clip in the new SUV, around the house, I use low power 500mw and a unity nub BNC antenna. Out and about I use the typical soft rod 12 inch antenna in the BNC version
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