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Everything posted by taco6513

  1. It's my repeater. The tones are the same. We have 8 other radios including other GMRS-V1 radios programming with both tones. They all work fine. except WRDH378's unit. Has to be a problem with radio. However I don't thing it is repairable. WRCW870
  2. So it's a matter of how you read it?
  3. The maximum power for GMRS is 50 watts. The repeater is 50 watts out of the duplexer or out of the radio before the duplexer? I need code and verse please. Thanks WRCW870
  4. The btech gmrs-v1 and Motorola makes one with repeater offsets. And of course you can use a part 90 commercial radio.
  5. The tone for transmit works. He can talk over the repeater. Are running with no receive tone. The tone is programmed right. Tried a reset of radio. no luck. He bought it used anyway. Just $60 for a new one.
  6. I have a new friend. WRDH378. He has a Bteck radio. He couldn't get if to receive. When we put in the receive tone the radio acted like it was the wrong tone. Could see the radio receiving but no audio. When you take the receive tone out you can hear the audio from the repeater. The transmit tone must be fine because it activates the repeater. Anyone head of that? WRCW870
  7. May look at the "SPOT" satellite messenger. I have a iridium satellite phone. To expensive to keep on all the time. I buy a prepaid card when my daughter travels outside the USA. Satellite phone would cost about $500 per year to keep on with an emergency plan. The "SPOT" unit I beleave is about $100 per year and does some other things. WRCW870
  8. With this being the case, there seem to be many GMRS frequencies throughout the state that are Not on the list of FCC approved frequencies The State of Oregon has authorized new GMRS frequencies? How did they go around the FCC? Did Oregon suseed from the union? The list of frequencies listed on the FCC web site for GMRS use is the list. Any other frequencies require the proper license. The Btech GMRS V-1 is preprogramed to transmit on all legal GMRS channels. WRCW870
  9. I contacted the license holder. They weren't to easy to get in touch with. There radio person said they are on digital and have been since 2009. The FCC ID that was listed above they said doesn't ID. There digital systems don't ID either. He said reporting the interference to the FCC would be a waste of time, because the FCC doesn't care about GMRS . It is not bothering me for say. I did go to OKC earlier this week. Have my MXT400 antenna problem fixed. I heard it in OKC on regular 15 minute intervals. The power on the radio's meter was pegged out. Guess nothing else to do but wonder where it is coming from..... WRCW870
  10. Have you considered getting a Land Mobile license in VHF low band? The signal would travel much better in your terrain than GMRS. You could test out the range with HAM 6 meter equipment. If it works there are lots of low band equipment for sale on E-bay. Your people would not need a license as needed on GMRS. I would try to run simplex. You could set up a low band repeater but the base antenna needed are kind of pricey. WRCW870.
  11. I would give serious thought in setting up a repeater with a back up power source. This would give walkies increased range. The B-tech gnrs v1 and I believe Motorola makes a walkie that is repeater capable. However the Motorola battery life is poor. All a repeater needs is centrally located high ground. All users would need to be licensed. This is a neat project. Could radio link the repeaters if one was unable to provide the coverage needed.
  12. Is there a web page that gives the history of GMRS? Previous license requirements and other things? Thanks. WRCW870.
  13. Each 3db of gain in a double effective radiated wattage and receive gain. However to a certain point to get the next 3db gain is not feasible or cost effective.
  14. I have a question about antenna gain. Is gain really gain? A base antenna rated at 6db gain vs. A mobile antenna with the same 6db gain?
  15. Service truck has a AnyTone 5555N opened up export mode.12 watts. 108" whip. Hits the low bridges. Does ok. Not near the traffic there was 25 years ago. GMRS is a Motorola M1225 with a 6db gain Midland on a nmo mount. First time I have used nmo mounts. They look clean inside and out. Have not noticed any interference from each other.
  16. Receiving this on my first generation MXT400 at my base. 40 foot tower and 6db gain mobile antenna with ground plane kit. This radio has the best reception on any set I have. Not receiving on a scanner..... WRCW870
  17. That call sign comes back to: INTEGRIS BAPTIST MEDICAL CENTER INC They are in Oklahoma City and the maximum power of the base station is 67 Watts ERP. None of the frequency's are close to Channel 18 (462.6250). That makes no sense? WRCW870
  18. WRAF213, So it is a station ID?
  19. I agree it sounds like RTTY. only thing is what you heard is all I get. Can't be much data. I would say Semi regular intervals. What does a GPS data transmission from a garmin rino sound like? That would be short. I tried playing back to my moriss code app. Doesn't get anything.
  20. I have recorded and posted this to my YouTube. The link is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=st_6NXaJRu8 I am hearing this on GMRS Channel 18 on a fairly regular basis. Weatherford OK. 75 miles west Oklahoma City. WRCW870
  21. Is there clear line of sight between the two points? Would need line of sight. Could use 2.4Ghz wifi bridge. Use two 3 or 4 foot dish antennas. You could have someone who installs and license's microwave links to do a "path study" on the link path between the two sites. There are many repeater that are linked by internet. That would be the most cost effective. My 2 cents at my knowledge level. WRCW870
  22. Have been listening to GMRS channels on scan at my base station. I hear my repeater ID with morris code. I am hearing something else. I don't think it is an ID. It is to garbled and to fast. What does a data transmission sound like? That is what I think it might be. Thanks WRCW870
  23. I have 4 radios on the way. All 20 channels programmed. Freight and all $540.
  24. Welcome to forum! WRCW870
  25. I am looking at some Motorola M1225 radios on E-bay. I can get programmed and in my hands for $147 each. Are there any pro's or con's about this model? 20 Channels and 40 watts. Thanks WRCW870 Tons of radios listed on E-bay. I also found some Vertex and many other models of Motorola. Just not as familiar as I as 20 years ago.
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