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    Phoenix, Az
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    Mountain Biking, radios

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  1. The Wouxun radios I have purchased all came pre set to narrow band on the shared FRS channels. Just picked up a Tidradio H3 to mess with and same. Think it is a standard that they are set to narrow on the shared FRS channels.
  2. I will ask around. It is the browning BR-450 https://a.co/d/0DDe9XK. Amazon link. this is with the original one I had purchased that I put back on. 462 is fine. 467 is a bit higher.pictures attached. I will check an auto parts store for other whips. Home Depot was going to be my guess. My goal is to get the 467 side to 1.25 or better. Just figured it would help prolong the life of the radio.
  3. OK so I had added a reply twice since my last but it did not post for what ever reason. I actually cut the antenna to 470 for what ever reason. I honestly do not know what I was thinking. So I ordered a new one and cut it to the 465 are. Did a test and SWR was 1.80-85 area. Took about 3 mil off and now 2.2. I guess i need it longer or I am not measuring the correct spot when cutting? I also have the midland gain antenna that I get a bit of a better reading on but it does not pick up as well. So, I took the original Browning BR-450 antenna and put it back on for the time being as it is below 2.0. Thanks for all the help in this. It is really appreciated.
  4. 2.10 on 550 and 2.20 on 725 i put the midland mxta26 on and it is at 1.10 (550) and 1.7-1.9 (725) Ironically it was a lot higher with mag mount so I went with the Browning BR-450 instead as I had installed them in the past on vehicles and no issues. I have it (browning ) cut to 470, now thinking I don’t know why and it might be a tad too short. I will see if I can find where I can but a new bottom rod or just order a new antenna and deal with the loss. I have the midland in there for now. Midland is ok, but browning seems to have a better signal to me.
  5. I have 550 up to 725 in my area and I use both frequently so I will cut my antenna a tad more.
  6. Hit it with the meter. GMRS channel 1 is 1:01 Then did 550 and 725 and was 1:39 and 1:40. I have to he antenna cut for 467 so it is probably pretty close I realized after I put everything away I was on 462 still. I guess I can’t complain with the return watts being that low.
  7. The mag mount wire was routed through the top ceiling next to air bag curtains. Sucked to get in there nut that gave me more wire to get to radio. This I did like back in old days of doing it for a living and ran down the rear door pillar and across the bottom using the channels in the floor. Bit more of pulling stuff off but trying to get it perfectly aligned to stay away from curtains was more of a hassle than it is worth. Just don’t want it to shift over time from vibration/body sway and interfere with a deployment. (Hope it does not happen but….). Last time I did anything like this was 2004 so a bit rusty.
  8. Why not google search GMRS clubs for areas you are going to or even FaveBook? Might be able to find listings of active repeaters.
  9. Ok. So after digging around some on the roof area and playing around with options I went about 7 inches in front of shark fin. Gave me a few inches of space as buffer from moon roof when opened. I was originally opting for passenger side area between rail and fin to give me more space when I put basket on but I am getting better mileage with it off and use it not like I thought I would. (Kids are bigger and not into camping anymore) the only thing I will add is a piece of loom on the inside and zip tie it to the cross member to be sure to keep it out of the way. Thanks for all the feedback back. It has been about 20 years since I did this and the vehicles back then did not have all theses side air bags and safety features. kevin
  10. Good call. I don’t use it a whole lot but forget about that. I will have to pull the liner down in the back with it retracted to see when it stops.
  11. I have a Subaru Forester Sport that I have a Tram 5.5" mag mount with a Browning UHF gain antenna that I have cut to 467 MHz. I have purchased direct mount to the roof but I want to drill once and be done. Question is when I place the mag mount in the middle in front of the shark fin by a few inches I get an SWR of 1.7 of higher. If I move it in between the shark fin and the side rails on passenger side it drops to 1.5 +/-. If I move it to the same spot on divers side I get about 1.3 +/-. The back of the vehicle does have a fiberglass/plastic cowling for rear window and more towards the front I have the "Moon Roof" as they call it. I do have a roof rack that I put on once in a while and with it on or off I did not notice any gain or loss in SWR when testing with it on the sides. The roof rack rail in attached picture in the back I have moved forward and all the way back and it did not really affect the reading. I.e. 1.52 vs 1.56. Any thoughts as to why it is lower on the drivers side vs center? Attached is a screen shot of my roof. Side note the passenger side black rectangle that looks like it is on roof rack it the thumb screw for 360 camera mount.
  12. Ok. Still trying to figure some of them out. I hear traffic on some of the frequencies, so just trying to put a name to frequency. As for the Pinal one who runs that one, SWCRS? I filled out the application about a month ago for the SWCRS and no response. I guess I can try again. Thanks Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  13. What is the frequency for Pinal? I saw one for Pinal, want to say 650 but saw somewhere one for Maricopa (city) with same freq. wondering if they are the same?
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